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Re: Welcome to re: Kefir

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Kefir is also a drinkable form of yogurt--comes in all flavors! Delicious!Love, nSubject: Re: Welcome to To: "MSersLife " <MSersLife >Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 7:16 PM

I tried Kefir and just could NOT do it! My 42 year old daughter grows Kefir to use for her and family and also to feed to her chickens. I have had good luck though with naturally fermented cabbage. I had so many stomach issues with pain and gassy "stuff" until I started making and eating a little natural sauerkraut every day. hugs SharonThis email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance

its individual character and beauty and in

no way are to be considered flaws or defects. To: MSersLife Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 4:49 PM Subject: Re:

Welcome to

Hi Kate,

thus far my medication has been limited to some antidepressants very early followed by antianxiety meds, blood pressure medication and some puffers.

There were patches where I was fearful of sleeping even though exhausted ......I was convinced I would stop breathing.

A few years ago I withdrew from all my meds but messed that up last year when my husband had a heart attack - so I went on Champix to try to stop smoking. Big mistake. Not only did I feel like I was fully capable and ready to commit violence and murder (I am normally very pacifist) but I had a tooth extracted and the anaesthetic reacted with the Champix. My morning temperature dropped to 34.4c and I have been using Lugol's to drag it up a little. So far I have managed to get to about 36.2c - higher if I am really unwell.. And for all that I did not stop smoking.

Guess I need a pacifier.

I have a lot of supplements here, and sometimes I even take them.

I obtained some kefir culture and at one stage I was having kefir-cultured milk daily. Initially burped like crazy but have not required antacids since starting so think they sorted out some stomach problems. My culture is currently resting in the fridge.

For a while I was taking green smoothies (ala Boutenko) daily and while I did my hair and skin was wonderful. I decided I needed to do something for me as since his heart attack my husband has insisted on more refined foods and less fruit and vegetables - contrary to medical advice. (stubborn old *** ). Green smoothies look like pond scum but taste like fruit and are the only way I can eat raw leafy greens.

I am seeing my neurologist in April and will ask for LDN.

Since discovering that MS symptoms are almost identical to those of mercury toxicity I have refused flu shots and other offered vaccinations - and have had less colds and flu than previously! Zinc and C lozenges, Cod Liver Oil (yuck) and Olive Leaf Extract abbreviate the misery when I do feel a cold developing.

Since reading about a connection between Epstein Barr/glandular fever, low serum D3 and MS I have tried to increase my sun exposure even though my skin patch pigments quite quickly. Had a BCC removed from near my eye a couple of years ago. I have sent off for some K2 as I have also discovered that higher D3 needs to be balanced with A, E and K2. Once I have it I can supplement with D3 capsules. I did have glandular fever at 14 and a whole raft of vaccinations when I started a DipN course at 18 - anecdotally my MS started not long after those vaccinations.

Rambling a little as had a really bad night last night.

Did you miss me?

Thanks to freecycle, I have arisen. I'm afraid I had to do a mass delete but hopefully I'll make some headway reading the web. I only have the slowest speed now and cancelled most of the tv channels as well. So hopefully this will hold up well enough to use for email :).

Anyway I hope everyone is well and warm! We've snow on the ground and so far I haven't ventured out the door since. Made sure I went to the dr to get refills first so no 'have to' runouts in case of a blizzard.

I let my neighbor Ross use my garage for one of his cars in return for him handling my snow. I thought it was a good deal and would save having to run all the way over here with his snow plow. He was a little miffed because he was going to put his boat in there. But it's just as well since he's hurt his right arm and can't shovel the stairs,etc.

I really can't think of what I've been doing so obviously nothing exciting. I tried to get some kind of job because I'm having a hard time getting by on a pension of $35/mo! For any Canadians, that's my CPP which is so small, I can't qualify for CPP Disability. So moral of that is if you work for a family business, take friggin' deductions for yourself!

Anyway I've been reading a lot ... Sharon, did you see Grafton has V for Vengeance out?

I've also got a new grandson who I've yet to see even though the hospital is right down the street from me. My daughter didn't even tell me she had a C-section scheduled for Hallowe'en so when I got the call from my son-in-law I was at first worried that they were okay and then hurt. Before I stopped reading FB I could see how often she came into town for various reasons besides doctor's visits. And never once did she call to say hello or 'would you like to go out for lunch'. Believe me she was not brought up that way; my mother was alone and had health problems and I called and visited all the time. Maybe I'm being oversensitive and maybe is right ... I get to see Sonya some time in the Christmas holidays to give her her gifts, some time around her birthday to give her her gifts. And if I'm really lucky, sometimes around Easter to give her gifts.

Anyway it hurts and I've been in the dumps about that.

Happier thoughts ... is the holiday exchange still open? ... hugs, Cait

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