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Dysautonomia how it manifests with me... examples

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And all this said here is more. a bit more on the practical and

demonstration side of dysautonomia.

Here are just a few examples of how dysautonomia manifests with me.

When I get excited (even is the room is ice cold), the room is too hot or I

hold someone's hand for too long my nose turns red, I get stuffed up

sometimes and my ears and sometimes my cheeks and hands turn red and get

beat hot. The rest of my body and face are totally fine.

If I take my hands to a cold water glass (or even ice cubes) and hold them

there, place the cold hands to my ears and nose, the redness and heat will

settle a bit but not go away completely. If I walk out into the cold air

however, no matter how excited I may be, the redness and heat in my face and

hands disappear immediately.

If I reach up suddenly lifting my head or swing my head down in a downward

reach I get dizzy but just as quickly recover when the arms come to my side.

If the outside is bitter cold, I begin to shiver almost immediately and my

recovery time after I start shivering (when attempting to get warm) is well

past the normal time. When I get in a warm place, most of the time I have

to have my hands warmed with water to stop the shivering. Heating them by a

fire or briskly rubbing them will not even " turn off " the over reaction.

I have had night sweats for no apparent reason since I was about 13 years

old. Not related to any imbalance or lack or hormones. simply dysautonomia

playing it's game.

I have what is known as " geographic tongue " . The tongue has fishers of

varying lengths and width's looking exactly like a map with streets and

freeways. This appears only when the autonomic nervous system is going

whacky. I can tell it is happening because the tongue is slightly thicker

and I can actually feel the fishers widen. If there is no dysautonomic

reaction my tongue is perfectly normal.

I got lots more but I hope these few examples will help put a face to all

that terminology.


Re: Re: QUERY: Has anyone tried..... - Cindy

> >

> > In a message dated 8/21/2004 6:36:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > shazzinoz@h... writes:

> > If you want a copy of the article/ ad stuff I have I can scan


> and

> > send it to you if you like.

> > Sharon (Shazinoz)

> > That would be great Sharon, I''d really appreciate it.

> > Do you want a laugh?? It's funny, you know how sometimes

you get

> > something

> > in your head & then you can't get it out? All night long, I


> > thinking of

> > different people that have asked me questions about problems


> the

> > years &

> > thought " Oh,, this might be great for them too " ! You can't

> imagine how

> > many

> > times I woke up during the night thinking of them.......

> Terrific, just

> > one

> > more thing to make my sleeping more difficut last

> nightl.......... So

> > it goes.

> >

> >

> > Can you do it through the computer or do you have to scan &


> it &

> > then

> > send it snail mail? If so, I'd be happy to reminburse you for


> > postage.

> > Thanks again.

> >

> > All the best,

> >

> >

> >

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