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symptoms of fibromyalgia/intro -long (sorry)

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To introduce myself - My name is . Hubby Bill and I live in Texas with 6

parrots and 2 dogs!!

I am 51 yr old female who has been very active most of my life- growing up in

scouts with a scouting family we went everywhere- even into the backwoods of

Canada on a canoe trip to primative camp.

Even as an adult I raised 3 children. I have been in the maternal-child field

of nursing since 1981. Over the years I have worked 8 and 12 hour shifts and

normally alot of overtime due to staffing problems.

I haven't worked since 2000 when I had L5S1 spinal fusion with BAK cages, screws

and rods. The spinal surgeon kept telling me the pain would go away. It didn't

and new pain was added.

Prior to the back surgery I had r knee surgery, a problem which they feel was

cause by an abnormal qait related to the back problem.

1 yr post op from the spinal surgery, the surgeon finally told me the pain was

permanent - would not ever go away and was caused by the metal screws and rods

in my back. He offered to take the rods and screws out but with no guarantee

that the pain would stop and I would worry about the damage done by breaking

those screws and rods out of the bone that has grown over them. The other option

was pain medications the rest of my life.

In 2001 I had left shoulder surgery for what they thought was a bone spur- and

they were right, but it was digging a hole through my rotator cuff.

Prior to the shoulder surgery, I was having terrible pain in my shoulder that

radiated to my elbow up to 10-12 times a day. Ortho did not know what was

causing this. He " hoped " the surgery would make the pain stop. It didn't - it

has changed and worsened. Now it stays in my upper arm is is so bad, I cry and

double over with the pain.

Ortho doc is upset with me and blames me for the problems " obviously you have

problem recovering from surgery " - funny, the pain was there BEFORE surgery and

WORSE after he opened my shoulder. I think he hoped he was rid of me when he

referred me to a pain management doctor- but recently the symptoms changed to

include pain down to my elbow with numbness in my ring and pinky fingers.

He ordered a MRI (which was normal) and EMG and even though he was positive that

the EMG would be normal- it was not - there are 2 levels in the cervical spine

with problems- but I haven't seen the full report. they also diagnosed ulner

neuritis at the elbow. They don't have a clue what caused it.

Ortho doc also was the one who suggested a rheumatologist to rule out fibro -

BUT I have been wondering about this for more than a couple months since I have

many symptoms that can't be explained. After reading the list of symptoms - I

may have had the beginnings of this over 10 years ago.

I am trying to find a good rheumatologist that is close (please don't make me

drive into Houston) but maybe some feedback from the list members would be

helpful. Anyone other than a rhematologist who diagnose and treat fibro?

Also one symptom that I have in not in any lists that I have seen for fibro- in

the last month both hubby and I have notice that I have bruises all over my arms

and legs - many are obviously there from when I hit my legs on something. Other

are where our little dog has hit me with her paw(which I question whether that

should leave a bruise) and other have no explanation - on the inside of my knee,

on my upper arms, from and back. It seems like when some heal other show up. Any

one with any ideas.

To answer the survey questions: ( I am using the your list symptoms plus the

additional symptoms listed by the fibrohugs web site which is very extensive)

Age 51



blurred vision- (attributed this to all the meds I am on for the spinal pain,

nerve pain and the arm pain)

Irritable bowel symdrome

Don't know if I have Irritable bowel symdrome - but I have had recurrent

constipation and diarrhea for years -


Have always had headaches for various reasons- blamed them on sinus or tension


nasal and other allergies-

I have had serious sinus pain ( I called then sinus migraines) and recurrent

sinus and nasal allergies for as long as I remember. Currently I have had

allergies for the last month and 1/2 and can't get them to go away.

Difficulty with fine motor skills- typing on the computer has become so

difficult and I make so many mistakes- if I don't have spellcheck- you would not

be able to read what I have typed I have always been a very good typist until

the beginning of the year. Again, I blamed it on the narcotics?

widespread pain after physical exertion- a couple years ago, I was helping my

husbad making a delivery and it involved climbing stairs- I made it up once and

he also had to carry me back down- the pain was everywhere but expically on my


Involuntary muscle spasms/muscle " quakiness " - I not sure what that term means

but I know that when I am resting on the couch, I can never relax- my whole body

goes thought these muscle spasms - from my feet and legs to my shoulders and

arms and hands- it never stops. - they are not painful just the muscles jump and

I never feel totally relaxed.

Muscle and joint aches

My joints have been aching and even painful for months.even the neurologist who

did the EMG noted the tenderness at both the elbow and shoulder. Then I pushed

on my other shoulder and arm like he did and found the tenderness there also.

There is also soreness at my knees.

Dizziness/loss of equilibrium- blamed this on the meds- although it is not all

the time- so how can it be the meds?

memory disturbances- there are so many things I cannot remember and this really

irritates my hubby- who get so mad when he knows he told me but I don't remember

anything about it- and he is very quick to blame " all that dam- pills " that I am

taking for the pain.

Reduces cognitive ability - hubby tries to explain the computer program he is

using and even though I have been system managers for comouter programs at

several hospitals, I have a hard time grasping and many times make mistakes- or

do what is right but forget that I did it. I balanced the checkbook and there

are 3 checks that we entered with the wrong amount in the computer- off by $0.30

to over $1.00 - haven't found out yet who made the error- me or the bank.

night sweats and fever- have felt like I am burning up - this happens at night

and even throughout the day - to the point of having to change my clothes- I get

so cold that I put on long sleeves- and then I get hot- at night I get cold then

break out in a sweat - can never get comfortable.

weight change

Since 2000 I have lost over 30 lbs

severe PMS

I had a hysterectomy but they left my ovaries and that is the worse PMS- I still

have abdominal cramping and breast tenderness - and it lasts 2-3 weeks at a

time. Changing hormones did not help.

hair loss-

this was happening for months and this is how we found out that I am also

hypothyroid - it has slowed down but the amount is still more than I think is


cold hand and feet

I have had problems with my hand and feel feeling cold- I was diagnosed with

raynauds syndrome in the late 1980's and when it has gotten cold enough here in

Texas, I have terrible pain and loss of blood flow to my fingers, which is very


Frequest urination- sometimes I barely make it to the bathroom.

fatigue- I go to bed tired and get up feeling just as tired.

Other chronic illnesses: recently started treatment for asthma.

numbness- I have attributed these symptoms to my nerve damage- but I have felt

numbness on the soles of my feet and also the numbness in my left hand.

communication difficulties - I know that there are times that I cannot think of

the word I want to use, or the name of something- and I use the wrong word.

depression- am on medication for depression - still have crying spells.

emotional lability - hubby screams and yells at me when according to him " You

are always negative " " Quit being so negative "

intolerance to bight lights- had this for years. Also have len implants after

cataract surgery and one eyes is more intolerant to the bight light than the

other but they are both affected.

intolerance to alcohol- I developed this years ago- even if I take a small drink

of any kind of a alcoholic drink - I get a terrible headache.

has your illness been diagnosed- ortho doc suggested this as a possible

diagnois. Looking for a doctor who has background in diagnosing this and

treating this.

how long did you suffer before getting help- have been under treatment for years

for alot of these symptoms individually but not as a whole diagnosis of fibro.

Many of the symptons (headaches, bowel problems, cold hands and feet, sinus

problems) started more than 15 years ago.

I was in PT for quite a while after the spinal surgery and started it again

after the shoulder surgery- but had to quit early after the shoulder surgery due

to an increased level of pain - and the pain was not at the site of the surgery-

it was in the upper arm. that was the only exercise I get except walking around

the house, taking the dogs out etc. But my problem is loss of weight- over 30

lbs since Dec 2000.

I am trying to get disability based on the constant pain that I am in- don't

have the diagnosis of fibro yet, but if I do have it I will certainly add it to

the rest of my problems.

Don't know how to get on disability except filing the claim, and from what I

heard, everyone gets denied the first time. Appeal the denial and this is when

the attorneys will jump in. It is normally better to have an attorney. Some

times you are denied again and then go before the judge and many people are

approved at this time.

The burning pain is not relieved by anything. the pain meds that I am on barely

make the pain tolerable. There is a spray that is called stop pain and I think

it is like a spray on ben gay and when my neck start burning, I spray this on

and it seems to help the burning or else the feeling I get from the spray ( cold

then hot) just covers the pain feeling.

Sleep is a problem - I lay down to rest during the day and can't relax. At night

it takes me more than an hour to fall asleep, even after taking 2 narcotic pain

meds, a medication for the burning pain and soma-muscle relaxer - and all have

the side effect of drowsiness. I haven't found a solution to this. I really

don't want to add anything else.

My husband does not understand anything about chronic pain and I am not sure he

will understand what it means if I am diagnosed with fibro. He pushes every

chance he gets that I need to get off the dam* narcotics. He blames everything

on the pills. He even has his friends calling here and telling me that

acupuncture is the way to go and it will take away all my pain, so I can get off

the dam* narcotics. The combination that I am on right now is the only thing

that brought the pain spasms in my left arm from 10-12 a day to 4-6 a day.

certain foods- the only thing I found is unusual reactions to foods- cheese

should bind you up espically when you are taking the narcortics that also cause

constipation - I get the worst case of the runs after eating cheese, I don't


Haven't found that doctor yet. Anyone know anybody in the Houston area?

Sorry this is so long - but I am still serching for an answer to my problems.

Also since my husband is not supportive most of the time ( he is very supportive

when he finds me rollewd up in a ball crying after one of the terrible pain

spasms or sitting on the floor after cutting my hand, which in turn causes a

pain spasm) but most other times he is looking for ways to stop the narcotics

from coming into our home- I really need support from others. thanks for any

suggestions anyone can give me, any quidance, any hope.



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Hi ,

Welcome to our wonderful group. I'm so sorry to hear about all your

painful problems. Rheumatologists are supposed to be the fibro

experts, but I believe some of the group members see other

specialists, such as neurologists, etc. You asked about bruising. I

get bruises on my knees that come up from the inside, due to

cartilage grinding from my chondromalacia. But if you think your dogs

paws are causing bruising, go to the doctors! Have you had recent

bloodwork done? This could be a sign of anemia. Or something else

potentially serious. I believe you mentioned you were in nnursing, so

you would know more about that than I would, but it doesn't sound

like something that should be taken lightly. Well, you've come to the

right place to vent your pain and frustration. This is a great group

of people, and I hope that we can help you as much as they have

helped me.

Take care,

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Hi ,

Welcome to our wonderful group. I'm so sorry to hear about all your

painful problems. Rheumatologists are supposed to be the fibro

experts, but I believe some of the group members see other

specialists, such as neurologists, etc. You asked about bruising. I

get bruises on my knees that come up from the inside, due to

cartilage grinding from my chondromalacia. But if you think your dogs

paws are causing bruising, go to the doctors! Have you had recent

bloodwork done? This could be a sign of anemia. Or something else

potentially serious. I believe you mentioned you were in nnursing, so

you would know more about that than I would, but it doesn't sound

like something that should be taken lightly. Well, you've come to the

right place to vent your pain and frustration. This is a great group

of people, and I hope that we can help you as much as they have

helped me.

Take care,

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Hi ,

Welcome to our wonderful group. I'm so sorry to hear about all your

painful problems. Rheumatologists are supposed to be the fibro

experts, but I believe some of the group members see other

specialists, such as neurologists, etc. You asked about bruising. I

get bruises on my knees that come up from the inside, due to

cartilage grinding from my chondromalacia. But if you think your dogs

paws are causing bruising, go to the doctors! Have you had recent

bloodwork done? This could be a sign of anemia. Or something else

potentially serious. I believe you mentioned you were in nnursing, so

you would know more about that than I would, but it doesn't sound

like something that should be taken lightly. Well, you've come to the

right place to vent your pain and frustration. This is a great group

of people, and I hope that we can help you as much as they have

helped me.

Take care,

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Regarding the bruises...do you take ibuprofen? Do you take any

anti-inflammatory type drugs? If so, this will cause problems

with bruising as the med thins the blood.

You can apply for SS as long as you have not worked for the past

6 months. I first applied in November 1999 and was finally

approved in March 2001. I was advised to get a lawyer right after

the first denial. The only bad part is they get 25% of any $$ you

get from SS. I think its a racket-the attornies are making money

off of what you desperately need to survive financially.

I'm new on the list too. I'm hoping to learn from others and

share my info.

Koala-t hugs,


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I thought they only got 25% of any back payments or do they get 25% of

everything you get?

Mandy Howell

Mystique Scents


-- Re: symptoms of fibromyalgia/intro -long (sorry)


Regarding the bruises...do you take ibuprofen? Do you take any

anti-inflammatory type drugs? If so, this will cause problems

with bruising as the med thins the blood.

You can apply for SS as long as you have not worked for the past

6 months. I first applied in November 1999 and was finally

approved in March 2001. I was advised to get a lawyer right after

the first denial. The only bad part is they get 25% of any $$ you

get from SS. I think its a racket-the attornies are making money

off of what you desperately need to survive financially.

I'm new on the list too. I'm hoping to learn from others and

share my info.

Koala-t hugs,


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I thought they only got 25% of any back payments or do they get 25% of

everything you get?

Mandy Howell

Mystique Scents


-- Re: symptoms of fibromyalgia/intro -long (sorry)


Regarding the bruises...do you take ibuprofen? Do you take any

anti-inflammatory type drugs? If so, this will cause problems

with bruising as the med thins the blood.

You can apply for SS as long as you have not worked for the past

6 months. I first applied in November 1999 and was finally

approved in March 2001. I was advised to get a lawyer right after

the first denial. The only bad part is they get 25% of any $$ you

get from SS. I think its a racket-the attornies are making money

off of what you desperately need to survive financially.

I'm new on the list too. I'm hoping to learn from others and

share my info.

Koala-t hugs,


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Someone needs to talk to your husband about the pain and the pain medications

that you are taking is needed. It sounds like he if of the school that

thinks that some kinds of medication are forbidden because you might get


When you find a doctor, have your husband go with you. After he listens to

your doctor about the pain from fibro, maybe he will understand. But make

sure, before he sees your doctor, that said doctor believes that there is

such a thing as fibro.

I have been trying to think of a nice way to say what I want to say but I

can't find any way. I have been told that I am to blunt but that is what I

am going to be to you.

Your husband is causing a lot of your problems. He is causing you stress

which will cause pain, complaining about your medications and the fact that

you have short term memory loss and have a hard time understanding how

something is to be done. All of this will cause stress and as I have said,

stress causes pain.

I would also guess that you are depressed. The problems that you mentioned

will cause depression and the fact that your husband is not supportive is not


You do need to see a doctor and as soon as possible, in my opinion. I see a

rheumatologist. Others see neurologist. If you have insurance, you will

possibly be limited in what doctors that you can see. Look at your list of

doctors and pick one near you. If that one does not work out, there are

plenty more but please, find one soon.

I am in San and I know that the weather around Houston cannot be

helping your allergies. That muggy weather is awful. I try to stay away

from Houston at this time of year. I swear that as soon as I cross the city

line, my allergies start of act up.

I am sorry if I have said anything that will upset you or make you angry with

me but I feel that there were things that I thought needed to be said.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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Welcome to the group. My family doctor

diagnosed me 2 years ago and my previous

chiropractor is the one who suggested that it was a

strong possibility that I had it. I still see my

family doctor for my fibro and I have started seeing a

new chiropractor. So far I've been to him 2 times and

I go back tomorrow. He specializes in fibro which is

good. Even though I just started seeing him I'm

feeling pretty good. Just a little tender from the

adjusting. I was out planting in my veggie garden last

night and this morning I planted a couple plants. I

know it's not much, but it's more than what I normally

can do. Granted I did have my husband out there last

night helping me with the veggies. =-) Again welcome

to the group!




To introduce

myself - My name is . Hubby Bill and I live in

Texas with 6 parrots and 2 dogs!!I am 51 yr old

female who has been very active most of my life-

growing up in scouts with a scouting family we went

everywhere- even into the backwoods of Canada on a

canoe trip to primative camp.Even as an

adult I raised 3 children. I have been in the

maternal-child field of nursing since 1981. Over the

years I have worked 8 and 12 hour shifts and normally

alot of overtime due to staffing problems. I

haven't worked since 2000 when I had L5S1 spinal

fusion with BAK cages, screws and rods. The spinal

surgeon kept telling me the pain would go away. It

didn't and new pain was added. Prior to the

back surgery I had r knee surgery, a problem which

they feel was cause by an abnormal qait related to the

back problem. 1 yr post op from the spinal

surgery, the surgeon finally told me the pain was

permanent - would not ever go away and was caused by

the metal screws and rods in my back. He offered to

take the rods and screws out but with no guarantee

that the pain would stop and I would worry about the

damage done by breaking those screws and rods out of

the bone that has grown over them. The other option

was pain medications the rest of my life.In

2001 I had left shoulder surgery for what they thought

was a bone spur- and they were right, but it was

digging a hole through my rotator cuff. Prior

to the shoulder surgery, I was having terrible pain in

my shoulder that radiated to my elbow up to 10-12

times a day. Ortho did not know what was causing this.

He " hoped " the surgery would make the pain stop. It

didn't - it has changed and worsened. Now it stays in

my upper arm is is so bad, I cry and double over with

the pain. Ortho doc is upset with me and

blames me for the problems " obviously you have problem

recovering from surgery " - funny, the pain was there

BEFORE surgery and WORSE after he opened my shoulder.

I think he hoped he was rid of me when he referred me

to a pain management doctor- but recently the symptoms

changed to include pain down to my elbow with numbness

in my ring and pinky fingers. He ordered a MRI

(which was normal) and EMG and even though he was

positive that the EMG would be normal- it was not -

there are 2 levels in the cervical spine with

problems- but I haven't seen the full report. they

also diagnosed ulner neuritis at the elbow. They don't

have a clue what caused it. Ortho doc also was

the one who suggested a rheumatologist to rule out

fibro - BUT I have been wondering about this for more

than a couple months since I have many symptoms that

can't be explained. After reading the list of symptoms

- I may have had the beginnings of this over 10 years

ago. I am trying to find a good rheumatologist

that is close (please don't make me drive into

Houston) but maybe some feedback from the list members

would be helpful. Anyone other than a rhematologist

who diagnose and treat fibro?Also one symptom

that I have in not in any lists that I have seen for

fibro- in the last month both hubby and I have notice

that I have bruises all over my arms and legs - many

are obviously there from when I hit my legs on

something. Other are where our little dog has hit me

with her paw(which I question whether that should

leave a bruise) and other have no explanation - on the

inside of my knee, on my upper arms, from and back. It

seems like when some heal other show up. Any one with

any ideas.To answer the survey questions: ( I

am using the your list symptoms plus the additional

symptoms listed by the fibrohugs web site which is

very extensive)Age

51femalesymptoms:blurred vision-

(attributed this to all the meds I am on for the

spinal pain, nerve pain and the arm

pain)Irritable bowel symdromeDon't know if

I have Irritable bowel symdrome - but I have had

recurrent constipation and diarrhea for years -

HeadachesHave always had headaches for

various reasons- blamed them on sinus or tension

etc.nasal and other allergies-I have had

serious sinus pain ( I called then sinus migraines)

and recurrent sinus and nasal allergies for as long as

I remember. Currently I have had allergies for the

last month and 1/2 and can't get them to go

away.Difficulty with fine motor skills- typing

on the computer has become so difficult and I make so

many mistakes- if I don't have spellcheck- you would

not be able to read what I have typed I have always

been a very good typist until the beginning of the

year. Again, I blamed it on the

narcotics?widespread pain after physical

exertion- a couple years ago, I was helping my husbad

making a delivery and it involved climbing stairs- I

made it up once and he also had to carry me back down-

the pain was everywhere but expically on my

legs.Involuntary muscle spasms/muscle

" quakiness " - I not sure what that term means but I

know that when I am resting on the couch, I can never

relax- my whole body goes thought these muscle spasms

- from my feet and legs to my shoulders and arms and

hands- it never stops. - they are not painful just the

muscles jump and I never feel totally relaxed.

Muscle and joint achesMy joints have been

aching and even painful for months.even the

neurologist who did the EMG noted the tenderness at

both the elbow and shoulder. Then I pushed on my other

shoulder and arm like he did and found the tenderness

there also. There is also soreness at my

knees.Dizziness/loss of equilibrium- blamed

this on the meds- although it is not all the time- so

how can it be the meds?memory disturbances-

there are so many things I cannot remember and this

really irritates my hubby- who get so mad when he

knows he told me but I don't remember anything about

it- and he is very quick to blame " all that dam-

pills " that I am taking for the pain. Reduces

cognitive ability - hubby tries to explain the

computer program he is using and even though I have

been system managers for comouter programs at several

hospitals, I have a hard time grasping and many times

make mistakes- or do what is right but forget that I

did it. I balanced the checkbook and there are 3

checks that we entered with the wrong amount in the

computer- off by $0.30 to over $1.00 - haven't found

out yet who made the error- me or the bank.

night sweats and fever- have felt like I am

burning up - this happens at night and even throughout

the day - to the point of having to change my clothes-

I get so cold that I put on long sleeves- and then I

get hot- at night I get cold then break out in a sweat

- can never get comfortable. weight

changeSince 2000 I have lost over 30

lbssevere PMSI had a hysterectomy but they

left my ovaries and that is the worse PMS- I still

have abdominal cramping and breast tenderness - and it

lasts 2-3 weeks at a time. Changing hormones did not

help.hair loss-this was happening for

months and this is how we found out that I am also

hypothyroid - it has slowed down but the amount is

still more than I think is normalcold hand and

feetI have had problems with my hand and feel

feeling cold- I was diagnosed with raynauds syndrome

in the late 1980's and when it has gotten cold

enough here in Texas, I have terrible pain and loss of

blood flow to my fingers, which is very scary.

Frequest urination- sometimes I barely make it

to the bathroom.fatigue- I go to bed tired and

get up feeling just as tired.Other chronic

illnesses: recently started treatment for

asthma.numbness- I have attributed these

symptoms to my nerve damage- but I have felt numbness

on the soles of my feet and also the numbness in my

left hand.communication difficulties - I know

that there are times that I cannot think of the word I

want to use, or the name of something- and I use the

wrong word. depression- am on medication for

depression - still have crying spells.

emotional lability - hubby screams and yells

at me when according to him " You are always negative "

" Quit being so negative " intolerance to bight

lights- had this for years. Also have len implants

after cataract surgery and one eyes is more intolerant

to the bight light than the other but they are

both affected.intolerance to alcohol- I

developed this years ago- even if I take a small drink

of any kind of a alcoholic drink - I get a terrible

headache.has your illness been diagnosed-

ortho doc suggested this as a possible diagnois.

Looking for a doctor who has background in diagnosing

this and treating this. how long did you

suffer before getting help- have been under treatment

for years for alot of these symptoms individually but

not as a whole diagnosis of fibro.Many of the

symptons (headaches, bowel problems, cold hands and

feet, sinus problems) started more than 15 years ago.

I was in PT for quite a while after the spinal

surgery and started it again after the shoulder

surgery- but had to quit early after the shoulder

surgery due to an increased level of pain - and the

pain was not at the site of the surgery- it was in the

upper arm. that was the only exercise I get except

walking around the house, taking the dogs out etc. But

my problem is loss of weight- over 30 lbs since Dec

2000. I am trying to get disability based on

the constant pain that I am in- don't have the

diagnosis of fibro yet, but if I do have it I will

certainly add it to the rest of my

problems.Don't know how to get on disability

except filing the claim, and from what I heard,

everyone gets denied the first time. Appeal the denial

and this is when the attorneys will jump in. It is

normally better to have an attorney. Some times you

are denied again and then go before the judge and many

people are approved at this time. The burning

pain is not relieved by anything. the pain meds that I

am on barely make the pain tolerable. There is a spray

that is called stop pain and I think it is like a

spray on ben gay and when my neck start burning, I

spray this on and it seems to help the burning or else

the feeling I get from the spray ( cold then hot) just

covers the pain feeling. Sleep is a problem -

I lay down to rest during the day and can't relax. At

night it takes me more than an hour to fall asleep,

even after taking 2 narcotic pain meds, a medication

for the burning pain and soma-muscle relaxer - and all

have the side effect of drowsiness. I haven't found a

solution to this. I really don't want to add anything

else.My husband does not understand anything

about chronic pain and I am not sure he will

understand what it means if I am diagnosed with fibro.

He pushes every chance he gets that I need to get off

the dam* narcotics. He blames everything on the pills.

He even has his friends calling here and telling me

that acupuncture is the way to go and it will take

away all my pain, so I can get off the dam* narcotics.

The combination that I am on right now is the only

thing that brought the pain spasms in my left arm from

10-12 a day to 4-6 a day. certain foods- the

only thing I found is unusual reactions to foods-

cheese should bind you up espically when you are

taking the narcortics that also cause constipation - I

get the worst case of the runs after eating cheese, I

don't understand. Haven't found that doctor

yet. Anyone know anybody in the Houston area?

Sorry this is so long - but I am still

serching for an answer to my problems. Also since my

husband is not supportive most of the time ( he is

very supportive when he finds me rollewd up in a ball

crying after one of the terrible pain spasms or

sitting on the floor after cutting my hand, which in

turn causes a pain spasm) but most other times he is

looking for ways to stop the narcotics from coming

into our home- I really need support from others.

thanks for any suggestions anyone can give me, any

quidance, any hope. --


for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at



portions of this message have been



Groups Sponsor



method=get target=_top>



682:HM/A=1046314/R=1/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225 " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ed/ediets/06042002_300x250_orange_01.gi\

f "

width=300 border=0>


682:HM/A=1046314/R=2/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225 " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ed/ediets/06042002_300x250_orange_02.gi\

f "

width=109 border=0>


4567 ft

01234567891011 in







l/S=1705061682:HM/A=1046314/rand=983598709 "

width=1>SEND POST TO:

fibromyalgia-cfs HOME PAGE:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/7127/fibromyalgia-cfs.html " >http:/\


OWNER: " Missy "



use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ " >Yahoo! Terms

of Service.


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Guest guest


Welcome to the group. My family doctor

diagnosed me 2 years ago and my previous

chiropractor is the one who suggested that it was a

strong possibility that I had it. I still see my

family doctor for my fibro and I have started seeing a

new chiropractor. So far I've been to him 2 times and

I go back tomorrow. He specializes in fibro which is

good. Even though I just started seeing him I'm

feeling pretty good. Just a little tender from the

adjusting. I was out planting in my veggie garden last

night and this morning I planted a couple plants. I

know it's not much, but it's more than what I normally

can do. Granted I did have my husband out there last

night helping me with the veggies. =-) Again welcome

to the group!




To introduce

myself - My name is . Hubby Bill and I live in

Texas with 6 parrots and 2 dogs!!I am 51 yr old

female who has been very active most of my life-

growing up in scouts with a scouting family we went

everywhere- even into the backwoods of Canada on a

canoe trip to primative camp.Even as an

adult I raised 3 children. I have been in the

maternal-child field of nursing since 1981. Over the

years I have worked 8 and 12 hour shifts and normally

alot of overtime due to staffing problems. I

haven't worked since 2000 when I had L5S1 spinal

fusion with BAK cages, screws and rods. The spinal

surgeon kept telling me the pain would go away. It

didn't and new pain was added. Prior to the

back surgery I had r knee surgery, a problem which

they feel was cause by an abnormal qait related to the

back problem. 1 yr post op from the spinal

surgery, the surgeon finally told me the pain was

permanent - would not ever go away and was caused by

the metal screws and rods in my back. He offered to

take the rods and screws out but with no guarantee

that the pain would stop and I would worry about the

damage done by breaking those screws and rods out of

the bone that has grown over them. The other option

was pain medications the rest of my life.In

2001 I had left shoulder surgery for what they thought

was a bone spur- and they were right, but it was

digging a hole through my rotator cuff. Prior

to the shoulder surgery, I was having terrible pain in

my shoulder that radiated to my elbow up to 10-12

times a day. Ortho did not know what was causing this.

He " hoped " the surgery would make the pain stop. It

didn't - it has changed and worsened. Now it stays in

my upper arm is is so bad, I cry and double over with

the pain. Ortho doc is upset with me and

blames me for the problems " obviously you have problem

recovering from surgery " - funny, the pain was there

BEFORE surgery and WORSE after he opened my shoulder.

I think he hoped he was rid of me when he referred me

to a pain management doctor- but recently the symptoms

changed to include pain down to my elbow with numbness

in my ring and pinky fingers. He ordered a MRI

(which was normal) and EMG and even though he was

positive that the EMG would be normal- it was not -

there are 2 levels in the cervical spine with

problems- but I haven't seen the full report. they

also diagnosed ulner neuritis at the elbow. They don't

have a clue what caused it. Ortho doc also was

the one who suggested a rheumatologist to rule out

fibro - BUT I have been wondering about this for more

than a couple months since I have many symptoms that

can't be explained. After reading the list of symptoms

- I may have had the beginnings of this over 10 years

ago. I am trying to find a good rheumatologist

that is close (please don't make me drive into

Houston) but maybe some feedback from the list members

would be helpful. Anyone other than a rhematologist

who diagnose and treat fibro?Also one symptom

that I have in not in any lists that I have seen for

fibro- in the last month both hubby and I have notice

that I have bruises all over my arms and legs - many

are obviously there from when I hit my legs on

something. Other are where our little dog has hit me

with her paw(which I question whether that should

leave a bruise) and other have no explanation - on the

inside of my knee, on my upper arms, from and back. It

seems like when some heal other show up. Any one with

any ideas.To answer the survey questions: ( I

am using the your list symptoms plus the additional

symptoms listed by the fibrohugs web site which is

very extensive)Age

51femalesymptoms:blurred vision-

(attributed this to all the meds I am on for the

spinal pain, nerve pain and the arm

pain)Irritable bowel symdromeDon't know if

I have Irritable bowel symdrome - but I have had

recurrent constipation and diarrhea for years -

HeadachesHave always had headaches for

various reasons- blamed them on sinus or tension

etc.nasal and other allergies-I have had

serious sinus pain ( I called then sinus migraines)

and recurrent sinus and nasal allergies for as long as

I remember. Currently I have had allergies for the

last month and 1/2 and can't get them to go

away.Difficulty with fine motor skills- typing

on the computer has become so difficult and I make so

many mistakes- if I don't have spellcheck- you would

not be able to read what I have typed I have always

been a very good typist until the beginning of the

year. Again, I blamed it on the

narcotics?widespread pain after physical

exertion- a couple years ago, I was helping my husbad

making a delivery and it involved climbing stairs- I

made it up once and he also had to carry me back down-

the pain was everywhere but expically on my

legs.Involuntary muscle spasms/muscle

" quakiness " - I not sure what that term means but I

know that when I am resting on the couch, I can never

relax- my whole body goes thought these muscle spasms

- from my feet and legs to my shoulders and arms and

hands- it never stops. - they are not painful just the

muscles jump and I never feel totally relaxed.

Muscle and joint achesMy joints have been

aching and even painful for months.even the

neurologist who did the EMG noted the tenderness at

both the elbow and shoulder. Then I pushed on my other

shoulder and arm like he did and found the tenderness

there also. There is also soreness at my

knees.Dizziness/loss of equilibrium- blamed

this on the meds- although it is not all the time- so

how can it be the meds?memory disturbances-

there are so many things I cannot remember and this

really irritates my hubby- who get so mad when he

knows he told me but I don't remember anything about

it- and he is very quick to blame " all that dam-

pills " that I am taking for the pain. Reduces

cognitive ability - hubby tries to explain the

computer program he is using and even though I have

been system managers for comouter programs at several

hospitals, I have a hard time grasping and many times

make mistakes- or do what is right but forget that I

did it. I balanced the checkbook and there are 3

checks that we entered with the wrong amount in the

computer- off by $0.30 to over $1.00 - haven't found

out yet who made the error- me or the bank.

night sweats and fever- have felt like I am

burning up - this happens at night and even throughout

the day - to the point of having to change my clothes-

I get so cold that I put on long sleeves- and then I

get hot- at night I get cold then break out in a sweat

- can never get comfortable. weight

changeSince 2000 I have lost over 30

lbssevere PMSI had a hysterectomy but they

left my ovaries and that is the worse PMS- I still

have abdominal cramping and breast tenderness - and it

lasts 2-3 weeks at a time. Changing hormones did not

help.hair loss-this was happening for

months and this is how we found out that I am also

hypothyroid - it has slowed down but the amount is

still more than I think is normalcold hand and

feetI have had problems with my hand and feel

feeling cold- I was diagnosed with raynauds syndrome

in the late 1980's and when it has gotten cold

enough here in Texas, I have terrible pain and loss of

blood flow to my fingers, which is very scary.

Frequest urination- sometimes I barely make it

to the bathroom.fatigue- I go to bed tired and

get up feeling just as tired.Other chronic

illnesses: recently started treatment for

asthma.numbness- I have attributed these

symptoms to my nerve damage- but I have felt numbness

on the soles of my feet and also the numbness in my

left hand.communication difficulties - I know

that there are times that I cannot think of the word I

want to use, or the name of something- and I use the

wrong word. depression- am on medication for

depression - still have crying spells.

emotional lability - hubby screams and yells

at me when according to him " You are always negative "

" Quit being so negative " intolerance to bight

lights- had this for years. Also have len implants

after cataract surgery and one eyes is more intolerant

to the bight light than the other but they are

both affected.intolerance to alcohol- I

developed this years ago- even if I take a small drink

of any kind of a alcoholic drink - I get a terrible

headache.has your illness been diagnosed-

ortho doc suggested this as a possible diagnois.

Looking for a doctor who has background in diagnosing

this and treating this. how long did you

suffer before getting help- have been under treatment

for years for alot of these symptoms individually but

not as a whole diagnosis of fibro.Many of the

symptons (headaches, bowel problems, cold hands and

feet, sinus problems) started more than 15 years ago.

I was in PT for quite a while after the spinal

surgery and started it again after the shoulder

surgery- but had to quit early after the shoulder

surgery due to an increased level of pain - and the

pain was not at the site of the surgery- it was in the

upper arm. that was the only exercise I get except

walking around the house, taking the dogs out etc. But

my problem is loss of weight- over 30 lbs since Dec

2000. I am trying to get disability based on

the constant pain that I am in- don't have the

diagnosis of fibro yet, but if I do have it I will

certainly add it to the rest of my

problems.Don't know how to get on disability

except filing the claim, and from what I heard,

everyone gets denied the first time. Appeal the denial

and this is when the attorneys will jump in. It is

normally better to have an attorney. Some times you

are denied again and then go before the judge and many

people are approved at this time. The burning

pain is not relieved by anything. the pain meds that I

am on barely make the pain tolerable. There is a spray

that is called stop pain and I think it is like a

spray on ben gay and when my neck start burning, I

spray this on and it seems to help the burning or else

the feeling I get from the spray ( cold then hot) just

covers the pain feeling. Sleep is a problem -

I lay down to rest during the day and can't relax. At

night it takes me more than an hour to fall asleep,

even after taking 2 narcotic pain meds, a medication

for the burning pain and soma-muscle relaxer - and all

have the side effect of drowsiness. I haven't found a

solution to this. I really don't want to add anything

else.My husband does not understand anything

about chronic pain and I am not sure he will

understand what it means if I am diagnosed with fibro.

He pushes every chance he gets that I need to get off

the dam* narcotics. He blames everything on the pills.

He even has his friends calling here and telling me

that acupuncture is the way to go and it will take

away all my pain, so I can get off the dam* narcotics.

The combination that I am on right now is the only

thing that brought the pain spasms in my left arm from

10-12 a day to 4-6 a day. certain foods- the

only thing I found is unusual reactions to foods-

cheese should bind you up espically when you are

taking the narcortics that also cause constipation - I

get the worst case of the runs after eating cheese, I

don't understand. Haven't found that doctor

yet. Anyone know anybody in the Houston area?

Sorry this is so long - but I am still

serching for an answer to my problems. Also since my

husband is not supportive most of the time ( he is

very supportive when he finds me rollewd up in a ball

crying after one of the terrible pain spasms or

sitting on the floor after cutting my hand, which in

turn causes a pain spasm) but most other times he is

looking for ways to stop the narcotics from coming

into our home- I really need support from others.

thanks for any suggestions anyone can give me, any

quidance, any hope. --


for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at



portions of this message have been



Groups Sponsor



method=get target=_top>



682:HM/A=1046314/R=1/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225 " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ed/ediets/06042002_300x250_orange_01.gi\

f "

width=300 border=0>


682:HM/A=1046314/R=2/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225 " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ed/ediets/06042002_300x250_orange_02.gi\

f "

width=109 border=0>


4567 ft

01234567891011 in







l/S=1705061682:HM/A=1046314/rand=983598709 "

width=1>SEND POST TO:

fibromyalgia-cfs HOME PAGE:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/7127/fibromyalgia-cfs.html " >http:/\


OWNER: " Missy "



use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ " >Yahoo! Terms

of Service.


Link to comment
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Guest guest


Welcome to the group. My family doctor

diagnosed me 2 years ago and my previous

chiropractor is the one who suggested that it was a

strong possibility that I had it. I still see my

family doctor for my fibro and I have started seeing a

new chiropractor. So far I've been to him 2 times and

I go back tomorrow. He specializes in fibro which is

good. Even though I just started seeing him I'm

feeling pretty good. Just a little tender from the

adjusting. I was out planting in my veggie garden last

night and this morning I planted a couple plants. I

know it's not much, but it's more than what I normally

can do. Granted I did have my husband out there last

night helping me with the veggies. =-) Again welcome

to the group!




To introduce

myself - My name is . Hubby Bill and I live in

Texas with 6 parrots and 2 dogs!!I am 51 yr old

female who has been very active most of my life-

growing up in scouts with a scouting family we went

everywhere- even into the backwoods of Canada on a

canoe trip to primative camp.Even as an

adult I raised 3 children. I have been in the

maternal-child field of nursing since 1981. Over the

years I have worked 8 and 12 hour shifts and normally

alot of overtime due to staffing problems. I

haven't worked since 2000 when I had L5S1 spinal

fusion with BAK cages, screws and rods. The spinal

surgeon kept telling me the pain would go away. It

didn't and new pain was added. Prior to the

back surgery I had r knee surgery, a problem which

they feel was cause by an abnormal qait related to the

back problem. 1 yr post op from the spinal

surgery, the surgeon finally told me the pain was

permanent - would not ever go away and was caused by

the metal screws and rods in my back. He offered to

take the rods and screws out but with no guarantee

that the pain would stop and I would worry about the

damage done by breaking those screws and rods out of

the bone that has grown over them. The other option

was pain medications the rest of my life.In

2001 I had left shoulder surgery for what they thought

was a bone spur- and they were right, but it was

digging a hole through my rotator cuff. Prior

to the shoulder surgery, I was having terrible pain in

my shoulder that radiated to my elbow up to 10-12

times a day. Ortho did not know what was causing this.

He " hoped " the surgery would make the pain stop. It

didn't - it has changed and worsened. Now it stays in

my upper arm is is so bad, I cry and double over with

the pain. Ortho doc is upset with me and

blames me for the problems " obviously you have problem

recovering from surgery " - funny, the pain was there

BEFORE surgery and WORSE after he opened my shoulder.

I think he hoped he was rid of me when he referred me

to a pain management doctor- but recently the symptoms

changed to include pain down to my elbow with numbness

in my ring and pinky fingers. He ordered a MRI

(which was normal) and EMG and even though he was

positive that the EMG would be normal- it was not -

there are 2 levels in the cervical spine with

problems- but I haven't seen the full report. they

also diagnosed ulner neuritis at the elbow. They don't

have a clue what caused it. Ortho doc also was

the one who suggested a rheumatologist to rule out

fibro - BUT I have been wondering about this for more

than a couple months since I have many symptoms that

can't be explained. After reading the list of symptoms

- I may have had the beginnings of this over 10 years

ago. I am trying to find a good rheumatologist

that is close (please don't make me drive into

Houston) but maybe some feedback from the list members

would be helpful. Anyone other than a rhematologist

who diagnose and treat fibro?Also one symptom

that I have in not in any lists that I have seen for

fibro- in the last month both hubby and I have notice

that I have bruises all over my arms and legs - many

are obviously there from when I hit my legs on

something. Other are where our little dog has hit me

with her paw(which I question whether that should

leave a bruise) and other have no explanation - on the

inside of my knee, on my upper arms, from and back. It

seems like when some heal other show up. Any one with

any ideas.To answer the survey questions: ( I

am using the your list symptoms plus the additional

symptoms listed by the fibrohugs web site which is

very extensive)Age

51femalesymptoms:blurred vision-

(attributed this to all the meds I am on for the

spinal pain, nerve pain and the arm

pain)Irritable bowel symdromeDon't know if

I have Irritable bowel symdrome - but I have had

recurrent constipation and diarrhea for years -

HeadachesHave always had headaches for

various reasons- blamed them on sinus or tension

etc.nasal and other allergies-I have had

serious sinus pain ( I called then sinus migraines)

and recurrent sinus and nasal allergies for as long as

I remember. Currently I have had allergies for the

last month and 1/2 and can't get them to go

away.Difficulty with fine motor skills- typing

on the computer has become so difficult and I make so

many mistakes- if I don't have spellcheck- you would

not be able to read what I have typed I have always

been a very good typist until the beginning of the

year. Again, I blamed it on the

narcotics?widespread pain after physical

exertion- a couple years ago, I was helping my husbad

making a delivery and it involved climbing stairs- I

made it up once and he also had to carry me back down-

the pain was everywhere but expically on my

legs.Involuntary muscle spasms/muscle

" quakiness " - I not sure what that term means but I

know that when I am resting on the couch, I can never

relax- my whole body goes thought these muscle spasms

- from my feet and legs to my shoulders and arms and

hands- it never stops. - they are not painful just the

muscles jump and I never feel totally relaxed.

Muscle and joint achesMy joints have been

aching and even painful for months.even the

neurologist who did the EMG noted the tenderness at

both the elbow and shoulder. Then I pushed on my other

shoulder and arm like he did and found the tenderness

there also. There is also soreness at my

knees.Dizziness/loss of equilibrium- blamed

this on the meds- although it is not all the time- so

how can it be the meds?memory disturbances-

there are so many things I cannot remember and this

really irritates my hubby- who get so mad when he

knows he told me but I don't remember anything about

it- and he is very quick to blame " all that dam-

pills " that I am taking for the pain. Reduces

cognitive ability - hubby tries to explain the

computer program he is using and even though I have

been system managers for comouter programs at several

hospitals, I have a hard time grasping and many times

make mistakes- or do what is right but forget that I

did it. I balanced the checkbook and there are 3

checks that we entered with the wrong amount in the

computer- off by $0.30 to over $1.00 - haven't found

out yet who made the error- me or the bank.

night sweats and fever- have felt like I am

burning up - this happens at night and even throughout

the day - to the point of having to change my clothes-

I get so cold that I put on long sleeves- and then I

get hot- at night I get cold then break out in a sweat

- can never get comfortable. weight

changeSince 2000 I have lost over 30

lbssevere PMSI had a hysterectomy but they

left my ovaries and that is the worse PMS- I still

have abdominal cramping and breast tenderness - and it

lasts 2-3 weeks at a time. Changing hormones did not

help.hair loss-this was happening for

months and this is how we found out that I am also

hypothyroid - it has slowed down but the amount is

still more than I think is normalcold hand and

feetI have had problems with my hand and feel

feeling cold- I was diagnosed with raynauds syndrome

in the late 1980's and when it has gotten cold

enough here in Texas, I have terrible pain and loss of

blood flow to my fingers, which is very scary.

Frequest urination- sometimes I barely make it

to the bathroom.fatigue- I go to bed tired and

get up feeling just as tired.Other chronic

illnesses: recently started treatment for

asthma.numbness- I have attributed these

symptoms to my nerve damage- but I have felt numbness

on the soles of my feet and also the numbness in my

left hand.communication difficulties - I know

that there are times that I cannot think of the word I

want to use, or the name of something- and I use the

wrong word. depression- am on medication for

depression - still have crying spells.

emotional lability - hubby screams and yells

at me when according to him " You are always negative "

" Quit being so negative " intolerance to bight

lights- had this for years. Also have len implants

after cataract surgery and one eyes is more intolerant

to the bight light than the other but they are

both affected.intolerance to alcohol- I

developed this years ago- even if I take a small drink

of any kind of a alcoholic drink - I get a terrible

headache.has your illness been diagnosed-

ortho doc suggested this as a possible diagnois.

Looking for a doctor who has background in diagnosing

this and treating this. how long did you

suffer before getting help- have been under treatment

for years for alot of these symptoms individually but

not as a whole diagnosis of fibro.Many of the

symptons (headaches, bowel problems, cold hands and

feet, sinus problems) started more than 15 years ago.

I was in PT for quite a while after the spinal

surgery and started it again after the shoulder

surgery- but had to quit early after the shoulder

surgery due to an increased level of pain - and the

pain was not at the site of the surgery- it was in the

upper arm. that was the only exercise I get except

walking around the house, taking the dogs out etc. But

my problem is loss of weight- over 30 lbs since Dec

2000. I am trying to get disability based on

the constant pain that I am in- don't have the

diagnosis of fibro yet, but if I do have it I will

certainly add it to the rest of my

problems.Don't know how to get on disability

except filing the claim, and from what I heard,

everyone gets denied the first time. Appeal the denial

and this is when the attorneys will jump in. It is

normally better to have an attorney. Some times you

are denied again and then go before the judge and many

people are approved at this time. The burning

pain is not relieved by anything. the pain meds that I

am on barely make the pain tolerable. There is a spray

that is called stop pain and I think it is like a

spray on ben gay and when my neck start burning, I

spray this on and it seems to help the burning or else

the feeling I get from the spray ( cold then hot) just

covers the pain feeling. Sleep is a problem -

I lay down to rest during the day and can't relax. At

night it takes me more than an hour to fall asleep,

even after taking 2 narcotic pain meds, a medication

for the burning pain and soma-muscle relaxer - and all

have the side effect of drowsiness. I haven't found a

solution to this. I really don't want to add anything

else.My husband does not understand anything

about chronic pain and I am not sure he will

understand what it means if I am diagnosed with fibro.

He pushes every chance he gets that I need to get off

the dam* narcotics. He blames everything on the pills.

He even has his friends calling here and telling me

that acupuncture is the way to go and it will take

away all my pain, so I can get off the dam* narcotics.

The combination that I am on right now is the only

thing that brought the pain spasms in my left arm from

10-12 a day to 4-6 a day. certain foods- the

only thing I found is unusual reactions to foods-

cheese should bind you up espically when you are

taking the narcortics that also cause constipation - I

get the worst case of the runs after eating cheese, I

don't understand. Haven't found that doctor

yet. Anyone know anybody in the Houston area?

Sorry this is so long - but I am still

serching for an answer to my problems. Also since my

husband is not supportive most of the time ( he is

very supportive when he finds me rollewd up in a ball

crying after one of the terrible pain spasms or

sitting on the floor after cutting my hand, which in

turn causes a pain spasm) but most other times he is

looking for ways to stop the narcotics from coming

into our home- I really need support from others.

thanks for any suggestions anyone can give me, any

quidance, any hope. --


for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at



portions of this message have been



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method=get target=_top>



682:HM/A=1046314/R=1/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225 " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ed/ediets/06042002_300x250_orange_01.gi\

f "

width=300 border=0>


682:HM/A=1046314/R=2/*http://www.ediets.com/start.cfm?code=3225 " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ed/ediets/06042002_300x250_orange_02.gi\

f "

width=109 border=0>


4567 ft

01234567891011 in







l/S=1705061682:HM/A=1046314/rand=983598709 "

width=1>SEND POST TO:

fibromyalgia-cfs HOME PAGE:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/7127/fibromyalgia-cfs.html " >http:/\


OWNER: " Missy "



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