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scheduled and insurance ?

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Hey Hippies -

I don't post much but have been avid about reading all the posts. I was

scheduled for a THR in January and totally by coincidence I found out about

resurfacing - boy am I glad I did. I am 41 and the thought of a THR just

about put me over the edge. I am scheduled July 15 with Dr. Boyd to have my

right hip done. All the information that is available from you has truly

been a godsend.

I was wondering if anyone has insurance with the National Association of the

Self Employed - NASE - MegaLife, and any info concerning the approval and

payment. Benefits told Boyd's office that they pay for any surgery as along

as it is a " medical necissity " but they won't have a final determination on

that until after the surgery is done and claims are submitted. Kinda leaves

too much to chance for me.

Also, I have a very busy schedule during the summer as a Rodeo Secretary and

was wanting opinions on how soon after surgery I would be up to working

again. If I had surgery on a Thursday would I be able to perform my duties

the following Friday, Sat and Sun. The driving part is handled, and would

be able to alternate standing and sitting but not in a very comfortable

chair most likely. Each performance would require me to be at the grounds

approx. 6-8 hours and possibly longer. Not to mention having to deal with

taking entries and paying out prize money. Wondering about my endurance and

concentration abilities. I am very stubborn and have always got done what

needed to be done then paid with pain from my hip later but I don't want to

set myself up for the impossible.

Any opinions and info would be greatly appreciated and again to everyone

that is so giving of their time to share their experiences and knowledge -

you are appreciated.


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