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Barium result and Prof date

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Got another phone call from my GP this morning with the results of

my recent barium swallow, they show that I have a hiatus hernia and

problems with my oesophageal valve. Hmm, another day, another

ailment to add to my growing list. Urgh, I can't believe in the

space of 24 hours I've been diagnosed with two more conditions more

associated with people a lot older than I am. My GP has changed my

meds to try and give me a little more relief from my gastro

symptoms, until I see Prof and we decide on my treatment plan.

Talking of my stay with Prof, I spoke with the admission clerk today

and have a provisional date for 5th September. It will be confirmed

next week, but is pretty certain. I can't believe it's only just

over a week away now after months of waiting and delaying because of

my surgery and injuries. I am a little anxious as I just don't know

what to expect or what is going to happen, but I'm calmer than I

expected to be. Doubt I'll be able to say the same thing this time

next week though! Can you say nervous wreck?? ;-)

It's crazy but I'm actually desperate to get my full assessments

with Prof, but also rather worried about what else they will find

out in the process too. I am so tired of my body falling apart, but

at least I will know what I'm fighting I guess. Knowledge is power I

was told recently and I have to cling to that right now as I am

completely exhausted from the decline in my health lately. I need

some hope to hold on to and right now that is being focused on my

stay with Prof....I only pray it's not a misplaced hope. Thanks for

your support, friendship and encouragement - I couldn't get through

any of this without you.

Love and hugs.....Jo


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