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Hiya hon, yes I am in one piece... Sorry to have worried you and


Mike keeps a close eye on me through the cell phones unless it's a

weekend. Wish I could get some sound sleep.

I am starting to feel better as far as this cold, flue, bronchitis,

pnuemonia is concerned (whatever you want to call it) But I know it

is still wearing me down.

Hope your having a good day and hopefully it's a pain free one for


Take care hon and know I am always here for you. Did you get my email

with my phone numbers?



> Hi everyone,

> I spent the weekend at my moms...

> Here is the latest for all you inquiring minds =)


> Friday morning rhuemy wanted me to be admitted into hosp, but since

> he does not have hospital privledges (because he doesn't want to be

> limited to the amount of time he spends with a patient - he chooses

> not to have privledges so he can spend as much time as he wants


> He has to go through my primary to get me admitted. Well primary

> didn't feel I needed admitted that I was fine, and that whatever


> going on was most likely viral and if that is the case there is

> nothing anyone could do for me anyways. GRRRR So the two argued


> what I was told and right now neither are very happy with one

> another. So rhuemy told me to go have a chest x-ray done over at


> hospital - I did and apparently there is no change with my lungs

> since my last chest x-ray 2 months ago. Rhuemy did have me double


> on the zithromax so I was done with it Friday - but did not notice


> change. So Rhuemy told me that since he knows I know myself that if


> feel I need to go to the hospital to go ahead and go and give him a

> buzz on his cell phone. Mike decided it would be best if we spent


> weekend at my mom's since she is a nurse, so that is what we did.


> Spent most of the weekend in bed but itching like crazy and broke


> in hives. Hmmmm seems to be that I have now developed an allergy to

> the one and ONLY antibiotic I have been able to take, so I am


> big time when the time comes that I need an antibiotic - UGGGGG


> eating benedryl like candy and it isn't touching the hives nor the

> itching - its not any of my other meds because I was told to stop

> them earlier last week. I am starting to feel a little better today

> but still very warn out, and still coughing like crazy. I just

> started getting my voice back but I noticed when I try to talk a

> little bit I go into a coughing frenzy so I try not to talk unless


> have to. Mike is checking in on me through the cell and the rhuemy


> keeping tabs on me as well. I see Rhuemy in two weeks as well as

> primary and I am going to ask primary why he seems to be not

> following me as closely as he did in the past - I mean he use to be

> great and work well with all my other docs and now it seems as


> he is just slacking and not too concerned and well that aint going


> cut it with me and if I have to remind him that he missed my very

> first stroke and rub it in his face and also remind him he is lucky


> did not go after him for malpractice well then I will!!!!! He does

> not want to piss me off - and he knows it!!! ( When it comes to my

> health do not f*&^ with me - you better be on top of everything )


> my doctors know that, and they know I will speak my mind if I do


> feel they are doing a good job - I have the best of the best for a

> reason - not to be blown off because you don't have time, or


> you just can't figure me out - They know I am not afraid to swear


> them, and they know if I feel they are doing a shitty job I WILL


> them =)

> My mom labels me the bitch patient from hell at times hehehehehe I

> look at it like this - they went into their fields to help people,

> and to always continue to learn throughout their time as doctors -

> therefore, when patients like me come to them and they are stumped

> well you know what - it is time to open up their medical books and

> start learning again, refreshing themselves, researching, placing

> calls to others, etc. so they can continue to help patients - geez

> that is what they are making the big $$ for - because they sure in

> the hell are not going to share their wealth with those of us who


> sick and can't afford the things they can - so they better be damn

> good at their job...

> Boy, do I feel sorry for my primary when I see him in two weeks, he

> is going to get an earful from me...

> I am glad I didn't get hospitalized because I hate the damn place


> if this doesn't get better soon and then come to find out I should

> have been hospitalized - some heads are going to roll...


> So I am home, laying low, and following rhuemy's orders!!!

> I got your messages on the answering machine - I didn't know

> if you are working or not today - so if your home give me a buzz or

> give me a buzz tomorrow.....


> Hope everyone had a great, painfree, and peaceful weekend...

> Time for me to go back to the recliner...


> Huggles

> Deanna

> P.S. I have not even had a chance to view the messages on the board

> will try to catch up tomorrow... XOXOXOXO




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