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Reintroduction. Gordon Cheek

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well I figure i will reintroduce myself.

My nmaes Gordon cheek. I am 36 and have the hypermobile type. As a boy we

always new soemthing was up. I was capable of the most bizare contortions. When

I was young and pliable it was no thing. Now:( things are quit different!

My shoulders and hips are startying to pop like what you would see a knuckle

do. This is brand new as of a year but recently things have accelerated. dont

know whay this is happening but it isnt fun at all.My shoulders are still

hanging out of socket a good2-3 cmwich makes for real sleep issues. Same with

the leggs that Keeping in socket while trying to sleep is a joke.

I am full ssi and live at home now with mom who thank god is a RN! At the

moment. I am just running a TeamSpeak server from my home for the gamers I play

with Am starting to sculpt and work with clays and ceramics to build up my arm

and hand muscles. Will be doing things like making glass beads with mom and

building garage kits as they are called that are small sculpts of moviestars.

Mostly villians and horror stuff.

My days are prdetty borring.I was spending my days a while back trying to help

my grandparrents do the simple things in life. Kitchen and othe stuff. Eventualy

my arms, neck, and meds became such a issue that I couldnt help anymore. Now I

am back home and reclusive as ever I am just wondering where to go from here.I

cant help but feel the only thing that will help my arms isd some sort of a

sling. I do al the standard eds stuff. Headaches,ibs and dependance on a batch

of different drugs. I have gotten to a ponit to where the ringing in the ears is

a issue now..... including clicks where the tone changes. prob due to the

vicodine wich is going to have to be changed to something else. It no loinger

does the job anyway.

With that i will periodicly pop in and say soemthing.


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