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The 2 best people to answer that question for you re your Obgyn and your GI.

Together the should be able to come up with a way for you to carry your baby

full term.

Patty in Bangor ME

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all I can say is, you go girl. I wish I was able to do so

too, but I have other health problems which prevent me from

having children. We'll be here for any support you need, for

always. Are there any anti depressants that are okay to take

during pregnancy? It might be a good question to ask the





Vallejo, CA


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all I can say is, you go girl. I wish I was able to do so

too, but I have other health problems which prevent me from

having children. We'll be here for any support you need, for

always. Are there any anti depressants that are okay to take

during pregnancy? It might be a good question to ask the





Vallejo, CA


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all I can say is, you go girl. I wish I was able to do so

too, but I have other health problems which prevent me from

having children. We'll be here for any support you need, for

always. Are there any anti depressants that are okay to take

during pregnancy? It might be a good question to ask the





Vallejo, CA


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  • 5 years later...

I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get your

thoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed with

small duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children all

of which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twins

in 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and we

have always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed with

this lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with our

embryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you become

pregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of the

disease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other than

fatigue and occasional itching.

Karey Wade


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Karey- I was diagnosed in 2006 with small duct PSC, am 40 yrs old,and on October 14th, we were blessed with a small, but healthy baby Henry. He was 6lbs 8 ozs, and 3 weeks and 3 days early. When we went to the OB specalist, he said that he had noticed that at week 30 the blood pressure seemed to go up. But that they delivered fine. As I said, I am 40, so due to my age, I had pre eclampsia, as well as gestational diabetes, but again, that was due to "advanced maternal age". My LFTs were real good up until the end, and then they went up a little. I delivered early due to my blood pressure, and gestational diabetes, NOT the PSC. If you do get pregnant, make sure that you see a high risk specialist, and that they see you right away. (as they usually see OB patients now only after 10 weeks). I had BPP (biophysical profiles) done once a week after 28 weeks, and

growth scans every 3 weeks after 28 weeks. Henry is now 2 weeks and 2 das old, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. If I can answer any more questions, email me personally. Good Luck!!!! Annie

Subject: PregnancyTo: Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 8:51 AM

I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get yourthoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed withsmall duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children allof which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twinsin 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and wehave always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed withthis lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with ourembryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you becomepregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of thedisease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other thanfatigue and occasional itching.Karey WadeLiberty,Mo.

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Karey- I was diagnosed in 2006 with small duct PSC, am 40 yrs old,and on October 14th, we were blessed with a small, but healthy baby Henry. He was 6lbs 8 ozs, and 3 weeks and 3 days early. When we went to the OB specalist, he said that he had noticed that at week 30 the blood pressure seemed to go up. But that they delivered fine. As I said, I am 40, so due to my age, I had pre eclampsia, as well as gestational diabetes, but again, that was due to "advanced maternal age". My LFTs were real good up until the end, and then they went up a little. I delivered early due to my blood pressure, and gestational diabetes, NOT the PSC. If you do get pregnant, make sure that you see a high risk specialist, and that they see you right away. (as they usually see OB patients now only after 10 weeks). I had BPP (biophysical profiles) done once a week after 28 weeks, and

growth scans every 3 weeks after 28 weeks. Henry is now 2 weeks and 2 das old, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. If I can answer any more questions, email me personally. Good Luck!!!! Annie

Subject: PregnancyTo: Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 8:51 AM

I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get yourthoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed withsmall duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children allof which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twinsin 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and wehave always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed withthis lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with ourembryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you becomepregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of thedisease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other thanfatigue and occasional itching.Karey WadeLiberty,Mo.

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Karey- I was diagnosed in 2006 with small duct PSC, am 40 yrs old,and on October 14th, we were blessed with a small, but healthy baby Henry. He was 6lbs 8 ozs, and 3 weeks and 3 days early. When we went to the OB specalist, he said that he had noticed that at week 30 the blood pressure seemed to go up. But that they delivered fine. As I said, I am 40, so due to my age, I had pre eclampsia, as well as gestational diabetes, but again, that was due to "advanced maternal age". My LFTs were real good up until the end, and then they went up a little. I delivered early due to my blood pressure, and gestational diabetes, NOT the PSC. If you do get pregnant, make sure that you see a high risk specialist, and that they see you right away. (as they usually see OB patients now only after 10 weeks). I had BPP (biophysical profiles) done once a week after 28 weeks, and

growth scans every 3 weeks after 28 weeks. Henry is now 2 weeks and 2 das old, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. If I can answer any more questions, email me personally. Good Luck!!!! Annie

Subject: PregnancyTo: Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 8:51 AM

I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get yourthoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed withsmall duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children allof which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twinsin 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and wehave always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed withthis lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with ourembryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you becomepregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of thedisease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other thanfatigue and occasional itching.Karey WadeLiberty,Mo.

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I was diagnosed 10 weeks after my daughter was born in 1980. 4 years later I had a 8lb 5 oz son who is now 23 and all are doing well. I had no difficulties when I was pregnant and had a tx 17 years later in 2002. Between pregnancies, I was on a very low dose of prednisone. I stopped it while I was pregnant and 10 weks after delivery, my blood test numbers started to go up so I started the prednisone again and stopped breast feeding. I

I was not hooked up with a transplant team at the time and the advice I got wasn't the best. Now your docs would be able to give you much better info. There are other women here who have had successful pregnancies so they can also give you there stories.

Take Care


McCain or Obama? Stay up to date on the latest from the campaign trail with

AOL News.

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I was diagnosed 10 weeks after my daughter was born in 1980. 4 years later I had a 8lb 5 oz son who is now 23 and all are doing well. I had no difficulties when I was pregnant and had a tx 17 years later in 2002. Between pregnancies, I was on a very low dose of prednisone. I stopped it while I was pregnant and 10 weks after delivery, my blood test numbers started to go up so I started the prednisone again and stopped breast feeding. I

I was not hooked up with a transplant team at the time and the advice I got wasn't the best. Now your docs would be able to give you much better info. There are other women here who have had successful pregnancies so they can also give you there stories.

Take Care


McCain or Obama? Stay up to date on the latest from the campaign trail with

AOL News.

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I was diagnosed 10 weeks after my daughter was born in 1980. 4 years later I had a 8lb 5 oz son who is now 23 and all are doing well. I had no difficulties when I was pregnant and had a tx 17 years later in 2002. Between pregnancies, I was on a very low dose of prednisone. I stopped it while I was pregnant and 10 weks after delivery, my blood test numbers started to go up so I started the prednisone again and stopped breast feeding. I

I was not hooked up with a transplant team at the time and the advice I got wasn't the best. Now your docs would be able to give you much better info. There are other women here who have had successful pregnancies so they can also give you there stories.

Take Care


McCain or Obama? Stay up to date on the latest from the campaign trail with

AOL News.

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What about taking Urso while pregnant? I would love to hear if people

continued taking Urso or if the decision was made to stop taking it

during pregnancy and why (and when).

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What about taking Urso while pregnant? I would love to hear if people

continued taking Urso or if the decision was made to stop taking it

during pregnancy and why (and when).

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What about taking Urso while pregnant? I would love to hear if people

continued taking Urso or if the decision was made to stop taking it

during pregnancy and why (and when).

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I searched me gmail from PSC support and I found many messages containing both URSO and pregnancy;

henrysmom2008 Sep 14

Well week 32 and everything is going ok so far. The Perinatologist at the U of M was right, with the PSC, the blood pressure will go up. I am

on early maternity leave due to this, and so far, that has done the trick. I did develop Gestational Diabetes, but that was due to my age, not the PSC, and I have been able to manage that with diet control. The

Hep, and OB agree I should be on a single dose of Antibiotics a day, to prevent any flare ups, so I am taking that and i am still taking the URSO. I am seen once a week in the OB clinic, and baby gets scanned

each week(he is a little turkey, cause he refuses to show his face to us... I think he wants us to be surprised), and I have LFTs taken once a week. I think that it is overkill, since they have not gone up once

since getting pregnant, but hey, I am not a doctor, so I will do it. I still feel like a human guniea pig, and I know somone is going to write a paper on me, but hey, if it helps other women with PSC have babies,

then I am all for it!They are still planning Halloween day for the c-section, and are concerned that the PSC will flare up and I will have to go early, but I feel confident that it won't. Other than that,I

think things are going well. 7 more weeks to go! Will update more later!! THANK GOD FOR THIS GROUP!!!!!!! Annie

kmmeucci Jul 4

I'm a 39 year old Australian woman living in Italy. I just found out today that I have PSC. Although am waiting on final conclusion from

some blood work I have had done recently. Please excuse my naivity and ignorance on this disease so far, I'm hoping to learn more through support groups.In 1988 in Australia I had a gall stone attack, was given a dose of

pethadine then sent home with no follow up. In 1999 here in Italy the same thing only they kept me hospitalized for 2 weeks,they also found small stones in my liver and wanted to export my gall bladder but I opposed (call it intuition). I found an Italian specialist soon after

in 2000 who found microstones in my intrahepatic ducts and put me on Urso 450 twice a day. In 2002 I stopped during pregnancy against my

specialists wishes but my gyneacologist begged me to stop (what would you do??). I had a check up in 2003 and my liver was fine, no stones, gall baldder fine and for 3 years I had 2 visits a year and all clear.

Then in 2006 during my second pregnancy i started itching like crazy in my 7th month, ALP and ALT's extremely high and was given an emergency c-sec at 8 months. Just 2 months after my 2nd child was

born I had severe cholic for about 3 months on and off and took Lixidol under the tongue for pain management and was put on Urso 450 3 times a day.

I was booked in for my first ERCP in November 2007, but all clear, not a stone in sight only a small calcium build up outside of bile duct and left side liver had bile ducts slightly thinner. Surgeon said he did not believe it was PSC, especially because I had been

closely monitored for 8 years. RMN all clear. Blood tests all fine. Last week I started experiencing slight pain in right upper quadrant, didn't think much of it, Last Sunday I started getting itchy and

called my liver specialist immediately. Since Tuesday I have been in and out of hospital getting ultrasounds, blood work, RMN and asked a

heap of questions. On Monday I have to have another type of bloodwork done and yet another RMN (????) from todays ultrasound (1 hour

long!!!) my doc tells me that my liver is enlarged and resting on my spleen, the blood pressure in the ducts is fine and my liver is very healthy except for some bile ducts scarred. My bloodwork came back normal and they are now arranging for me to have a liver biopsy to

determine more.I'm confused, how did they determine that I have PSC? I asked at the time but I still have a problem with the language especially when in shock. Maybe I'm still asymptomatic?? But still having pains in my

chest and they said that can't do anything???Sorry if I'm blubbering, I'm just so glad that I found you all. I hope that there are some happy endings out there! I'm not going to let this beat me!

May 5

I was diagnosed with PSC this Febraury. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) which is interfering with trying to get

pregnant. My OB wants to put me on Clomid for ovulation, but due to my " unknown " liver issues was hesitant about the medication and how to monitor me during pregnancy. It was her pushing me to get a second

opinion that finally resulted in my PSC dx.My question is if anyone else has had fertility issues AND PSC?Today I had my first GI follow up since dx and starting Urso and my

LFTs have dropped dramatically to just above the normal range. I'm hoping that knowing more specifically what is happening with my liver now will increase my OBs comfort in helping me to get pregnant. Any

advice for me of things to talk about with my OB (or articles to show her) would be much appreciated.SoCal

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I searched me gmail from PSC support and I found many messages containing both URSO and pregnancy;

henrysmom2008 Sep 14

Well week 32 and everything is going ok so far. The Perinatologist at the U of M was right, with the PSC, the blood pressure will go up. I am

on early maternity leave due to this, and so far, that has done the trick. I did develop Gestational Diabetes, but that was due to my age, not the PSC, and I have been able to manage that with diet control. The

Hep, and OB agree I should be on a single dose of Antibiotics a day, to prevent any flare ups, so I am taking that and i am still taking the URSO. I am seen once a week in the OB clinic, and baby gets scanned

each week(he is a little turkey, cause he refuses to show his face to us... I think he wants us to be surprised), and I have LFTs taken once a week. I think that it is overkill, since they have not gone up once

since getting pregnant, but hey, I am not a doctor, so I will do it. I still feel like a human guniea pig, and I know somone is going to write a paper on me, but hey, if it helps other women with PSC have babies,

then I am all for it!They are still planning Halloween day for the c-section, and are concerned that the PSC will flare up and I will have to go early, but I feel confident that it won't. Other than that,I

think things are going well. 7 more weeks to go! Will update more later!! THANK GOD FOR THIS GROUP!!!!!!! Annie

kmmeucci Jul 4

I'm a 39 year old Australian woman living in Italy. I just found out today that I have PSC. Although am waiting on final conclusion from

some blood work I have had done recently. Please excuse my naivity and ignorance on this disease so far, I'm hoping to learn more through support groups.In 1988 in Australia I had a gall stone attack, was given a dose of

pethadine then sent home with no follow up. In 1999 here in Italy the same thing only they kept me hospitalized for 2 weeks,they also found small stones in my liver and wanted to export my gall bladder but I opposed (call it intuition). I found an Italian specialist soon after

in 2000 who found microstones in my intrahepatic ducts and put me on Urso 450 twice a day. In 2002 I stopped during pregnancy against my

specialists wishes but my gyneacologist begged me to stop (what would you do??). I had a check up in 2003 and my liver was fine, no stones, gall baldder fine and for 3 years I had 2 visits a year and all clear.

Then in 2006 during my second pregnancy i started itching like crazy in my 7th month, ALP and ALT's extremely high and was given an emergency c-sec at 8 months. Just 2 months after my 2nd child was

born I had severe cholic for about 3 months on and off and took Lixidol under the tongue for pain management and was put on Urso 450 3 times a day.

I was booked in for my first ERCP in November 2007, but all clear, not a stone in sight only a small calcium build up outside of bile duct and left side liver had bile ducts slightly thinner. Surgeon said he did not believe it was PSC, especially because I had been

closely monitored for 8 years. RMN all clear. Blood tests all fine. Last week I started experiencing slight pain in right upper quadrant, didn't think much of it, Last Sunday I started getting itchy and

called my liver specialist immediately. Since Tuesday I have been in and out of hospital getting ultrasounds, blood work, RMN and asked a

heap of questions. On Monday I have to have another type of bloodwork done and yet another RMN (????) from todays ultrasound (1 hour

long!!!) my doc tells me that my liver is enlarged and resting on my spleen, the blood pressure in the ducts is fine and my liver is very healthy except for some bile ducts scarred. My bloodwork came back normal and they are now arranging for me to have a liver biopsy to

determine more.I'm confused, how did they determine that I have PSC? I asked at the time but I still have a problem with the language especially when in shock. Maybe I'm still asymptomatic?? But still having pains in my

chest and they said that can't do anything???Sorry if I'm blubbering, I'm just so glad that I found you all. I hope that there are some happy endings out there! I'm not going to let this beat me!

May 5

I was diagnosed with PSC this Febraury. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) which is interfering with trying to get

pregnant. My OB wants to put me on Clomid for ovulation, but due to my " unknown " liver issues was hesitant about the medication and how to monitor me during pregnancy. It was her pushing me to get a second

opinion that finally resulted in my PSC dx.My question is if anyone else has had fertility issues AND PSC?Today I had my first GI follow up since dx and starting Urso and my

LFTs have dropped dramatically to just above the normal range. I'm hoping that knowing more specifically what is happening with my liver now will increase my OBs comfort in helping me to get pregnant. Any

advice for me of things to talk about with my OB (or articles to show her) would be much appreciated.SoCal

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I searched me gmail from PSC support and I found many messages containing both URSO and pregnancy;

henrysmom2008 Sep 14

Well week 32 and everything is going ok so far. The Perinatologist at the U of M was right, with the PSC, the blood pressure will go up. I am

on early maternity leave due to this, and so far, that has done the trick. I did develop Gestational Diabetes, but that was due to my age, not the PSC, and I have been able to manage that with diet control. The

Hep, and OB agree I should be on a single dose of Antibiotics a day, to prevent any flare ups, so I am taking that and i am still taking the URSO. I am seen once a week in the OB clinic, and baby gets scanned

each week(he is a little turkey, cause he refuses to show his face to us... I think he wants us to be surprised), and I have LFTs taken once a week. I think that it is overkill, since they have not gone up once

since getting pregnant, but hey, I am not a doctor, so I will do it. I still feel like a human guniea pig, and I know somone is going to write a paper on me, but hey, if it helps other women with PSC have babies,

then I am all for it!They are still planning Halloween day for the c-section, and are concerned that the PSC will flare up and I will have to go early, but I feel confident that it won't. Other than that,I

think things are going well. 7 more weeks to go! Will update more later!! THANK GOD FOR THIS GROUP!!!!!!! Annie

kmmeucci Jul 4

I'm a 39 year old Australian woman living in Italy. I just found out today that I have PSC. Although am waiting on final conclusion from

some blood work I have had done recently. Please excuse my naivity and ignorance on this disease so far, I'm hoping to learn more through support groups.In 1988 in Australia I had a gall stone attack, was given a dose of

pethadine then sent home with no follow up. In 1999 here in Italy the same thing only they kept me hospitalized for 2 weeks,they also found small stones in my liver and wanted to export my gall bladder but I opposed (call it intuition). I found an Italian specialist soon after

in 2000 who found microstones in my intrahepatic ducts and put me on Urso 450 twice a day. In 2002 I stopped during pregnancy against my

specialists wishes but my gyneacologist begged me to stop (what would you do??). I had a check up in 2003 and my liver was fine, no stones, gall baldder fine and for 3 years I had 2 visits a year and all clear.

Then in 2006 during my second pregnancy i started itching like crazy in my 7th month, ALP and ALT's extremely high and was given an emergency c-sec at 8 months. Just 2 months after my 2nd child was

born I had severe cholic for about 3 months on and off and took Lixidol under the tongue for pain management and was put on Urso 450 3 times a day.

I was booked in for my first ERCP in November 2007, but all clear, not a stone in sight only a small calcium build up outside of bile duct and left side liver had bile ducts slightly thinner. Surgeon said he did not believe it was PSC, especially because I had been

closely monitored for 8 years. RMN all clear. Blood tests all fine. Last week I started experiencing slight pain in right upper quadrant, didn't think much of it, Last Sunday I started getting itchy and

called my liver specialist immediately. Since Tuesday I have been in and out of hospital getting ultrasounds, blood work, RMN and asked a

heap of questions. On Monday I have to have another type of bloodwork done and yet another RMN (????) from todays ultrasound (1 hour

long!!!) my doc tells me that my liver is enlarged and resting on my spleen, the blood pressure in the ducts is fine and my liver is very healthy except for some bile ducts scarred. My bloodwork came back normal and they are now arranging for me to have a liver biopsy to

determine more.I'm confused, how did they determine that I have PSC? I asked at the time but I still have a problem with the language especially when in shock. Maybe I'm still asymptomatic?? But still having pains in my

chest and they said that can't do anything???Sorry if I'm blubbering, I'm just so glad that I found you all. I hope that there are some happy endings out there! I'm not going to let this beat me!

May 5

I was diagnosed with PSC this Febraury. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) which is interfering with trying to get

pregnant. My OB wants to put me on Clomid for ovulation, but due to my " unknown " liver issues was hesitant about the medication and how to monitor me during pregnancy. It was her pushing me to get a second

opinion that finally resulted in my PSC dx.My question is if anyone else has had fertility issues AND PSC?Today I had my first GI follow up since dx and starting Urso and my

LFTs have dropped dramatically to just above the normal range. I'm hoping that knowing more specifically what is happening with my liver now will increase my OBs comfort in helping me to get pregnant. Any

advice for me of things to talk about with my OB (or articles to show her) would be much appreciated.SoCal

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My name is Sandi and I was diagnosed with PSC in 2005. I am currently in stage 3 to 4. In January of this year I found out that I was pregnant. This was my first pregnancy and had been told by the hepatologist that I should not get pregnant which I thought I could not due to other female problems so when I found out I was shocked and happy all at once. I was followed by the high rish OB's due to my PSC throughout the pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy I felt as if I was on a roller coaster as I was off and on bed rest due to low fluid. I finally gave birth on 9/25/08 to a healthy baby boy who was 5lbs 8ozs. I delievered 2 weeks early due to complications with the PSC, see what happened is that I turned jaundiced and my INR higher than it should be. But I could not have be blessed more with my baby boy. He is doing great. I wish you all the best and if you want to know anything else about my pregnancy please do not hesitate to ask.

Sandi in VA


I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get yourthoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed withsmall duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children allof which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twinsin 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and wehave always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed withthis lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with ourembryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you becomepregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of thedisease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other thanfatigue and occasional itching.Karey WadeLiberty,Mo.

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My name is Sandi and I was diagnosed with PSC in 2005. I am currently in stage 3 to 4. In January of this year I found out that I was pregnant. This was my first pregnancy and had been told by the hepatologist that I should not get pregnant which I thought I could not due to other female problems so when I found out I was shocked and happy all at once. I was followed by the high rish OB's due to my PSC throughout the pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy I felt as if I was on a roller coaster as I was off and on bed rest due to low fluid. I finally gave birth on 9/25/08 to a healthy baby boy who was 5lbs 8ozs. I delievered 2 weeks early due to complications with the PSC, see what happened is that I turned jaundiced and my INR higher than it should be. But I could not have be blessed more with my baby boy. He is doing great. I wish you all the best and if you want to know anything else about my pregnancy please do not hesitate to ask.

Sandi in VA


I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get yourthoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed withsmall duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children allof which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twinsin 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and wehave always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed withthis lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with ourembryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you becomepregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of thedisease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other thanfatigue and occasional itching.Karey WadeLiberty,Mo.

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My name is Sandi and I was diagnosed with PSC in 2005. I am currently in stage 3 to 4. In January of this year I found out that I was pregnant. This was my first pregnancy and had been told by the hepatologist that I should not get pregnant which I thought I could not due to other female problems so when I found out I was shocked and happy all at once. I was followed by the high rish OB's due to my PSC throughout the pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy I felt as if I was on a roller coaster as I was off and on bed rest due to low fluid. I finally gave birth on 9/25/08 to a healthy baby boy who was 5lbs 8ozs. I delievered 2 weeks early due to complications with the PSC, see what happened is that I turned jaundiced and my INR higher than it should be. But I could not have be blessed more with my baby boy. He is doing great. I wish you all the best and if you want to know anything else about my pregnancy please do not hesitate to ask.

Sandi in VA


I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get yourthoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed withsmall duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children allof which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl twinsin 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and wehave always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed withthis lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with ourembryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you becomepregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of thedisease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other thanfatigue and occasional itching.Karey WadeLiberty,Mo.

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  • 3 weeks later...


> What about taking Urso while pregnant? I would love to hear if people

> continued taking Urso or if the decision was made to stop taking it

> during pregnancy and why (and when).


Not exactly the same situation. I am a PSC sufferer taking URSO and

last year when my daughter (not a PSC sufferer) was pregnant she

suffered from cholestasis and was prescribed URSO. So presumably it

can't be that harmful. Good luck Lynda.

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> What about taking Urso while pregnant? I would love to hear if people

> continued taking Urso or if the decision was made to stop taking it

> during pregnancy and why (and when).


Not exactly the same situation. I am a PSC sufferer taking URSO and

last year when my daughter (not a PSC sufferer) was pregnant she

suffered from cholestasis and was prescribed URSO. So presumably it

can't be that harmful. Good luck Lynda.

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> What about taking Urso while pregnant? I would love to hear if people

> continued taking Urso or if the decision was made to stop taking it

> during pregnancy and why (and when).


Not exactly the same situation. I am a PSC sufferer taking URSO and

last year when my daughter (not a PSC sufferer) was pregnant she

suffered from cholestasis and was prescribed URSO. So presumably it

can't be that harmful. Good luck Lynda.

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hi everyone, just a question how do you know what stage you are in?

I was recently dialated and had a stent in April of this year (with

complications of pancreatitis). I am doing fine now, but doctors have

also advised against pregnancy, but i 30 yrs old and would like to

know the different stages. No UC, no IBD, no itching, no jaundice.

Can you help explain?

Thank you


> From: loganandkarey

> Subject: Pregnancy

> To:

> Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 8:51 AM







> I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get your

> thoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed with

> small duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children all

> of which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl


> in 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and


> have always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed with

> this lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with


> embryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you become

> pregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of the

> disease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other than

> fatigue and occasional itching.

> Karey Wade

> Liberty,Mo.


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hi everyone, just a question how do you know what stage you are in?

I was recently dialated and had a stent in April of this year (with

complications of pancreatitis). I am doing fine now, but doctors have

also advised against pregnancy, but i 30 yrs old and would like to

know the different stages. No UC, no IBD, no itching, no jaundice.

Can you help explain?

Thank you


> From: loganandkarey

> Subject: Pregnancy

> To:

> Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 8:51 AM







> I am going to ask my doctor this question but I wanted to get your

> thoughts on this as well. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed with

> small duct PSC this summer. My husband and I have three children all

> of which were born through in vitro fertilization. (boy and girl


> in 2002 and baby girl in 2006) We have two frozen embryos left and


> have always hoped for four children. But then I was diagnosed with

> this lovely disease (Ha Ha!) and now we don't know what to do with


> embryos. Is it safe to be pregnant with PSC? Have any of you become

> pregnant with this disease? I should mention I'm in stage 2 of the

> disease and right now I don't have a lot of symptoms other than

> fatigue and occasional itching.

> Karey Wade

> Liberty,Mo.


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