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Update from - Mayo Visit Update 12/10/08

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Since Caringbridge won't let me update...Slowly but surely things are getting done. During rounds today I was able to get a better idea of what is going to be happening. I am going to start with my medication adjustments tomorrow and am learning more about how to cope with my pain. I am actually enjoying the physical therapy. I am able to lift weights and do excersizes and know that I am not doing them wrong. It's not too difficult either.

Staying awake is probably the hardest problem. I go to bed about 9pm and wake up at 6 am and don't nap. LOL. That is hard. :-) But I am getting through it. Today I had more labs and all that good stuff. Tomorrow I see the opthamologist to see if he can see any funkiness (papilledema) in my eyes. I am glad to see that doc.

My appointment with the stroke doctor is Monday at 10am and then I see Dr McBane again at 4:15. I'm nervous but anxious to get this going. It's a long hard road but I know that it is for the best and that I will be able to do more and have fun with my kids again soon. :-)

Today myself and 3 other ladies got to do a fun scrapbooking activity for free thanks to Rochester Scrapbooking Company. It was really fun and something to get our minds off of crappy stuff. That is always good. And it's a cute little canvas thing that I cant put a picture on. I love it!

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