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New member-Stacey Nix

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Hi ya'll,

My name is Stacey Nix. I am from the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast. I

am so glad I found this group. I hope your experiences and knowledge will

help me to deal with my illness. Here are the answers to the questionnaire

that was emailed to me from the List owner.

Age Range:31


What are the symptoms? Anxiety, Depression, Chronic headaches, Severe muscle

pain all over my body, Insomnia, Severe joint pain, Poor short term memory,

Vision problems, Muscle spasms, Shoulder & neck pain and severe fatigue.

Has your illness been diagnosed? Yes, finally after many tests and several

doctors. I was diagnosed 6 years ago. I now see a Rhemutologist, a

Neurologist and my family doctor who diagnosed me those years ago.

How Long did you suffer before you got help? : 6 1/2 long years. I really

thought I was going crazy because no one believed me when I said I was in


Is there a time that you can remember when it started? I think back and it

seems the symptoms really started to appear when I was 18 years old.

Lack of Exercise/Overweight?----

I am overweight and I believe it does add to my problems. I could stand to

lose about 50 pounds to be at my ideal weight for my 5ft5 frame. I am unable

to exercise much due to the extreme pain I am constantly in but I do my best

to try. I do not eat hardly anything every day and have recently lost 10

pounds. I believe that if I could exercise more that the weight would come

off and I would feel better also. It is just so hard.

Are you on disability? ---Not at this time. I have talked to my doctors about

my filing for it and they said they would work with me. I know it is a

difficult process.

What have you found helps ease the pain?---- Hot baths, Heat packs on sore

areas, if only they would make a heated body suit! Ha! Massage therapy, the

prescription Zanaflex and Darvocet help with my pain. Nothing ever takes it

completely away. I long to lie down or sit comfortably. That just has not

happened yet.

Do you have sleep problems?---- Yes! I have Insomnia. I have begun taking

Ambien to help me get to sleep, I unfortunately usually do not stay asleep

for more than 3 hours at a time with meds. I believe the pain awakens me and

I never enter the deep healing I so need. I am still working with my doctors

to figure out what to do to conquer this problem.

Does your family understand your illness?--- Some of them do. My mother has

Fibromyagia also, so I can always talk to her about anything. Other relatives

have problems understanding and can be cruel sometimes. It is really sad that

those who are blessed with healthy lives have no compassion or understanding

for those who are chronically in pain.

Some have found food causes problems with CFS or Fibro, Do You?


What type of doctor have you found that has helped the most? Rhemutologist

and my Neurologist.

I hope this helps someone in this group. I look forward to hearing your

stories. It will be nice to talk to people who understand this life we are

all forced to lead.

Thank you,

Stacey Nix

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Hi Stacey,

Welcome to the group :) It sounds like you have been dealing with this for

quite awhile. I sure know what you mean about people being cruel. My husband

is one of those never gets sick types. This morning I couldn't remember when I

went to the store if it was yesterday or the day before. He asked me if I was

on drugs. I told him that memory problems was part of all of this and it's

called Fibro Fog. I started to say that he was lucky I could remember anything

at all. He didn't let me finish what I was going to say. All I got out of my

mouth was he was lucky and he broke in and told me that if I do indeed have this

handicap, I was lucky he has been pushing me all of these years. See my husband

is convinced that I would never have gotten anything done through the years

without him standing over me with a whip and a chair, figuratively speaking. He

is one of these types of people that is convinced that he works harder, smarter,

better and faster than just about anyone in the world and that no one else can

ever meet his expectations. Then later on this morning when we were talking

about our new health insurance coverage he just had to point out that there are

doctors that don't even recognize Fibromyalgia as a real illness. That's just

like him to minimize my pains and troubles. He has always hated the fact that I

sometimes go to bed as early as 6 or 7PM. It's really not all that often, but

he even thinks that 8-10PM is too early. I get up by 7 every day and sometimes

before. It's not like I sleep all day long and I never take naps. Sometimes I

think that people like him thrive on making other people feel horrible about

themselves. The smaller we feel the bigger they can feel. I only wish that we

could sentence all rude and insensitive people to just one day inside our

bodies. They would never make it. They would be begging to get back to their

own bodies and their own lives. Wouldn't that be just punishment for being mean

to us? LOL!



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Hi Stacey,

Welcome to the group :) It sounds like you have been dealing with this for

quite awhile. I sure know what you mean about people being cruel. My husband

is one of those never gets sick types. This morning I couldn't remember when I

went to the store if it was yesterday or the day before. He asked me if I was

on drugs. I told him that memory problems was part of all of this and it's

called Fibro Fog. I started to say that he was lucky I could remember anything

at all. He didn't let me finish what I was going to say. All I got out of my

mouth was he was lucky and he broke in and told me that if I do indeed have this

handicap, I was lucky he has been pushing me all of these years. See my husband

is convinced that I would never have gotten anything done through the years

without him standing over me with a whip and a chair, figuratively speaking. He

is one of these types of people that is convinced that he works harder, smarter,

better and faster than just about anyone in the world and that no one else can

ever meet his expectations. Then later on this morning when we were talking

about our new health insurance coverage he just had to point out that there are

doctors that don't even recognize Fibromyalgia as a real illness. That's just

like him to minimize my pains and troubles. He has always hated the fact that I

sometimes go to bed as early as 6 or 7PM. It's really not all that often, but

he even thinks that 8-10PM is too early. I get up by 7 every day and sometimes

before. It's not like I sleep all day long and I never take naps. Sometimes I

think that people like him thrive on making other people feel horrible about

themselves. The smaller we feel the bigger they can feel. I only wish that we

could sentence all rude and insensitive people to just one day inside our

bodies. They would never make it. They would be begging to get back to their

own bodies and their own lives. Wouldn't that be just punishment for being mean

to us? LOL!



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Hi Stacey,

Welcome to the group :) It sounds like you have been dealing with this for

quite awhile. I sure know what you mean about people being cruel. My husband

is one of those never gets sick types. This morning I couldn't remember when I

went to the store if it was yesterday or the day before. He asked me if I was

on drugs. I told him that memory problems was part of all of this and it's

called Fibro Fog. I started to say that he was lucky I could remember anything

at all. He didn't let me finish what I was going to say. All I got out of my

mouth was he was lucky and he broke in and told me that if I do indeed have this

handicap, I was lucky he has been pushing me all of these years. See my husband

is convinced that I would never have gotten anything done through the years

without him standing over me with a whip and a chair, figuratively speaking. He

is one of these types of people that is convinced that he works harder, smarter,

better and faster than just about anyone in the world and that no one else can

ever meet his expectations. Then later on this morning when we were talking

about our new health insurance coverage he just had to point out that there are

doctors that don't even recognize Fibromyalgia as a real illness. That's just

like him to minimize my pains and troubles. He has always hated the fact that I

sometimes go to bed as early as 6 or 7PM. It's really not all that often, but

he even thinks that 8-10PM is too early. I get up by 7 every day and sometimes

before. It's not like I sleep all day long and I never take naps. Sometimes I

think that people like him thrive on making other people feel horrible about

themselves. The smaller we feel the bigger they can feel. I only wish that we

could sentence all rude and insensitive people to just one day inside our

bodies. They would never make it. They would be begging to get back to their

own bodies and their own lives. Wouldn't that be just punishment for being mean

to us? LOL!



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