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Re: chemicals/

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Dear Friends,This is a copy of our most recently submitted news article. Feel

free to pass it on and submit to your friends, family and local papers. What You

Don’t Know Can Kill You!We send prayers and best wishes to everyone affected by

the tragic events of 911. Unfortunately we must also add: “Prepare for the fight

of your life”! While issues are being debated, illnesses caused from toxic

exposures at ground zero are rearing their ugly heads, emergency personnel and

others are developing serious and in some cases, life threatening health

problems. Evidence is growing that our government failed to disclose the

existence and dangers of deadly pollution in the aftermath. Illnesses caused by

toxic exposures are devastating, and of epidemic proportions and the lack of

awareness and qualified doctors clearly magnifies the crisis. To avoid

misdiagnoses it is Imperative for one to be seen by a specialist in the field of

Environmental Health, Neurology, and Toxicology. The threat of chemical warfare

is terrifying and yet for years it has been a reality to millions living right

here in the United States! Our pain and suffering has been long and ongoing,

many of us have had to bury our dead. Their lives lost and the cause goes

unrecognized. Our other heroes, our veterans, who fought and sacrificed much for

the good of all, now find themselves engaged in yet another war – one fighting

for their lives from health issues caused by “DTS.“ Children and adults from

all walks of life are dying, lives are being destroyed and families are being

ripped apart physically, emotionally and financially. “Why”? Toxic Injuries

caused by the (DTS) Dangerous Toxic Secrets in our everyday products and

environment! Know that there has been and currently is no outpouring of help,

no celebrity hosted fundraisers nor any help extended to the victims, the

survivors of toxic chemicals, or to their families. No help for proper medical

diagnosis and treatment – no help for loss of jobs and lifestyles that were

forever changed due to unnecessary and avoidable toxic chemical exposures. The

same acknowledgment, respect, support and help allotted to other illnesses &

disabilities is non-existent for people who have become ill or died from toxic

chemical exposures. Our hope is that through awareness and education the

misdiagnoses, mistreatment and discrimination against those with toxic injuries

will cease once our government officials; medical professionals, family members

and society in general become more educated on these serious issues.

Unfortunately, the rest of the story concerning 911 will continue to unfold over

countless years to come as many of the rescuers, innocent by-standers and

residents from Ground Zero join the ranks of us who are from the “Unrecognized

Toxic War”! May God Bless Us ALL! Let your voices and concerns be heard, sign

the petition at: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/31032/petition.html We invite

everyone to register with the “MCS” Hearts Across America Registry, forms

available at: www.ncchem.com/mcsbeacon “MCS” Beacon of HopePeggy Troiano,

Executive Director: Email - mcsbeaconofhope@... Ph. 843 - 462-2681 OR:

“MCS” Beacon of Hope , Director: Email- juliamcs@...

Ph. More info on 911 at:

http://www.wtv-zone.com/infchoice/sept11.html mausden@... wrote:I teach a

lot of classes and discuss with people, the way chemicals may

interfere with how our bodies are meant to function. it is a researched

fact that petrochemicals in our environment block the receptor sites of

our cells and do not allow the " message " to get in. prescription drugs

can do the same thing as our bodies do not recognise them fully since

they are man made. that is why there are so many side effects on the

sheet from the medication. we just hope that the benfit outweighs the

side effects. each person's immune system can handle differing amounts of

irritants before reacting. lots of chemicals are stored in the fat

deposits of the body for years, even decades.

DDT was one they thought safe. my mom worked a dairy farm as a young girl

and to kill flies they tossed handfuls around the barn. she now has

breast cancer, her youngest sister died of ovarian and breast cancer. the

doctor said it was a problem being exposed to so much and using it bare


if we can choose to not add to the toxic load of our body, I choose to

use caution. I never gave it a thought as a kid the stuff we used on the

farm. I'd dust the vegetables like my parents. In massage school it

really hit me. anything you breathe or rub on your skin enters your blood

stream. each hair on your body, your arms, legs etc, each has a tiny

capillary. that's why topical creams work. so what do we rub on our skin

and in our hair? it may not be a problem now but how will we be years

after constantly doing this?

my liver failed when I had hepatitis and I could not put anything into my

system. I learned the hard way. if you don't have a healthy liver to

filter out the toxins they build up quicker in the body. lots of people

with FM have some sort of sluggish liver and maybe colon from what my

students tell me. we just don't excrete the body's byproducts as well as

we'd like. the lactic acid from normal activity makes us ache more.

drinking more water to flush it out helps.

so a lot of people don't worry about chemicals in things if their system

is working. I worry about the neighbors who spray their yard and

fertilize with the strong chemicals then let the kids dance around

barefoot. there are safer alternatives that don't kill the natural

balance of minerals and wild life. it works the same with humans.

the closer to nature, the easier your body can recognize and handle


simple plant oils used to be medicine but cannot be patented so drug

companies make synthetic things that can to make lots of money. one plant

oil can have over 200 beneficial properties. that is all that plant had

to stay healthy for it could not run away from predators. drug companies

are always trying to mimic nature.

using more natural things help reduce the pollution your body has to sort

through to stay functional.

I like using the safer products, lots are cheaper in the long run,

reduced our doctor bills, got my kids off allergy medicine, fixed my

liver and stomach problems, make my home smell better and are a lot of

fun to learn about. but its up to a person how much they want to know and

learn. some want a quick fix or to get rich without helping people learn

to help themselves.

but beware of spam promoting miracle cures, its your body and you need to

know how to work with what is right for you. look for companies who do

research and help real people, not ones that promote the money side.

discuss it with your doctor and do what feels right. you did not get this

way over night and healing is a life long process, stay true to your







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