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Update from Tom - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2008 06:49 AM, CST

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It wasn't a great night for sleep last night. No particular complaints, just the normal pain, uncomfortable bed, and ambient noise.There is some great news, though. The ultrasound for blood clots came back clear...no deep vein thrombosis. The conclusion is simply that I'm storing water, and lots of it. I've already lost 15 pounds since the transplant. My weight went below 180 yesterday, and once I get rid of that extra fluid, I'll probably lose an additional 3 pounds or so. I haven't been that light since high school. I'll be looking HOT...and I'm sure Kathy says, 'Keep away ladies, he's all mine.'

And, one of my two drainage ports is now draining clear fluid again. That's what we wanted. The other is still cloudy from the fat leeching out, but since the first one is correcting, the doctors are thinking that this one will resolve itself as well. That re-opens the possibility of my release tomorrow, or perhaps even today. Further details on this issue will move as conditions warrant.

Meanwhile, I just met with Larry, and it's looking likely that he will be leaving today. (Wouldn't it be great to walk out of here together!)Shifting gears completely......To underscore how stir crazy we have become, Larry and I found an 'enforcement room' here on the floor. Or, for those of you familiar with Cool Hand Luke, we found the Box. It's an unlit 6 foot square closet containing nothing but a little cot. We are convinced that they put difficult patients here.

'Ring your nurse button too many times, and you'll spend the night in the box.''Complain about the food, and you'll spend the night in the box.'Further contributions are welcome!


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