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Re: More Toxin Info for All

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some of this may be a repeat

All of us are concerned with keeping our homes clean and free of germs and

other potential contaminants therefore keeping our families healthy.

But did you know that the cleaners that you are most likely using contain

Carcinogens and other toxins that can very well be making your family sick?

Yes, they are relatively inexpensive up front and they SEEM to work, but

when the medical bills come in, then how do their costs compare? And most

importantly, how much is your family worth? Cancer most often then not,

kills. Do you really want to take that risk with the people you love most in

the world? Be informed, make better choices. I'm here to help you.

Top 12 Cancer Causing Products

Summary of Information from Kay Hizer, Director of " Healthy Choices " , a

non-profit organization comprised of doctors, nurses, environmental

scientists and educators committed to teaching the public about the hazards

of chemicals in our homes and how we can avoid or minimize the risks.

50% of all illness is due to poor indoor air quality (Source: 1989 State of

Massachusetts Study)

The top 12 cancer causing products (called " The Dirty Dozen " ) in the average

home include the following:

· and Baby powder with Talc

· Crest Tartar Control Toothpaste

· V05 Hair Conditioner

· Clairol Nice N Easy Hair Color

· AJAX Cleanser

· Lysol Disinfectant

(Source: The National Cancer Prevention Coalition)

Liquid Dish Soap is the leading cause of poisonings in the home for children

under the age of 6 (over 2.1 million accidental poisonings per year)

(contains formaldehyde and ammonia in most brands)

Of the chemicals found in personal care products:

· 884 are toxic

· 146 cause tumors

· 218 cause reproductive complications

· 314 cause biological mutation

· 376 cause skin and eye irritations

(Source: United States House of Representatives report, 1989)

Over the last 20-30 years, as more toxic chemicals have been introduced in

greater amounts, the level of toxins stored in adipose tissues (fat cells)

of our bodies has risen. Bio-accumulation studies have shown that some

toxins store in our bodies for life. Greater and greater amounts are being

stored at younger ages. Diseases that used to occur later in life are now

appearing at younger ages. Disease that used to be rare are more frequent.

For Example:

There has been a 28% increase in childhood cancer since the addition of

pesticides into household products. (Source: National Cancer Institute)

In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma (29% for men; 82% for

women-the higher rate for women is believed to be due to women's longer

exposure times to household chemicals) (Source: Center for

Disease Control)

Due to the increase in toxic buildup in our bodies, including the toxic

buildup of formaldehyde, dead bodies are not decomposing as fast as they

used to. (Source: National Institutes of Health)

There is an increased risk for leukemia in children where parents have used

pesticides in the home or garden before the child's birth (Source: Journal

of the national Cancer Institute)

Over 150 chemicals found in the average home have been linked to

allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities

(Source) : Consumer Product Safety Commission

Here is a cute little drawing that was once given to me. At the time it was

funny, but now that I know the truth about many of the cleaning products on

the market, this drawing has become quite believable and even advisable.

A recent 17 year study conducted by the EPA Shows that because of using

" Ordinary Household Cleaning Products " women who work at home (Or are simply

Stay at home Moms) have a 55% greater risk of developing cancer then women

who work outside the home! Source:Indoor Air Conference, Toronto 1990

Hazardous chemical concentrations are 2-5 times higher inside our homes then

outdoors. Source: Environmental Protection Agency

In 1901, cancer affected only 1 in 8000 people. By the year 2000 it was

projected that 1 in 2 people would have some form of cancer. Source:

American Cancer Society

Out gassing, accidental exposure to and consumption of household cleaning

products will claim the lives of more than 40,000 children in America this

year. Source: U.S. Poison Control Center

Over 90% of household products are mislabeled. The leading cause of

poisoning in children is Liquid Dish Soap.

No information on toxic effects is available for 79% of the more than 48,000

chemicals listed by the EPA. Fewer than one-fifth have been tested for

chronic, reproductive or mutagenic effects. Source: US. Poison Control


Did You know?

We are exposed to 500 chemicals every day.

Manufacturers aren't required to list the ingredients used in their cleaning


Indoor air pollution is a suspected culprit in SIDS which will claim about

5,000 US lives this year.

This year about 4 million kids will contract lead poisoning-linked to lower

IQ's leaning disabilities and hearing loss.

Some of the most toxic products on the market are spray disinfectants and

air fresheners. They interfere with our ability to smell offensive odors by

releasing nerve deadening agents or by coating our nasal passages with an

oil film.

Source: USA Weekend Report Jan. 1-3 1993

Lysol...Even More Dangerous than we thought!

From the Environmental Health Newsletter, spring 1991:

We've known for a long time that Lysol contains a substance called Phenol,

the ingestion of which even in small amounts can cause nausea, vomiting,

circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure and

cardiac arrest. (Why would anyone with children keep such a product in their


We have learned recently Lysol also contains Dioxin. that's the deadly

ingredient used in Agent Orange that can cause genetic mutation, birth

defects and cancer.

In a recent court case, Monsanto, (Lysol's parent corporation) admitted to a

30 year cover-up, lying about the presence of Dioxin in the Chlorophenol

used in Lysol. They admitted knowing how devastating Dioxin is to the

environment and in the human body...yet they still put it in and they still

lied and said it wasn't there.

A recent article in Greenpeace Magazine recently discussed Dioxin at length.

The article explained Dioxin causes cancer, birth defects and reproductive

problems, as well as developmental and nervous and immune system

abnormalities and damage to the kidneys, liver and skin. Even worse, it not

only causes cancer, it promotes the growth of cancers begun by other


Not surprisingly, the article also pointed out that Monsanto (one of the

nation's largest manufacturers of Dioxin) manipulated studies designed to

test Dioxin's effect on the environment and made the studies scientifically

invalid. In other words... They changed the data and lied again.

The preceding article is from Dr. Rexroad's " Natural Living Association's

Newsletter " Dr. Arloa Rexroad, N.O.,Ph.D. 419 W. 5th Ave. North Esthervile,

IA 51334-1222

But don't just take my word for it, check out the links below:

The Dioxin Homepage 's Agent Orange (Dioxin) Information Page

Dioxin Research at the National Institute of Environmental Health

More on Monsanto, Lysol, chlorophenol, and dioxin

Common Indoor Air Pollutants - Formaldehyde Dangerous Household Toxins

Indoor Air Pollution Fact Sheet Household Products

The Hazards of Household Cleaning Products

There are Hundreds of site out there just like these, but you get the

jist... Know what you are buying, bringing into your homes, and exposing

your family too. Be an informed consumer.

Also See " Who uses these products and why " In the Members only pages, for

more information on other dangerous household cleaning products, and why

S****** make a difference.


What is a Carcinogen???

A Carcinogen is a substance or agent producing or inciting cancer.

Today, cancer is the leading cause of death for women aged 35-74.

In 1901 cancer was considered a rare disease. Statistics show that 1 out of

8000 persons had cancer.

TODAY, according to the American Cancer Society, 1 out of 3 people have


By the year 2010, 1 out of 2 persons will be touched by cancer.

The fear of cancer is on everyone's mind these days. We hear about it all the


So many forms of cancer, and, they all had to start somewhere.

We have no choice but to breath the air, and eat the food, and drink the

water, but, we DO have a CHOICE of what we put on our skin and what products we

have in our homes.

Be sure that the products you are using are free of the following potentially

cancer causing and toxic ingredients.



There are many products in your home, that too many people are currently using

that may be extremely hazardous and unhealthy. Most people are unaware that

there is a problem.

Below is a list of chemicals that are commonly found in typical grocery store

brands products along with their associated health hazards.



Formaldehyde is an chemical used widely by industry to manufacture building

materials and numerous household products. Formaldehyde, a colorless,

pungent-smelling gas, can cause watery eyes, burning sensations in the

eyes and throat, nausea, and difficulty in breathing in some humans exposed at

elevated levels (above 0.1 parts per million). High concentrations may trigger

attacks in people with asthma. There is evidence that some people

can develop a sensitivity to formaldehyde. It has also been shown to cause

cancer in animals and may cause cancer in humans. This substance can be found in

's & 's baby shampoo.


Ammonia, a colorless gas or liquid with a sharp irritating odor, can be found

in household cleaners, wax removers, glass and window cleaners, and oven


Fumes irritate eyes and lungs; can cause burns or rashes on skin; can produce

deadly chloramine gas if mixed with chlorine containing products.


The word " detergent " refers to household cleaning products which are based on

non-soap, synthetic surfactants and which are primarily used for laundering and

dishwashing. Detergents are responsible for many household poisonings. Part of

the problem is that detergent boxes are brightly

colored and attractive and commonly stored in low, accessible places.

Toxic and poisonous to ingest, causing nausea and in extreme cases - coma.


Cresol, a highly caustic, colorless solid or liquid with a sweet tarry odor,

is used mainly as a disinfectant. Cresol is very corrosive to all tissues.

When it comes in contact with the skin it may not produce any burning

sensation immediately. Prickling and intense burning will occur followed by loss

of feeling. If cresol contacts the eyes it may cause extensive damage.

Cresol vapors and liquids are absorbed through inhalation and eye and skin

contact. Repeated or prolonged exposure to low concentrations of cresol can

produce chronic systemic poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting,

difficulty in swallowing, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache, fainting,

dizziness, mental disturbance and skin rash. Cresol attacks the central nervous

system, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, skin and eyes.


Lye, also known as caustic soda, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and

caustic potash, is commonly used in drain cleaner, oven cleaner, and in some

nonphosphate detergents. Lye is extremely caustic. Its chemical action

eats away materials (including skin tissue). Contact with skin or mucous

membranes causes burns and frequently deep ulcerations with scarring.

Mists, vapors, and dust can cause small burns. Eye contact causes severe

damage, including blindness.


Phenol, also known as carbolic acid, is flammable, corrosive, and very toxic.

Phenolic compounds have a distinct odor and are used in disinfectants,

deodorizers, paints, and as anesthetic for skin.

Ingestion of even small amounts may cause vomiting, circulatory collapse,

paralysis, convulsions, and coma. Light sensitivity and sinus congestion are

common with exposure to fluids or vapors. Fatal poising can occur through skin

absorption. Phenol and related compounds rapidly denature all proteins they come

in contact with, including skin. Severe burns may occur upon contact. Although

there have been many poisonings from phenolic

solutions, phenol continues to be used in consumer products.


Most polishes are flammable. Furniture polish may contain one or more of the

following substances: ammonia, naphtha, nitrobenzene, petroleum distillates and


The health dangers most often associated with furniture polish are inhalation

of fumes or vapors (especially from aerosols) and poisoning from ingestion.

Polishes that look drinkable, like strawberry soda or milk, are especially

tempting to children.


Naphthalene, also known as tar camphor, is a white crystalline solid with a

distinctive mothball odor. Naphthalene is available to the public as a pest

repellent and is frequently contained in mothballs, mothflakes, carpet

cleaners and toilet bowl deodorizers.

Napthalene can enter your system through inhalation, skin absorption,

ingestion, and eye and skin contact. Napthalene may produce possible

damage to eyes, liver, kidneys, skin, red blood cells, and the central nervous

system. Hemolytic anemia, caused by the breakdown of the red blood cells, has

been reported following immediate and long-term exposure. Infants

exposed to clothes, blankets, and diapers stored in naphthalene mothballs are

at risk for hemolytic anemia. Mild degrees of anemia often cause only slight

symptoms like a lack of energy and fatigue. In more severe cases,

hemolytic anemia can cause acute kidney failure.


Perchloroethylene, also known as tetrachloroethylene, ethylene tetrachloride,

or PERC, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent commonly used in dry-cleaning

fluid, spot removers, carpet cleaners and degreasers.

Vapors are irritating to skin, eyes, and upper respiratory tract.

Inhalation exposure produces giddiness, headache, inebriation, nausea,

vomiting and sinus inflammation. Skin exposure will cause redness and chapping.

If ingested, perchloroethylene can result in central nervous system

depression and liver damage. Chronic exposure may also result in liver damage.

Perchloroethylene is a chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent that slowly breaks down

in the environment. It is fat soluble which allows it to collect in the tissues

of living organisms and accumulate in the environment.

Perchloroethylene is a known animal carcinogen that has caused liver cancer in



Liquid household chlorine bleaches contain approximately 5% sodium

hypochlorite solution. When properly used, chlorine bleach can be a simple and

effective disinfectant. Chlorine bleach liquid and vapors are

irritating to the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. Dermatitis may result from

direct skincontact. Ingestion can cause esophageal injury, stomach irritation,

and prolonged nausea and vomiting. Bleach, when mixed with acidic

substances such as ammonia, toilet bowl cleaners, drain cleaner, or vinegar,

forms toxic gases which can cause coughing, loss of voice, a feeling of burning

and suffocation, and even death. Do not mix bleach with other cleaners!


Here's a great website dealing with household cleaners:




30 minute tape called " Can your home make you sick?? " " It cost $3.50 each or

for 10 or more $3.00each

write to 7703 E. 31st Circle North Wichita, Kansas 67226

or email hhadvisory@...

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