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Re:WEIRD- Mikes Visit--From TJ// 'a comment @ what Mike does & how

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While in Buffalo, I was one of the very fortunate people that Mike saw. Af

ter @ 2 1/2 hours, I was " dazed " & told the people that were there..... Mike,

Darlene, Aase Marit & Cindy, that if they told me it was the next day, I would

have believed them. I literally didn't know " which end was up " . And when I

sort of " came to my senses " , I actually asked Darlene, what Mike had done......

I'm not sure if Mike was right there at the time. She mentioned several of

his techniques: Energy work, poliarity, ?Jin Shin Do, lymphatic drainage & a

few other things & then she said...... And, the " Mike thing " .

That's what has continued to stick most in my mind. So now, for both ease of

description & truthfully combining whatever techiques he believes are the

correct ones for each individual person, at any given time, for any given issue,

I believe, for me anway, the best way to describe what he does, for simplicity

sake is exactly what Darlene said. It's " The Mike Thing " .

To those of you that have experienced some time with Mike, I'm sure you're

incredibly grateful, feeling a whole lot better & still wondering what was done.

And to those of you who have yet to spend time with Mike & all of the

" tools " that he has learned, I hope that you experience at least as much benefit


I have & continue to. And, I hope that you can trust & open your mind & body,

to receive what he has to offer. You'll be glad you did. Best Regards,

In a message dated 7/27/2004 9:35:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, mike@...


I am not sure how Mike and Darlene felt here in the house- ...

When he told me to forgive my left knee- ' I lost it' ...how weird

to have pent up anger at a symptom --- but I did and didn't realize

it------ until he said " Its not your knee's fault that this

happened " - ... so there is where that hatred for that knee came

from- only I didn't realize it until Mike said to Forgive

it............. And how did you know Mike? When I did not- how did

you? ...

As for the other things Mike did, he's going to have to input here-

and then it might help me to remember more of it...

I also must admit that after you two left- I felt the urge to try

some steps---


(1) Very comfortable and welcome, thank you.

(2) It told me. I sensed an energetic separation from the rest of

your body when I had my hand on your knee.

(3) I will write more on " my side " of it later, along with the same

for a couple of other post-Buffalo sessions, when I have time to

just sit, think and type at the PC for longer than quick email/post

checking and reply. But briefly and quickly, here is how the

session went. We spent about 45 minutes chatting (yes, I knew you

had enormous concern/fear about being touched because of having

vascular and being obscenly brutalized in some of your previous

treatments). During the chat phase, I " sneaked up " on you by first

working on your Dad's knee and then showing you with very light

touch on your shoulder what the pressure was like. After about

three of those examples (with a " did that hurt or bruise you? "

question tossed in each time), we discovered you had a rib out.

After putting the rib back in, it was a logical step to check for

others and at the same time to adjust your spine for you. I then

gave you the treatment for Acid Reflux. By that point, you had

relaxed and your " concern/fear " factor was about non-existent. You

were ready to move on - which we did. The next piece was the lack

of sensation in your right leg, followed by the work on your right

knee. So, in brief, that is how the session went.

(4) Great - but be careful to not over do things too soon. You

have to give your body time to adjust itself to the changes so you

don't accidently overstress something.

Luv Ya.

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