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Nita - infections without jaundice

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How many of you have gone up till now with infections but no jaundice?>>>


Until a few months prior to tx the only symptoms I had were the infections without jaundice. Usually I was treated with oral antibiotics but twice the docs chose IV antibiotics. Maybe because of the recurring infections my docs kept a closer eye on my liver with frequent CT scan and ERCP's. When it was time for tx it was the infections that earned me extra meld points which boosted my score up enough to get me tx sooner. The fact that your docs say you are doing fine because you haven't lost weight or become jaundiced is cause for concern in my eyes. People with psc exhibit different symptoms all of which they need to pay attention to. Are you seeing doctors who are very familiar with psc?



UC - 1965, ileostomy - 1972, BCIR (continent pouch) 1994, PSC - 1995, arthritis 2007, tx 11.29.07married 29 years , 5 sons, 2 daughters in law, 1 granddaughter, 1 grandson , granddaughter due 3/09 and 1 golden retriever

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I have recurrent cholangitis and had to be put on daily antibiotics in an

attempt to control the infections. Prior to the daily antibiotics, I would be

on a course of antibiotics for 10 days and within a week of stopping the

infection would return in full force. I was getting really worn out by this

never-ending cycle and the daily antibiotics have really helped. I know there

are negatives with antibiotic use but at this point life is much better and it

is well worth the risks.

In contrast though, I have only been jaundiced once a couple of years ago -

similar experience to Carolyn - a friend at yoga asked what was wrong because I

matched the newly painted yellow walls at the studio. I was jaundiced for about

three months at that time. I have had a stent continuously since then and have

not jaundiced again.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Darcy and Nita,

I've had some cholangitis attacks in the last two years and

successfully treated them with Cipro and Flagyl or Amoxicillan. My GI

just told me that in my ERCP last year they cultured bacteria in my

bile ducts that are now resistant to Cipro and should be treated with

Bactrim and Augmentin. I wonder if people get chronic cholangitis

attacks is because the bacteria that is infecting them is resistent to

Cipro or whatever the doctor is prescribing? I wonder if an ERCP

including a bacteria culture might help your doctor select a more

effective antibiotic?

(Sacramento) dx PSC and US 2001.


> Nita,


> I have recurrent cholangitis and had to be put on daily antibiotics

in an attempt to control the infections. Prior to the daily

antibiotics, I would be on a course of antibiotics for 10 days and

within a week of stopping the infection would return in full force.


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