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Improving all the time

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Hi everybody

havent posted for a while. After things going so well for the first

10 days post op, got up to walking appx 1000 metres with crutches

and a brace on my hip and knee, my world was brought to a halt. The

wound was infected and I was immediately put on a course of anti-

biotics and told not to do any form of excercise for fear that the

wound may open. After 5 days it was all still a mess so had an

additional 7 days of anti-biotics and no excercise. Pretty

depressing stuff, however things are rapidly improving, anti-biotics

appear to have worked and the wound is vastly improved. Have now

started physio with a physio who Mcminn,Treacy and Villar appear to

send their patients to. Lots of aches but NO hip pain. Muscular

aches seem so good after all these years. Walked 2000 metres last

evening with 2 crutches (dont particularly need them but have been

told to use them for first 4 weeks) Ached like hell today but was

such a lovely ache. Will get rid of hip and knee brace on Thursday

and should be down to 1 crutch as well. Not too long and I should be

back footbal/soccer coaching ( my son says he wants me to play but I

dont think so)

Anyway for any of you hippies out there having a bit of a bad time,

chin up, things do get better(a lot). A week ago I was starting to

wonder why I had even had the op done. Now it is so different, it

really is amazing the difference 1 week can make.

Will post again soon. Keep all the stories/details coming it is

beneficial to all.

Incidentally I am 27 days post Op and planning to go Scuba diving at

the end of July in the south of France.


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