Guest guest Posted August 16, 2004 Report Share Posted August 16, 2004 Sorry that I am not writing an entirely new post here. I admit, I am taking most of this post from my Live Journal entries We decided to work downstairs so r wouldnt get in the way and then decided that dad would be more likely to work on me so he came down to 'assist' Mike. Mike gave a little talk about the different types of energy you could feel and demonstrated them both to dad and I on Darlene. We felt the crainal, lymphatic, chi, blood pulse and I thought there was one more (maybe I am just a little tired . Then it was my turn to get up on the table. We started at 8pm. I get up there and he tells me to lay straight as I normal would. He then goes hmmmm. Maybe I should see you standing up. Both of my parents were in there room right then to see how my hips were slightly rotated and one was higher than the other, one of my shoulders was lower than the other and my head seemed to be tilted to one side while lying down. Probably from all the time I have spent limping around from this dumb knee! Mike did the first few things by himself. I believe these were all cranial aspects. One part he said that 'something' should have been moving around and stimulating one of the glands and it was just doing nothing. Also I had a lot of tension in my neck that he lifted my head up by a spot on my neck and did work through another point and my head slowly relaxed into his hands so that my chin was pointing the ceiling. That was definitly a weird feeling!! I dont even know how long he worked on my by himself but then he pulled dad in to work in tandem with him. He was working on my right side (predominantly worse side) and dad was working on my left side. Mike was showing and placing his hands where he was going and I was to tell dad if it was the right spot and correct pressure. Apparently my shoulders were interesting according to dad. They started and dad kinda jumped back and said woah! Apparently it was like a twitching feeling and freaked him out a bit. After that he though it was cool and kept telling me when they happened. They worked a lot on my shoulders but then my legs didnt seem to have much energy flowing so he decided to try something else after. They did that kind of stuff until 10ish. That is when dad went to get a drink, (I was told to drink some water too) and Mike started to work on the ganglion cyst on my ankle tendon. Before the cyst was tender to the touch and I could definitly feel if any pressure was being placed on it. Mike played around with it for a while then asked how it felt. I couldnt even tell he was touching it! He said he felt almost the sensation of 3 small water ballons bursting. Then when dad was back downstairs and Mike brought out tuning forks. He hit them and then put one on each side of my hips and asked which was stronger and lasted longer. Well the first little while I couldnt feel anything beside my left hip. I could feel both heels and my right hip but not the left. After a while of doing that and 'balancing' I could feel everything equally at all four places. He then showed dad and I how to do lymphatic drainage as this will help the swelling and pain in my knee. That was really neat feeling as the person only uses a feather touch while working on you. At this point he had me get off the table and my hips, and shoulders were the same alignment as each other and my chin was in alignment with my sternum. This is all a good thing. So I got back up on the table while he was disscusing things with my parents then he asked me how I felt. At that point my knees felt a little stiff. He just did a few points on opposite sides of each other and my knee felt fine! I even did quite a few number of stairs tonight. All in all Mike worked on me for about 3.5 hours!! It was definitly an interesting and educational evening. Now I just hope dad remembers what Mike taught him! Well that was last nights entry in my journal about what had actually taken place that night. This is some parts from my entry from earlier this afternoon about how I was feeling: I got out of bed and went upstairs. On the first step I noticed that the pain in my knee had drastically decreased, still a little sore going up stairs but they were no problem to go up at all like they used to be! I started walking down the hall to the computer room and realized that my ankle didnt hurt either! (Well unless I rolled on it then there was a twinge of pain but Im sure that's a body's defense mechanism to tell you not to do that). I get into the computer room and was talking to mom and she started asking questions like how does my back feel (Perfectly fine, not so much as an ache!) and my wrist (felt normal to me) and a few things like that. Mom and I are talking and she mentions how dad will be phoning soon as he has already called four times that morning wanting to know how I was feeling. Well it was at that second that dad called to want to know how I was feeling. I told him great The only thing wrong was I had a pretty big headache (and it has lasted most of the day). We are going to try accupressure tomorrow if it's still there. Okay here is the non-journal stuff This visit helped my entire family tremendously!! I dont think neither of my parents were really at the acceptance stage yet and just felt lost about what they should be doing or feeling. Mom had a nice long talk with Darlene and I think that helped her realize that she too had to go through a process of acceptance and that she was on the right path. We actually sat down and had a serious talk about it for about an hour today about how she was always frustrated with things because I would tell her something was wrong but any test would come back negative. And about how medications dont work correctly for me. Darlene and just talking helped her realize that it was okay. She is even now thinking about joing a message board for support herself! I mean it was only the beginning of this summer that I got her to accept that this message board was a tremendous support group. It was just such a chage and one that had to be done! I feel like I owe Darlene so much just for that!! Cant forget Mike's amazing hands and great way of teaching others. Dad is going around today joking about how he has 'healing hands' and we talked for a bit tonight (Didnt see him much cause he goes out monday evenings and I was having a nap and missed supper). First thing he asks is where my accupressure book was. I quickly went to get it for him and he immediately starts flipping through it and reading bits and pieces. He asked if he could borrow it to read and I obviously very quickly said yes and told him to highlight and bookmark anything he wanted. He has always been the one to just step back and let mom try to help me figure out medical decisions so having him getting this into trying to help is amazing. I think he is just finally so relieved that he now has a way to help me that he never had before. Thanks again Mike and Darlene!! You can't imagine how much you helped this family! Stacey By the way dad has been a little freaked and amazed about this part. He has a watch that has always had water in it. Not just a few drops, a substantial amount for a watch. Well he wasnt wearing it while working on my (obviously or that probably would have hurt me lol) but he did put it on when he went up for a drink of water and Mike was working on my ankle and using the tuning fork things. Dad did help him after that with the lymphatic drainage and a bit of more accupressure on my knee (even though Mike did the majority of that part). Dad calls him this morning immediately following his safety meeting and is all excited and says guess what.......... his watch no longer has ANY water in it. He was totally floored by that and just ended up shaking his head. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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