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Re: Puppy with EDS?

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If you still have info with the people's name you should suggest they get te

vet to implant an ID chip in the dog. My one dog has it that way if he ever

gets away and loses his collar any vet or shelter can scan them and find out

their identity and who they belong to . BTW Out of curiosity what was this guys

namw=e and how did you find his family?

Sue K, dog lover

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We can't quit tell. I'm hoping the owners will know. Obviously a mixed breed. We

think Yellow Lab with pit bull or Shar-Pei. Something with a very large skull.

But with being about 4 months old at 25LB, I think this will be a large dog. He

is a perfectly behaved little boy. I can see someone has spent allot of time

with him in training and loving.


Re: Puppy with EDS?

Just out of curiosity what breed was this pup?


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Well, he's smaller than Sherlock was at that age. He was 38lb at 4 months.

Sherlock is now 130 lb at 4 years. We also thought Sherlock was part

Shar-pei because of all the extra skin he had. Our trainer informed us that

it was that he had a very big dog suit to grow into and that he would fill

out all that extra skin soon. They were right too, he's filled out out and

then some! Another thing to look at is the size of the feet. Sherlock had

huge feet.

Here is some info on EDS in dogs. EDS is commonly referred to as cutaneous

asthenia in the animal world. It happens in dogs, cats, and horses.

Info on Canine Cutaneous Asthenia


Meet ie - touching story of a dog with EDS


Graphic photo only



Riki's Homepage (another dog with EDS)


Riki's Memorial : (


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Hi Cindy,

Did you take a pic of him? It would be fun to see... As I have

understood, EDS is not that uncommon in dogs either... Shanti had

hypermobile joints too, it was so funny to bend her " wrists " , they

folded up double with no resistance at all. Never felt any other dog

" wrists " like hers. Peanut isn't like that either. Her skin was

really elastic too, and she got patella luxations after a while, even

if they were quite OK when I got her. I barely touched one of her

patellas once, and it luxated around 1.5 " to the side. I was totally

amazed, I really did not touch it hard at all, it was like it was

laying on top of jello. She did not seem to be bothered by it either,

and it was easy to put back in place. But if she had lived to be

older, she might have needed surgery on it at some point. But she did

not have any scars or anything, so it was just her joints, nothing

else. She also had some injuries to her joints, once she probably

luxated her hip, she was in a terrible state when I came home, and

her one leg was just hanging there and she was in a lot of pain. She

could not stand up at all because of the pain. The vet X-rayed her

and said it was obvious that her hip was hurt, but that there was no

fractures, so the vet thought she had dislocated it but it had gone

back again. She got lots of drugs for the X-rays and then also Mobic

for a few days, and then she was her old self. She was so funny after

the X-rays, after sleeping for a few hours in her crate. It was

midsummer eve, and we had planned going somewhere, so I took her, she

was just sleeping in the crate anyway. But at some point she woke up,

and obviously didn't feel any pain, so she wanted to have some fun

running around, sniffing things etc. But she was so " drunk " , she

walked sideways like a crab. She was so funny, poor thing. I had a

really hard time to get her to take it easy, she had a ball...

Aase Marit :)

>Hi all. I've had a lost puppy here and have found the owners.

>Sometime today they will pick him up. I truly believe this pup has

>EDS. I do know dogs can have it. He looks to be 4 months old (I

>figure by his teeth). I have had dogs all my life and have never

>seen a dog this flexible. He sits with his legs in all directions

>and his front shoulders sometimes bow out when he drinks. He has

>lots of little scars all over him, like his skin has been injured

>way to easily. His dew claws are broke and just hanging, and his

>skin is so stretchy. There is something very different about this

>dogs body. I'm going to write down the name of the disorder and give

>it to the owners. Hopefully if they have problems down the road,

>they can give it to the vets and figure out what is wrong. If this

>sweet little boy does have EDS is just so strange that he ended up

>here. 3 families have already asked to have him if the owners

>weren't found. He is just the sweetest little boy.


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Hi Cindy,

Did you take a pic of him? It would be fun to see... As I have

understood, EDS is not that uncommon in dogs either... Shanti had

hypermobile joints too, it was so funny to bend her " wrists " , they

folded up double with no resistance at all. Never felt any other dog

" wrists " like hers. Peanut isn't like that either. Her skin was

really elastic too, and she got patella luxations after a while, even

if they were quite OK when I got her. I barely touched one of her

patellas once, and it luxated around 1.5 " to the side. I was totally

amazed, I really did not touch it hard at all, it was like it was

laying on top of jello. She did not seem to be bothered by it either,

and it was easy to put back in place. But if she had lived to be

older, she might have needed surgery on it at some point. But she did

not have any scars or anything, so it was just her joints, nothing

else. She also had some injuries to her joints, once she probably

luxated her hip, she was in a terrible state when I came home, and

her one leg was just hanging there and she was in a lot of pain. She

could not stand up at all because of the pain. The vet X-rayed her

and said it was obvious that her hip was hurt, but that there was no

fractures, so the vet thought she had dislocated it but it had gone

back again. She got lots of drugs for the X-rays and then also Mobic

for a few days, and then she was her old self. She was so funny after

the X-rays, after sleeping for a few hours in her crate. It was

midsummer eve, and we had planned going somewhere, so I took her, she

was just sleeping in the crate anyway. But at some point she woke up,

and obviously didn't feel any pain, so she wanted to have some fun

running around, sniffing things etc. But she was so " drunk " , she

walked sideways like a crab. She was so funny, poor thing. I had a

really hard time to get her to take it easy, she had a ball...

Aase Marit :)

>Hi all. I've had a lost puppy here and have found the owners.

>Sometime today they will pick him up. I truly believe this pup has

>EDS. I do know dogs can have it. He looks to be 4 months old (I

>figure by his teeth). I have had dogs all my life and have never

>seen a dog this flexible. He sits with his legs in all directions

>and his front shoulders sometimes bow out when he drinks. He has

>lots of little scars all over him, like his skin has been injured

>way to easily. His dew claws are broke and just hanging, and his

>skin is so stretchy. There is something very different about this

>dogs body. I'm going to write down the name of the disorder and give

>it to the owners. Hopefully if they have problems down the road,

>they can give it to the vets and figure out what is wrong. If this

>sweet little boy does have EDS is just so strange that he ended up

>here. 3 families have already asked to have him if the owners

>weren't found. He is just the sweetest little boy.


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Hi Roomy, I did take a pic of him, but the picture didn't show any of his

joint problems. The owners picked him up about 30 minutes ago. They said he was

Lab and pit-bull. I wrote the name of the disorder down and gave it to them.

Told them to put it away, and if things started happening to him, to take the

paper to the vets. I read the articles Barb posted on it and told them what to

look for just incase I was right. And they promised me they'd get dog tags for

him on Friday. Sure hope they do. They were all so happy to be together again.

I'm behind on e-mails. Easy to do in this group. TTYL Cindylouwho

From: Aase Marit Waage To: ceda

Hi Cindy,

Did you take a pic of him? Shanti had

hypermobile joints too, it was so funny to bend her " wrists " , they

folded up double with no resistance at all. Never felt any other dog

" wrists " like hers. Aase Marit :)

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BTW Out of curiosity what was this guys

namw=e and how did you find his family?

Sue K, dog lover


Hi Sue, I had found the owner by calling our local dog pound. I described the

pup and left my number incase the family called there looking for him. The

officer called me this morning and gave me the folks phone number. He is now

home with his family.

I'm a dog lover too. I go on greyhound rescues. I have 3 dogs and the city

only allows 2, SHHHHHH.... I want to foster greyhounds, but I still have to

convince my hubby.


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BTW Out of curiosity what was this guys

namw=e and how did you find his family?

Sue K, dog lover


Hi Sue, I had found the owner by calling our local dog pound. I described the

pup and left my number incase the family called there looking for him. The

officer called me this morning and gave me the folks phone number. He is now

home with his family.

I'm a dog lover too. I go on greyhound rescues. I have 3 dogs and the city

only allows 2, SHHHHHH.... I want to foster greyhounds, but I still have to

convince my hubby.


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