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To Meg

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I am so, so sorry! I know how sad and angry you are.

I have been in your shoes with MY husband. There is

no feeling like having the person you pledged your

life to abandon you when you need them the most. I am

sorry you were alone in the Er and when you went home

you couldn't just go back to bed because you had

with you. I wish I lived closer to you so I could

help you! Hang in there and know I am praying for

you! If you need to talk please e-mail me!



--- megl2001 megl2001@...> wrote:

> HI all


> So here is my story sorry its going to be long. Last

> night I began to

> feel even worse than normal/ Knew I had a fever 101

> degrees, had

> horrible bathroom issues....and had this

> excruciating pain in my

> back. I hadnt slept in two nights either. So I

> wiated and waited ==

> took a hot shower, put on icy hot, took about 1,000

> advil etc...

> finally at 5 am I oculdnt take it anymore. I woke up

> my husband to

> say - honey I am really sick, I think I need to go

> to the hospital.

> So he says " I cant miss work today " Not - are you

> ok or whats wrong?

> The problem is who will watch our 2 yr old. So I say

> you will have to

> call my mom when you get up (nice to know he has no

> problem sleeping

> with all of this) and ask her to watch emily.

> So....he goes back to

> sleep = d0oesnt say goodbye, good luck feel better

> -= not even an I

> love you. He gets mad at me when I get sick becauise

> it affects his

> precious day!!!!


> So even better - I get to the ER - at this point my

> fevver is even

> higher, my pulse was 150 and my BP was 144/94. Not

> good. So they

> bring me in quickly thank god. I sat there for two

> hours before i

> even saw a doctor. Then this jerk comes in for

> literally two minutes.

> Presses on my stomach and asks if this has ever

> happened before. I

> try to tell him I have lupus and this is what

> happens when I get

> reaLLY sick = plus I am majorly infection prone due

> to meds. Never

> asked what meds I take!!!!!! Anyway - he leaves and

> someone takes

> some blood, they do a chest xray and leave me

> hanging for another two

> hours. Meanwhile I am in agony, cant lay down b/c of

> my back, cant

> get comfy at all. So finally a nice nurse comes in

> says - what the

> hell are they doing to you - they never even gave

> you a pillow. All

> along I am begging for something for pain and they

> say we want to get

> some test results back before we give you anything.

> Another hour

> passed and finally the nurse brought me two

> percocet. It took the

> edge off but didnt really help. Then they give me a

> shot for nausea

> and a shot for cramping and thats it. Sent me home

> saying its stomach

> flu. I wanst there for the flu. I waS THERE for the

> pain in my

> back!!!!


> Throughout all of this - it turns out that my mom

> said NO she wouldnt

> watch so she went to my neighbor (thank god

> for her) My husband

> calls me in the ER to bitch about my mom (I dont

> blame him for that),

> but still never even asks me if I am ok. I hung up.

> So I finally get

> home, thank my neighbor profusely and then

> falls down the front

> steep wooden steps (shes only 2), I swear I thought

> I was going to

> die. Thanks to god, shes ok - just a bit bruised and

> shaken but now I

> am feeling totally horrible - guilty, still in pain

> and miserable

> with anger at my so called family.

> '

> This whole day the phone has not stopped ringing, my

> mom called left

> a msg saying sorry I was so tired I went back to

> bed , couldnt watch

> . Needless to say I did not call back I am too

> freakin mad. My

> husband called about 20 times but I am not picking

> up teh phone for

> anyone, I am too aNGRY ANnd afraid of what I might

> say.


> Oh yeah - when I was in the ER, I called my mom 5

> times and she never

> once picked up the phone. NIce huh?


> So now I sit here, still in pain, still fuming mad

> thinking I need to

> divorce my husband and forget my family ever

> existed. I cant believe

> that the only person to come through for me today

> was my neighbor who

> I have only known for 2 years.


> Ok sorry to go on and on I just haD TO tell you

> guys, knew I would

> find soem sympathetic ears and probably soem of you

> have some similar

> stories. Thanks for listening.


> meg




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