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a good laugh...

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Wish I saw that!

From: sunnione4

Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004

10:39 PM


Subject: If you could use

a good laugh...

Okay, Lupies, I have been quite a downer for the past few days. I am

still down, but a friend sent me this story to

cheer me up. It made

me laugh so hard that I just have to pass it on. I

will warn ya..

it's a little longer than most.. but well worth



Have you ever had one of those days when


went wrong at the same time? Have you ever tried

to stop the chain of

events just to find that you were right in the

middle of the big

puddle? Well, I slid right into it thanks to three

lovable creatures.

Background: I am the temporary keeper of a canary

and two-week old

kitten. I'm allergic to cats and birds. I probably

wouldn't have such

a headache and runny eyes if that kitten would be

happy anywhere

besides on my lap or at my feet. But I just can't

resist loving the

little creature.

First, let me remind you that I have a two-pound

dog who thinks he is

King Kong. Therefore, that's actually where this

tale should begin.


I don't know what I'm going to do with him. He has

taken over

the 'motherly' duties for the kitten. His animal

instincts tell him

that the kitty was taken away from it's momma

before it was time. He

has assumed guardianship as well as 'body guard'

duties. Within two

weeks, he has attacked me four times because of

the kitty... He never

socialized with felines in the past, but this is a


He washes her constantly until she can't take

anymore. When she

starts taking swipes at him, he growls at me as if

he wants me to

make her behave. He's a quick learner especially

when he realized

that she wants to 'nurse' from him. He does some

quick maneuvering to

keep her from getting under him. I never realized

he could jump

straight up in the air.

Last Wednesday started out like any other 'sane'

day in our

household, but then it changed. At the time I did

not think It was

hilarious at all, but in retrospect, I think it


I had to do something or increase my allergy

medication. So, I sat

the bird cage on my kitchen counter so I could

clean it. Before

starting this job, I decided to bathe the dog. The

kitty was running

around free to do as she pleased. Oh, the kitty's

name is Spot

Patches Punky Skunky K.C. DurnU Kitty. Don't try saying it too

quickly. The reason for this name (which is larger

than she) is yet

another story.

I'm in control. I'm queen of the house and

'master' of the beasts.

I had prepared the dog's bath water half an hour

earlier. I have to

be really sneaky when it comes to giving him a

bath. It's all out war

when I give him one. He was busy watching the

kitty who was being

entertained by the canary; therefore, he didn't

notice the bath water

going and didn't hide.

I offered him a treat, and being gullible, he came

for it. I swooped

him up and placed him in the sink filled with

soapy water. The fight

began. He twisted constantly, growled, and fought

all the way. He's a

real trouper at bath time. He has won this fight

more than once.

Suddenly I caught a movement on the counter. The kitten

was at the

bird cage pushing the door up with her little paw.

I yelled at the

kitten to get down. My dog bit me for yelling at

his kitty then he

jumped out of the sink splashing water all over me

and the floor. He

ran across the counter to get the kitten, but

instead of stopping the

kitten, he proceeded to help her get the bird!

The cage door came open, out flew the bird. The

kitten was chasing

the bird, and the dog was in hot pursuit. I'm

still shaken and trying

to take in everything that's happening.

I joined the chase, and what a merry chase it was.

The bird was doing

his best to avoid the kitten. I didn't know which

one to go for first

until I remembered the window without the screen

was opened.

At last, by climbing onto the bookshelf so I could

reach the ceiling

beam, I grabbed the bird and shoved it down the

front of my blouse.

Not realizing the chase was coming to an end,

kitty jumped on me to

climb up my body using extremely sharp claws. It's

a very determined

kitten. I pulled kitty off me along with some of

my clothing and some

blood-soaked skin. I forcibly shoved her into my

apron pocket.

That left my dog still in the chase. He could not

handle the

injustice being done to his kitty so he attacked

me (I thank the Lord

he has no front teeth). I yell at him to take time

out which he does

grudgingly. Time out practice is explained in his

upcoming pages.

I returned to the kitchen where it all began, but

the chase had not

yet ended. As I went to place the bird in the cage

I slipped in the

bath water which was on the floor. There was

nothing to grab hold of

so I landed on the floor with a loud thump and an

even louder moan ~

might have been a curse word in there to if I

remember correctly.

By this time the poor scared bird was trying to

peck it's way through

my breast, the kitten was clawing it's way through

the apron to get

the bird and the dog was behind the couch (time

out area) barking at


The phone started ringing, my grandson was banging

at the kitchen

door while someone else was hitting the door bell

out front. The

alarm on my oven went off just as the unbalance

alarm went off on my

clothes washer.

I remember looking up towards heaven thinking

what's next when the

pager went off and I damn near jumped out of my

skin. It was too much

for me to handle. I couldn't stop the tears. Then,

I started laughing

which was even worse. Here I sat on the floor in a

puddle of water

being clawed and pecked and growled at. I laughed

until my jaws and

ribs ached. I am beginning to have some real

self-doubts about my


Next time, I'll put kitty in the basket, leave the

canary hanging

from the ceiling and take that dog to a groomer!

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