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pre-baby news-epidural question

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I am about 38 weeks pregnant. If he doesn't come by the weekend of Sept.

4th, my doc will induce me. Hopefully that won't have to happen. My

first son was 9 days early, I hope this one is too. I want to thank

Jill, Lana, Barb, Bonnie & for sending me well wishes. It really

does cheer me up. For those of you that don't know, I was put on bedrest

Aug. 6 for signs of pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor and low amniotic

fluid. I think alot of that was caused by the fact that I work in Palm

Springs where the temp. gets over 110 most days. So far the baby is fine

and growing well. Last week his size was estimated at 6 lbs 11oz. I

still have the low amniotic fluid, ankle swelling, and the contractions

which they aren't going to stop now. I'm starting to get to that

" uncomfortable " stage. I have to sleep on my sides (not on my back)

which takes its toll on my hips & shoulders. Even sitting for a while

makes my ribs hurt. So I am just waiting. My water didn't break with my

son, I kinda associated it with the EDS, that it would just keep

stretching. One good thing, no stretch marks! I'm sure contributed to

EDS. This time I plan to have an epidural. I didn't have one the first

time & I've made sure my doc is aware that I want one. I was wondering

though, if it is as effective since I have EDS. I know the stuff the

dentist gives (novacaine) doesn't work. Just wondering if it's the same

with the epidural. Thanks for everything & well wishes for all.




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