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Re: Complaints

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>Having just been diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's going

on, what's wrong with >me and that will help me to cope better.

I thought the same thing at first too: At least I have a diagnosis. I

thought that would somehow make it better than not knowing what was wrong.

It comforted me for the first week or two but now it doesn't really make a


>It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times I've put off doing

something because I >could do it later, or I just didn't feel like doing it

now, but always rescheduled it. Now I >find myself just truly NOT ABLE to

do the things that need done! I just can't reconcile myself >to this.

That's how I feel too. It must be even more difficult when you have kids.

I can't imagine. I'm only 25 and I'm too sick to have a social life, too

sick to make commitments, to sick to engage in some of my favorite hobbies

(dancing and motorcycling). Before I had a diagnosis (CFS) I kept thinking,

" maybe I'll be better next week. " After the diagnosis I thought, " Now that

I know what's wrong maybe I can take steps to improve things. " And I'm

trying to do that. But all I read and see and hear and how I feel, I'm

beginning to realize that things might not get better, I might not get my

life as I knew it back and that's really depressing and frustrating.

So here I am venting my complaints too. I can't offer advice but all I can

say is I think I have an idea how you feel.


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>Having just been diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's going

on, what's wrong with >me and that will help me to cope better.

I thought the same thing at first too: At least I have a diagnosis. I

thought that would somehow make it better than not knowing what was wrong.

It comforted me for the first week or two but now it doesn't really make a


>It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times I've put off doing

something because I >could do it later, or I just didn't feel like doing it

now, but always rescheduled it. Now I >find myself just truly NOT ABLE to

do the things that need done! I just can't reconcile myself >to this.

That's how I feel too. It must be even more difficult when you have kids.

I can't imagine. I'm only 25 and I'm too sick to have a social life, too

sick to make commitments, to sick to engage in some of my favorite hobbies

(dancing and motorcycling). Before I had a diagnosis (CFS) I kept thinking,

" maybe I'll be better next week. " After the diagnosis I thought, " Now that

I know what's wrong maybe I can take steps to improve things. " And I'm

trying to do that. But all I read and see and hear and how I feel, I'm

beginning to realize that things might not get better, I might not get my

life as I knew it back and that's really depressing and frustrating.

So here I am venting my complaints too. I can't offer advice but all I can

say is I think I have an idea how you feel.


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Nancie Taube wrote:


> Then I started getting chest

> pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> arm that I can't stand up.

Is it possible that these could be panic attacks? I don't get them, but

I know it sounds similar to what I've heard others say they are like.

On the other hand, it might just be the pain in the chest that some

fibro people get. I get it a little, but it doesn't last long and isn't

painful enough to make me think it's a heart attack. On the other hand,

a friend of mine who has mild fibro, gets the pain so severe that she

has to take pain pills for it. I hate when I don't know what's causing

something. I'd rather know what it is so at least I can say to myself,

" ok, that because of such and such " .


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Nancie Taube wrote:


> Then I started getting chest

> pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> arm that I can't stand up.

Is it possible that these could be panic attacks? I don't get them, but

I know it sounds similar to what I've heard others say they are like.

On the other hand, it might just be the pain in the chest that some

fibro people get. I get it a little, but it doesn't last long and isn't

painful enough to make me think it's a heart attack. On the other hand,

a friend of mine who has mild fibro, gets the pain so severe that she

has to take pain pills for it. I hate when I don't know what's causing

something. I'd rather know what it is so at least I can say to myself,

" ok, that because of such and such " .


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-Nancie, I have 2 boys age 12 and 8 and I completely understand how

you are feeling right now. My youngest son has Legg Calve Perthes

disease. Which will go away with therapy and time, but last year I

thought I may have to home school. I was so afraid to do this because

of the exhaustion I have just from everday chores. I go through

spells where my kids just do their thing. I dont even bother them to

clean their messes. I use less energy doing it myself when I feel

like it or rather when I make myself, I never seem to feel like it.

Homework is a nightmare at times, I cant imagine teaching them

myself. They are not bad kids but being with them full time would

drive me insane!! I get very depressed when I seem to be overloaded

and my 12 year olds homework seems so difficult and there can be so

much of it. Sometimes I just let him do it and dont check it and

then if he gets a low grade I feel guilty. When I feel well and the

house is clean and I get a little organized I feel so much better.

Then I will get behind and think I will never catch up. Its a never

ending cycle. I will feel good for a few days and then the fatigue

sets in and everthing gets behind. I just keep doing what I can when

I feel good and resting when I cant do it anymore. Dont be too hard

on yourself, it is not your fault.

-- In @y..., Nancie Taube


> Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

> but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

> diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

> going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

> to cope better. Then I started getting chest

> pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

> a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

> there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

> and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

> explode with anger since then.


> It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

> I've put off doing something because I could do it

> later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

> always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

> NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

> can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

> homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

> vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

> or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

> shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

> the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

> lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

> game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

> to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

> 8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

> I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

> because this may be our only opportunity today.

> So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

> than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

> my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

> smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

> don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

> my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

> weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

> which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

> way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

> for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

> my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

> theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

> because my liver enzymes were up.

> Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

> I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

> bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

> still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

> gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

> this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

> It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

> just catching up.

> Nancie


> =====


> Nancie


> Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy Future



> Work from home...ask me how!


> http://nanciet.themomteam.com




> __________________________________________________


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-Nancie, I have 2 boys age 12 and 8 and I completely understand how

you are feeling right now. My youngest son has Legg Calve Perthes

disease. Which will go away with therapy and time, but last year I

thought I may have to home school. I was so afraid to do this because

of the exhaustion I have just from everday chores. I go through

spells where my kids just do their thing. I dont even bother them to

clean their messes. I use less energy doing it myself when I feel

like it or rather when I make myself, I never seem to feel like it.

Homework is a nightmare at times, I cant imagine teaching them

myself. They are not bad kids but being with them full time would

drive me insane!! I get very depressed when I seem to be overloaded

and my 12 year olds homework seems so difficult and there can be so

much of it. Sometimes I just let him do it and dont check it and

then if he gets a low grade I feel guilty. When I feel well and the

house is clean and I get a little organized I feel so much better.

Then I will get behind and think I will never catch up. Its a never

ending cycle. I will feel good for a few days and then the fatigue

sets in and everthing gets behind. I just keep doing what I can when

I feel good and resting when I cant do it anymore. Dont be too hard

on yourself, it is not your fault.

-- In @y..., Nancie Taube


> Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

> but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

> diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

> going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

> to cope better. Then I started getting chest

> pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

> a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

> there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

> and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

> explode with anger since then.


> It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

> I've put off doing something because I could do it

> later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

> always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

> NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

> can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

> homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

> vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

> or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

> shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

> the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

> lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

> game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

> to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

> 8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

> I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

> because this may be our only opportunity today.

> So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

> than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

> my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

> smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

> don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

> my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

> weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

> which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

> way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

> for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

> my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

> theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

> because my liver enzymes were up.

> Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

> I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

> bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

> still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

> gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

> this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

> It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

> just catching up.

> Nancie


> =====


> Nancie


> Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy Future



> Work from home...ask me how!


> http://nanciet.themomteam.com




> __________________________________________________


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-Nancie, I have 2 boys age 12 and 8 and I completely understand how

you are feeling right now. My youngest son has Legg Calve Perthes

disease. Which will go away with therapy and time, but last year I

thought I may have to home school. I was so afraid to do this because

of the exhaustion I have just from everday chores. I go through

spells where my kids just do their thing. I dont even bother them to

clean their messes. I use less energy doing it myself when I feel

like it or rather when I make myself, I never seem to feel like it.

Homework is a nightmare at times, I cant imagine teaching them

myself. They are not bad kids but being with them full time would

drive me insane!! I get very depressed when I seem to be overloaded

and my 12 year olds homework seems so difficult and there can be so

much of it. Sometimes I just let him do it and dont check it and

then if he gets a low grade I feel guilty. When I feel well and the

house is clean and I get a little organized I feel so much better.

Then I will get behind and think I will never catch up. Its a never

ending cycle. I will feel good for a few days and then the fatigue

sets in and everthing gets behind. I just keep doing what I can when

I feel good and resting when I cant do it anymore. Dont be too hard

on yourself, it is not your fault.

-- In @y..., Nancie Taube


> Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

> but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

> diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

> going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

> to cope better. Then I started getting chest

> pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

> a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

> there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

> and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

> explode with anger since then.


> It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

> I've put off doing something because I could do it

> later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

> always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

> NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

> can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

> homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

> vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

> or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

> shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

> the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

> lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

> game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

> to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

> 8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

> I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

> because this may be our only opportunity today.

> So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

> than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

> my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

> smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

> don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

> my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

> weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

> which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

> way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

> for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

> my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

> theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

> because my liver enzymes were up.

> Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

> I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

> bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

> still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

> gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

> this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

> It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

> just catching up.

> Nancie


> =====


> Nancie


> Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy Future



> Work from home...ask me how!


> http://nanciet.themomteam.com




> __________________________________________________


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-By the way Nancie, I too have had chest pains. I will have certain

symptoms for a period of time and they will go away and then here

comes a new one. My pain was in the middle of my chest about where

they do cpr on the left side more than the middle. One time I had a

cramp so bad around my lower rib cage on the left I had to sit down.

Dont know what that was about. I had chest pains on and off for about

two months then it was gone? My ribs were even sore in this area.

Like I said before, I could have a serious illness and think its the

fibro again. The last 3 times I was at the doc it was either fibro or

stress. I dont even go anymore.

-- In @y..., " reds_henry " wrote:

> -Nancie, I have 2 boys age 12 and 8 and I completely understand how

> you are feeling right now. My youngest son has Legg Calve Perthes

> disease. Which will go away with therapy and time, but last year I

> thought I may have to home school. I was so afraid to do this


> of the exhaustion I have just from everday chores. I go through

> spells where my kids just do their thing. I dont even bother them


> clean their messes. I use less energy doing it myself when I feel

> like it or rather when I make myself, I never seem to feel like it.

> Homework is a nightmare at times, I cant imagine teaching them

> myself. They are not bad kids but being with them full time would

> drive me insane!! I get very depressed when I seem to be


> and my 12 year olds homework seems so difficult and there can be so

> much of it. Sometimes I just let him do it and dont check it and

> then if he gets a low grade I feel guilty. When I feel well and the

> house is clean and I get a little organized I feel so much better.

> Then I will get behind and think I will never catch up. Its a never

> ending cycle. I will feel good for a few days and then the fatigue

> sets in and everthing gets behind. I just keep doing what I can


> I feel good and resting when I cant do it anymore. Dont be too hard

> on yourself, it is not your fault.




> -- In @y..., Nancie Taube

> wrote:

> > Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

> > but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

> > diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

> > going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

> > to cope better. Then I started getting chest

> > pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> > dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> > away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> > attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> > night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> > fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> > minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> > arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

> > a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

> > there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

> > and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

> > explode with anger since then.

> >

> > It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

> > I've put off doing something because I could do it

> > later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

> > always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

> > NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

> > can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

> > homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

> > vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

> > or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

> > shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

> > the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

> > lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

> > game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

> > to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

> > 8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

> > I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

> > because this may be our only opportunity today.

> > So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

> > than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

> > my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

> > smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

> > don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

> > my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

> > weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

> > which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

> > way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

> > for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

> > my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

> > theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

> > because my liver enzymes were up.

> > Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

> > I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

> > bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

> > still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

> > gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

> > this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

> > It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

> > just catching up.

> > Nancie

> >

> > =====

> >

> > Nancie

> >

> > Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy


> >

> >

> > Work from home...ask me how!

> >

> > http://nanciet.themomteam.com

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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-By the way Nancie, I too have had chest pains. I will have certain

symptoms for a period of time and they will go away and then here

comes a new one. My pain was in the middle of my chest about where

they do cpr on the left side more than the middle. One time I had a

cramp so bad around my lower rib cage on the left I had to sit down.

Dont know what that was about. I had chest pains on and off for about

two months then it was gone? My ribs were even sore in this area.

Like I said before, I could have a serious illness and think its the

fibro again. The last 3 times I was at the doc it was either fibro or

stress. I dont even go anymore.

-- In @y..., " reds_henry " wrote:

> -Nancie, I have 2 boys age 12 and 8 and I completely understand how

> you are feeling right now. My youngest son has Legg Calve Perthes

> disease. Which will go away with therapy and time, but last year I

> thought I may have to home school. I was so afraid to do this


> of the exhaustion I have just from everday chores. I go through

> spells where my kids just do their thing. I dont even bother them


> clean their messes. I use less energy doing it myself when I feel

> like it or rather when I make myself, I never seem to feel like it.

> Homework is a nightmare at times, I cant imagine teaching them

> myself. They are not bad kids but being with them full time would

> drive me insane!! I get very depressed when I seem to be


> and my 12 year olds homework seems so difficult and there can be so

> much of it. Sometimes I just let him do it and dont check it and

> then if he gets a low grade I feel guilty. When I feel well and the

> house is clean and I get a little organized I feel so much better.

> Then I will get behind and think I will never catch up. Its a never

> ending cycle. I will feel good for a few days and then the fatigue

> sets in and everthing gets behind. I just keep doing what I can


> I feel good and resting when I cant do it anymore. Dont be too hard

> on yourself, it is not your fault.




> -- In @y..., Nancie Taube

> wrote:

> > Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

> > but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

> > diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

> > going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

> > to cope better. Then I started getting chest

> > pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

> > dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

> > away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

> > attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

> > night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

> > fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> > minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

> > arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

> > a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

> > there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

> > and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

> > explode with anger since then.

> >

> > It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

> > I've put off doing something because I could do it

> > later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

> > always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

> > NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

> > can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

> > homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

> > vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

> > or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

> > shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

> > the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

> > lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

> > game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

> > to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

> > 8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

> > I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

> > because this may be our only opportunity today.

> > So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

> > than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

> > my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

> > smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

> > don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

> > my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

> > weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

> > which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

> > way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

> > for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

> > my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

> > theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

> > because my liver enzymes were up.

> > Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

> > I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

> > bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

> > still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

> > gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

> > this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

> > It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

> > just catching up.

> > Nancie

> >

> > =====

> >

> > Nancie

> >

> > Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy


> >

> >

> > Work from home...ask me how!

> >

> > http://nanciet.themomteam.com

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Dear Nancie,

I too do not get much sleep anymore.

Seems like I am never rested when I get

up. It is hard to go without sleep.



Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

to cope better. Then I started getting chest

pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

explode with anger since then.

It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

I've put off doing something because I could do it

later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

because this may be our only opportunity today.

So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

because my liver enzymes were up.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

just catching up.




Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy Future

Work from home...ask me how!



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Dear Nancie,

I too do not get much sleep anymore.

Seems like I am never rested when I get

up. It is hard to go without sleep.



Sorry to be so negative after just joining this group,

but I am having a very hard time. Having just been

diagnosed, I thought, well, at least I know what's

going on, what's wrong with me and that will help me

to cope better. Then I started getting chest

pains...really bad ones. The first time we called the

dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and took me

away to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart

attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then Wednesday

night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm just

fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and left

arm that I can't stand up. I know this time it's not

a heart attack, so I go to urgent care, they keep me

there for 4 hours, finally give me a shot of morphine,

and send me home. I've done very litte but sleep and

explode with anger since then.

It is so hard for me to get used to this. Many times

I've put off doing something because I could do it

later, or I just didn't feel like doing it now, but

always rescheduled it. Now I find myself just truly

NOT ABLE to do the things that need done! I just

can't reconcile myself to this. The biggest thing is

homeschooling my 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Anyone can

vacuum or throw in a load of laundry or pick up toys

or clean the bathroom, and dh has been doing the

shopping for over a year now, but only I can school

the boys. So between naps, I attempt to put in a

lesson, and of course they're busy, into a movie or a

game, etc, and don't want to be bothered. A lot has

to do with discipline, they need to learn, mostly the

8 year old, that he needs to do what I tell him, when

I tell him, and not just " because I said so " but

because this may be our only opportunity today.

So now, I'm very depressed, and want to do little more

than lay in bed. When I lay in bed I smoke. I take

my pain pills and my antidepressants and I read and

smoke and sleep, and I get more and more depressed. I

don't get hungry very often, but I have to eat because

my pills make me sick if I don't. So I'm gaining

weight. Which depresses me. I just turned 45,

which is a depressing age. And this anger I feel is

way out of normal...anger isn't even the right word

for it, much too mild a word. My dr. isn't happy with

my level of antidepressants, he says they're barely

theraputic levels, but he's had to cut back on them

because my liver enzymes were up.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I wish I could say

I feel better, but I don't. I'm going to get some

bills paid and then go back to bed. The boys are all

still asleep, the girls have left for school, and dh

gets home from work early today. Maybe he'll clean up

this joint a little for me. I'm just sooo tired.

It's been a while since I've had good sleep, maybe I'm

just catching up.




Healthy Homes mean Healthy Children, which lead to a Healthy Future

Work from home...ask me how!



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Hi ,

My doctor has me on trazadone to help with sleep,

but I have taken the same dosage for a long time

and I have not had a good nights sleep for so long,

I thought about increasing it on my own, but am a bit

afraid to do that. I go see my doctor on the 16th and

will ask about it then.


Re: Complaints

Joy and Nancie,

I was wondering, doesn't your doctor give you anything to help you sleep?

Elavil works well and there are others available.

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Hi ,

My doctor has me on trazadone to help with sleep,

but I have taken the same dosage for a long time

and I have not had a good nights sleep for so long,

I thought about increasing it on my own, but am a bit

afraid to do that. I go see my doctor on the 16th and

will ask about it then.


Re: Complaints

Joy and Nancie,

I was wondering, doesn't your doctor give you anything to help you sleep?

Elavil works well and there are others available.

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Hi ,

My doctor has me on trazadone to help with sleep,

but I have taken the same dosage for a long time

and I have not had a good nights sleep for so long,

I thought about increasing it on my own, but am a bit

afraid to do that. I go see my doctor on the 16th and

will ask about it then.


Re: Complaints

Joy and Nancie,

I was wondering, doesn't your doctor give you anything to help you sleep?

Elavil works well and there are others available.

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I started with my fibro symptoms with the chest pains.

I also thought I was having a heart attack so I can

relate to you sooooo much. That is the one area

whether I'm hurting anywhere else or not that I

continously either hurt extrememly or just feel a

pressure in every day and night since the symptoms

have started. It stays there regardless. In my right

chest area. I was first dianosed with pleurasy after 3

emergency room visits with chest pains. Then they

diagnosed Costochondritis and now Fibromyalgia. No

matter what I have, the chest area stays tender to

touch and hurts at times that is disabling.

a Faye

--- Darcy Stockstill catstamp@...> wrote:



> Nancie Taube wrote:

> >

> > Then I started getting chest

> > pains...really bad ones. The first time we called

> the

> > dr. he said to call 911, an ambulance came and

> took me

> > away to the hospital. Thought I was having a

> heart

> > attack. That was about 2-3 weeks ago. Then

> Wednesday

> > night, the same thing happened. One minute I'm

> just

> > fine (or at least as fine as I get) and the next

> > minute I am in such pain in my chest, back and

> left

> > arm that I can't stand up.


> Is it possible that these could be panic attacks? I

> don't get them, but

> I know it sounds similar to what I've heard others

> say they are like.

> On the other hand, it might just be the pain in the

> chest that some

> fibro people get. I get it a little, but it doesn't

> last long and isn't

> painful enough to make me think it's a heart attack.

> On the other hand,

> a friend of mine who has mild fibro, gets the pain

> so severe that she

> has to take pain pills for it. I hate when I don't

> know what's causing

> something. I'd rather know what it is so at least I

> can say to myself,

> " ok, that because of such and such " .

> Darcy



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