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Re: Ramp for van

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> Hi guys it's Crystal just wanted to let everyone know I got my

> scooter 2 days ago it's really nice. Thing of it is though this thig

> weighs 300lbs no joke! the two men that delivered it coulnt eve


> it they had to drive the thing out of the truck. This thing came


> no lift or anything and it does not disesemble to fit in the trunk o

> my car. My car is a 2000 Buick Centry I've only had it for 6


> but I'm going to go in where I bought it and the dealer knows


> family so he is willing to help but I guess I'm gonna go

tomarow and

> see abou trading my car fo a van.

Crystal -- I " D start at this stage with a visit to the nearest

bussiness that DOES accessablity modifications instead - ONE

example of a product you may want to consider instead is getting

the small " trailer " OR bumper mounted " lift " aparatus that you

park the scooter on --and it lifts it up to drive away holding / or in

the case of the trailer you drive on to the trailer and it's towed

behind . -BOTH are much less expensive and that car is heavy

enough to accomidate from what I recall . ( Both have a cover you

place on the scooter on rainyday's ect ) . Both of these assume

you can walk a short distance to enter the van .

Van's do have a rebate program for modifications but scooters

are BIG in many cases and really displace a LOT of seating

room PLUS the costs of raised roof / droped floor ect bring them

up into VERY PRICY options .

It's a bit after the fact here ---but generally when your condiering

the need to bring along an electric chair /scooter --it's best to

start with evaluating the choice of electric " chair " within the

context of what vehicle your going to use to transport it too -- then

chose with the van OR trailer =bumper mounted lift ect in mind .

( I've learned the hard way with this myself --having started with

scooters -then progressing to a full tilt /recline chair weighing

about 500 pounds but with a smaller profile in lenght . )

Vans are built out too fit the specific scooter or chair needs --

there is now a very lightweight fiberglass platform ramp for

example that works well with chairs and doesn't require the big

moter assembly's I've seen put into a " normal sized van " with

kneeling down ability -- LESS expensive than the more modified

vans that have raised roof /droped floor ect -and could be put into

a van with a REAR entrance for scooter use if you need to ride on

-- I DON " T think this would work for a scooter due to lenght

/turning radius if you wanted side door entrance though - you'd

need to measure the lenght of the scooter since turning radiius

wouldn't work out well in my experience .

There is also a portable aluminum ramp you could consider IF

someone will always be with you --they weigh quite a bit /

required some real dexderity to use frequently best done by an

aide in MY experience ( I've used one for a few years with

dificulties and NOW with the eds diagnsois it makes more

sense why it was soo troublesome ! )-- these do work well for

occational use - with aide assistance -but I wouldn't sugest them

if you'll always be taking the scooter .

MOSt bussinesses that DO addpative modifications instalations

will have free consultation avaialbe to help you learn what

choices may work out well given YOUR situation . they are

scattered around- I hapen to live an hour from one /so have had

the experience of going there quite a bit /and helping others near

me with the experince of evaluating what will be best for their

needs . Thus a bit of experience trying out different vans / car

bumper lifts ect too . The climate where you live will affect the

choice ranges you'll want to consider ==as well as the need to

ride into the van OR load one outside on the trailer or bumper lift

ect too --its more complex to evaluate than just having a scooter

--- the other variables like being able to walk a bit matter too .

I'm not sure what help that may be -- except to add that while the

small portable /break apart scooters MIGHT be a good solution

to consider getting as well --they don't PROVIDE the seating /nor

shock absorbtion ability ect better for MY needs - so didn't prove

a great stop gap either.

I would head for that addaptitve modifications dealer before

trying to sort through this on your own though --the van dealers

ARN " T apt to have the insight /experience you'll need - in fact they

usually know LITTLE beyond perhaps a taped program the van

manunfacter offers to show HOW it can be modified --they won't

KNOW what modifications YOU " LL need .

If you need help finding who is the van /car addaitive technology's

modification source in your area --try calling your Indepedant

living center to inquire . You can find the ILC listing for most

locations at http://irlu.org

-then open the interactive list of states or provinces ect there at

their site .

in Paradise ( electric chair user who CAN walk some - but

who uses a chiari for almost all community activities ect ) .

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