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asu -- takin' a chance

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Hey Gang...

Just to be clear at the top, ASU is not the University in Arizona.

It's a compound reputed/claimed to help/reverse/cure/improve OA.

Before I got my actual diagnosis, when I still hoped I could avoid

extreme measures, I happened up a book, " The Arthitis Cure " , by Dr.

Theodosakis (Dr. Theo, he calls himself). He has a website.

His was one of the first mainstream publications to claim the

benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin. Since that time, he's

written a follow-up book...with information about another possibly

beneficial compound. It's called ASU ( " avocado-soybean

unsaponiables " ; though the spelling may be a letter or two south of

correct.) The claim is that ASU is a combination of two highly

refined oils/fatty acids from avocado and soybeans which have

therapeutic properties. The claim is that they can actually spur the

regrowth of cartilege, reducing bone-on-bone contact, and

effectively " cure " OA.

Before my diagnosis, I had ordered some ASU. The first shipments

were delayed a bit for some technical reasons having to do with

labelling. Between the time I placed the order and their shipping

date, I got my diagnosis and saw the x-rays. I cancelled the order.

But the more I thought about it, the more it occurred to me that this

could be a real-life, in-my-body lab test of something that, Dr. Theo

says, is widely available in Europe, and has a great track record

there. So I restored the order.

A six month supply of the stuff arrived on Tuesday, 5/18/04. I took

the first tablet. The label information says real change or benefit

should be apparent after four weeks. I'll keep you posted. If

there's progress, this is good. If the stuff does nothing, I'll at

least be able to provide my own cautionary tale to others who might

be considering taking ASU. FYI: since I was in the first wave of

orders, I got an " introductory " price of $139.00 plus shipping, for a

six month supply. The price will certainly go up. Anybody who wants

to know more from the source (and believe me, I don't know nearly

enough or have enough experience to sell the stuff), his website is

www.drtheo.com. Or you could just type drtheo in the keyword search


(A note, for what it's worth: I had my annual physical the week

before I saw Dr. Amstutz, and told my internist about the hip

diagnosis. He told me of a female patient he'd had, who had the same

diagnosis... and started talking a three-letter supplement of some

kind (he couldn't remember much else about it.) Six months later (he

says), new x-rays showed no OA, and her THR was cancelled. He's

trying to track her down to get more information on the supplement

she took. If I get the information from him, I'll post it here; but

always remember about such " information " : Until you try the

information...and find it works for you, it's worth exactly what you

paid for it.

Hobble on, hippies...


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