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Update from - MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2008 08:46 AM, CST

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I have been having a hard time getting on caringbridge so this update is long overdo (and long, lol).

Yesterday was a first. I went to church and was feeling fine until towards the end when the back of my head started hurting. No biggie, it goes along with the Chiari. Well I came home (hotel) and was talking to (hubby) and eating pizza. All of a sudden I felt this wave of dizziness and could hardly sit up. It was terrible. I started to feel kind of numb and tingly all over and my speech went from normal to " drunken sounding " in just a couple sentences.

was worried (and so was I) so I called my nurse and doctor on call. Nurse said call 911, doctor said I'm not to sure what to tell you other than get checked out at the ER. So I got up to walk to the lobby and my legs were like silly puddy. I had to use my cane and it took an eternity (seemed like it) to get down to the lobby. All the time I was on the phone with . I feel so badly that I got that crappy that quick. I know that he was upset by it and feels bad because he can't help right now. Thank God he is supportive.

My favorite girl, , was working and as soon as I said something she called 911. This was at about 3:30. Another lady was in the lobby, Holly, and she was talking to me because I looked (and felt) like I was going to pass out. Then I had a seizure. I was coming out of it just as the fire departement got here. I told them all the crap that has been going on and I think I had another seizure or 2. Then the paramedics got here and took me away.

It was crazy. I've never been that bad that quickly. I got there and they did tests looking for blood clots I assume and everything checked out. My labs were fine and my blood pressure came back down to normal and by 5 i was talking normal and feeling fine, just a little tired and light headed.

So they let me come home. The ER doc wasn't sure what is going on but was aware of my neurology appointment today and felt comfortable letting me go. His diagnosis was " fainting (vasovagal syncope) " which is odd since I was completely alert and aware of things that were happening even during the " seizures " . Oh well. I will let you know what the stroke doctor says today.

Right now I am in the Patient Communication Center. They have 12 computers so luckily I am able to update. I have an appointment with the stroke doctor in an hour and am anxious to see what he has to say. People here are so nice. We all just sit and talk about what our experiences are. Everytime I tell someone that I have four kids they are shocked. LOL.

I feel a little off balance still today so, as much as I hate feeling funny, I hope it stays with me for another 2 hours so the doctor can see what I am talking about. I see Dr McBane this afternoon to see what he has to say as well. Tomorrow is my EEG (checking for seizures) and Thursday is my neuro-opthamology appointment.

I am so homesick and can't wait to go home. I hope that they are able to find something out while I am here. My plane ticket is for me to return Sunday. I hope I can go home then and celebrate Christmas with my family.

To send a message to melissa and family goto;


I thought I had copied this update but I can't find it in my sent files

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