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Alabama receives visit from the Uggens'

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Finally getting around to posting regarding my visit from Mike and

Darlene. They were here at the end of July.

Everything everyone else has said about how friendly and easy going

they are is true – so let me just say `ditto' to the other posts.

I'll add that I am the world's worst hostess and am so glad they are

such gracious guests.

The main purpose of the visit was for Mike to do a Vulcan mind meld

with me – i.e., for me to learn as much as possible! To that end

Mike explained – and demonstrated – how the various energies feel so

now I feel like I (mostly) know what I'm doing – at least I have a


He also showed me the cranial –sacral technique, lymphatic drainage,

general polarity release and those funky tuning forks.

He worked not only on me, but also my 4 girls – not just to help

them, but also in part, using them to demonstrate and allow me to

practice the modalities that he uses.

My 12 yo esp. got into feeling the energy – she and Mike worked

together on her sisters, they played energy games and she could see

colors while being worked on. She was much better a feeling the

energy than I was.

Unfortunately I had a systemic bacterial infection with fever and I

developed a typical band/tension/muscular headache while they were

here – needless to say I was not at my best. I had great difficulty

in feeling the energy then, but as I've been experimenting with it

I've had great fun feeling the different energies. I think I'm

mainly feeling Chi – I've gotten to feel lots of swirling stuff and

lots of waves. I'm also learning to turn off my awareness of my

heartbeat – which I can feel throughout my body at any time I focus

on it. It's amazing to be able to switch that off and focus on

something else.

One way that I know that I'm doing something energetically is that I

have what I call very spastic muscles – any tension or shift of

position can cause a muscle to tighten into a small spasm – which

then in turn causes another muscle to contract and go into spasm –

which continues on to other muscles, and so on and so on. Anyway,

when I'm laying still – which normally wouldn't cause a muscle

contraction – I can get a muscle contraction by doing energy stuff –

so it has got to be the energy moving the ligaments and tendons, etc

around causing the muscle to tighten.

Some cool things that happened when Mike worked on us

· I had a prolapsed uterus that he put back in place – entirely

energetically. (this has slipped a bit, but I've been somewhat

successful in getting it put back up).

· My 12 yo had this head tilt thing – we think it is connected

to her dyslexia and her accommodative insufficiency (vision problem

having to do with eye muscles) - Mike used cranial-sacral on her –

the full 10 steps – and her head tilt is gone and is yet to return.

The dyslexia will have to be evaluated over the next couple months

and the vision will be checked in November.

· Lymphatic Drainage – Mike did the facial on me and it cleared

up my skin dramatically – he said it was good for rosacea – which I

personally believe, along with other skin problems, is caused by

toxin build up in the system. I also lost tons of fluid after the

treatment – that was a good thing.

· He did the full body lymphatic drainage on my daughter who

was coming down with an infection.

On a practical level Mike helped me identify and verify some of the

structural problems in the family – it helps to solve/deal with the

problem if you know what the problem is – so that info was invaluable.

The weirdest thing was the funky tuning fork stuff. I have no idea

how they work, but I can attest to the fact that they do work. I got

a headache Thursday night, initiated by a spasm in my erector spinae

(left side) from there the muscles went into sequential spasm up my

shoulders and neck into my head and causing the headache. The

headache lasted through Friday and into Saturday morning. Mike used

the tuning forks on my traps and I felt a complete and instant

release of the muscles in my head and neck. The pain across my upper

and mid thoracic region increased for a short time (as those muscles

did their spasm thing) and within an hour all pain was gone (and

didn't come back until this weekend when I sat at my computer crooked

for waay too long) Pretty cool, huh?

All in all, if you have a chance to have Mike and Darlene visit – go

for it – you will be better because of it, mind and body!

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