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Toth, today!! Real Armour!!

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I can't wait to tell you all about my appt w/ Toth, today!! TOMORROW I START ON


We couldn't tell if the headache, yesterday, was from day 2 of the Isocort or

the heat wave. I think it's mostly heat wave. He was going to suggest Cortef,

but I started myself on Isocort, after over a week of hydrocortisone cream all

over my chest every day. He thought it was a great strategy. Can't remember

last a doc appreciating my resourcefulness, can you? Oh, and in the Adrenal lab

notes it suggests taking phosphorylated serine(like in Attentive Child!) and

antithistamines (Gawd! I love validation! I took 50mg of Benedryl last night and

25 the night before!)

He has bottles of Naturethroid in his office because some dandy lady

endocrinologist down in Carmel, CA, doesn't like the fillers in Armour. I said

" Armour, please. " He said " Ok. Try 1/2gr per day for two weeks- you sure you're

taking selenium every day (?) - then 1gr per day for 2 weeks, then we'll adjust

that and add in the rest of the hormones you don't have: DHEA, Testosterone,

Progesterone, Estrogen. Bring your hair test back and we'll figure out the

chelation and we'll work on tracking down the H. pylori and the Lyme. "

Plus he gave me another copy of the Iodine book because I sent the first one to

a researcher-mom-friend.

OK. Here are the labs that I had at Langer (minus the Free T3) And below are

the labs that I got back today (including Free T3).


TSH 1.899

ThyroxineT4 8.3

T4, free 1.23

[Free T3 2.9 - see below ]

thyroid peroxidase (TPO) Ab 22 ref 0-34

antithyroglobulin Ab <20 ref 0-40

DHEA 168 ref 26-200

Glucose, serum 98 ref 65-99

C-reactive protein, Cardiac 11.30 HIGH ref 0.00 - 3.00 impending event

Antinuclear Antibodies 1:80 ref <1:80 negative / >1:80


suggestive of SLE, MCTD,

Scleroderma Polymyisutus/ Scleroderma Overlap,

PSS w/Crest syndrome variable

[Winona, could this also be from existing MS?]

Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy 16.5 (low) ref 8.9 - 46.7

Total cholesterol 229 HIGH




Homocysteine 6.7 ref <10.4

**please note** New reference effective 05/10/2004 The new range

adheres to the NIH published study on Hcy


Male <11.4 umol/L

Female <10.4 umol/L

Nutritional & Congenital

5.41 - 11.4 umol/L

FREE T 3 2.9 ref 2.3-4.2

Testosterone, Free 2.5 HIGH <1.8

Age Male Female

20-49yrs 9.5-43.0 <3,8

>50yrs 8.0-35.0 <1.8

Percent free o.4

Testosterone, Total 70 ref 20-76

Progesterone 0.6 Low [ref 18-20 by Doc]

Estradiol 32 Low [ref 50-250 " ]

Adrenal Stress Index

Free Cortisol Rhythm

7-8a 9 depressed ref 13-24 nM

11-noon 14 elevated ref 5-10 nM

4-5p 4 normal ref 3-8 nM

11-Mid 4 normal ref 1-4 nM

Cortisol Burden 31 ref 23-42

{There's a nice graph that I don't know how to post that illustrates the

caption: " Cortisol burden reflects the area under the cortisol curve. This is an

indicator of overall cortisol exposure, where high values favor a catabolic

state and low values are sign of adrenal deterioration. " }


Depressed morning cortisol, <13 nM, is suggestive of Marginal HPA performance.

Normal rhythms exhibit highest cortisol value for the day at 7-8AM. An elevated

noon/afternoon free cortisol balue is caused bt a stress response to an

emotional or mental situation, hypoglycemia, or chronic pain and overt/hidden

inflammation. What Next?

a) Consider appropriate dietary mod. and glycemic control [saturated fat lowers

glyc. index, my dears!!!] that inclue an insulin friendly carbo-protein balance.

B) Consider initiating a mild to moderate aerobic exercise.

c)Consider use of the ACTH dampening Phosphorylated serine supplement within 1-2

hrs of times of high cortisol.

d) Consider palliative use of natural or pharmaceutical antihistamine or


e) Consider balancing the sympathetic /parasympathetic systems using established

techniques; examples: meditation, Tai Chi, or heart variability coherency

(Freeze Framing) [or prayer!!!]

f) If above changes do not yield the desired clinical and follow up test

reslults, look for low grade or hidden inflammation and infections. Examples:

food intolerances, chronic gastrointestinal and other infections.

The DHEA 13 high ref 3-19 [neat graph]

Elevated DHEA which is not coupled with cortisol overproduction. May arise for

following reasons:

1- Un/intentional DHEA intake

2- Increased ACTH stimulation with and insufficient response in cortisol

production which allows ongoing ACTH production and hyper-stimultation of DHEA


3-Deficiency in enzymatic cortisol synthesis; e.g., 21-hydroxylase deficiency

with high 17-OH Progesterone. Under these conditions, the runaway ACTH

production caused adrenal hypertrophy/hyperplasia

4- Androgen-producing or virilizing tumors.

Elevations may be due to high stress response or exogenous intake.

P17-OH 17-OH PROGESTERONE 55 normal ref optimal 22-100

borderline 101-130-

elevated >130

Salivary SIgA 14 depressed normal 25-60

borderline 20-25

Depressed IgA may be attributed to

1-excessive chronic cortisol output causes a

reduction in the number of SIgA producing

immunocytes. Appropriate restorative

treatments have been shown to produce

incremental improvements in SIgA

2-Excessive sympathetic activity causes

inhibition of SIgA release from the mucosal



4-Possible systemic deficit in capacity to

produce IgA - and inherited problem.

GLIADIN Ab.SIgA 13 borderline ref borderline 13-15

positive >15

Notes on gliadin:

gliadins are polipeptides found in wheat, rye, oat, barley, and

other grain glutens and are toxic in susceptible individuals

Healthy adults and children by have a positive antigliadin test because


subclinical gliadin intolerance, some of their symptoms include mild


occasional loose stools, fat intolerance, marginal vitamin and mineral


fatigue, or accelerated osteoporosis.

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