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Surprising doctors visit!

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Well I just got back from the doctor's and it wasnt too bad. He

read over the letter that the OS had sent him and said, so he has

brushed you off huh. I said yeah and he said well thats no good.

He asked about the dates for the EMG and MRI. Well he cant do much

about the EMG as there are no short lists for it I guess but was

disgusted to learn that after a month and a half I still did not

have a date for the MRI. He had his secretary call, and although

she only got an answering machine, at least they know that I am

enquiring about it. He then started looking through my chart even

more and found the letter from the pain clinic guy and asked how

that was going. So I told him about what he had put me on and then

told me all I needed to do was strength train and everything would

be okay. He jsut looked at me shook his head and said that that is

not acceptable. So I interjected that the dr at school has got me

into a pain clinic in london for september and he was much happier.

He then asked me what i was on for pain control right now. I told

him the ms contin at 15mg a day and he asked if that was working

well. I told him honestly no. It did in hte past but i seem to

become tolerant of medicines fairly quickly. He said hmm I wonder

if that is part of your coniditon. I was floored!! That is the

first time he has ever mentioned that I have something wrong and

been diagnosed! He then went on how that wasnt good that it wasnt

working any more looked at me and said, well we will just double the

dose than. So he wrote me a perscription for two months worth of

30mg bid. plus another two months worth of the amitryptiline to see

if it will continue to help me sleep. He wants to see me before I

go back to school too. I was so shocked at this appointment!!

However I didnt dare ask about pain killers as I thought that that

might set him off or something so I will make do with what I have at

home. He even asked me what my worst joints were and took note of

them. He also looked at me looking really sincere and apologized for

not being able to give me any answers and apologized how the medical

community seems to just keep passing me off. He was happy that i

found a good doctor at school to keep watch over me while i was away

for him lol.

While writing this I just got a phone call from the MRI clinic with

a date for the MRI. The lady on the phone said well I have an

opening on the 19th is that okay. I said what month and she said

July. In a week and a half I have an appointment to get an MRI!! I

am pretty sure something might have been said or something because

you dont get those appointments that quickly!! So I go on the 19th

at 2pm for the MRI. She said it will probably take about 45 minutes.

Well I didnt have that good of night last night and didnt get much

sleep, plus had to be up early for the dr appointment and i think

the double dosage I took this morning of the msn contin (to get to

the new dosage) has made me a little sleepy too so I am going to go

lie down for a while. Just wanted to let you all know what was

going on.


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