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Update from Kathy re: Tom - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2008 11:40 AM, CST

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Sorry I didn't write yesterday, but Tom spent the day with intestinal virus symptoms. I took him to the emergency room at town Hospital around 6 PM. They ran tests of his abdomen to make sure he didn't have an abcess or an intestinal blockage then they admitted him for the night. Since they didn't get him settled into a room until after midnight I just slept in the recliner in his room rather than driving back to Sterling.

When I left at 8:00 this morning the CT scan results were not yet posted to the computer, but the physician we saw at around 5 AM said that the doctor that ordered the tests would have already gotten the results, and if it had been anything serious we would have heard about it. So, the doctors think Tom either caught a virus or he's reacting to a change in diet. Since he was pretty dehydrated I think they'll keep him until at least tomorrow.

The boys are at the hospital now with Tom's dad and sister Vicki. They took their presents with them so Tom could see the boys open them. I feel pretty badly about Tom spending Christmas in the hospital, but I'm convinced he's better off there right now.

Even though Tom can't be home with us this is still the most blessed Christmas we've ever had. The love of our family and friends has been overwhelming, and even though there will be more rough patches ahead Tom can look forward now to a whole new life thanks to Larry's generosity. God bless you all, and Merry Christmas!


To send a message to Tom, Kathy and family goto;


-- Ian Cribb P.Eng.

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