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Ian- Answers to questions.

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Hi Ian!

Thanks a lot for sending me that info! I too believe the same way you do about Pork. I don't plan on giving my 1 year old daughter pork. I don't eat it often as I think it is filled with toxins. I agree that God had a reason for that law pertaining to the Isrealites due to health (unclean) aside from being set apart from pagan nations. Personally, I think eating pork is very bad for the liver and for the body in general and think you are wise keeping it out of your diet. I don't believe everything that Jordan Rubin teaches but I like many things he teaches in his book "The makers diet".

I also agree that prayer is vital and without it my Dad might not be here today. Thanks for the nice compliment, yes I do love my Dad and sometimes worry very much about him and this PSC. Along side of prayer, we must do everything we can do ourselves. Thanks again for answering all those questions. I was right that there would be something unique about your answers meaning the no pork diet! The obstaining from seafood is interesting but I guess that was also a law too unless the seafood has scales, right? How long have you taken 4mg of warafin per day (blood thinner) and 200 IU of synthyroid per day (thyroid replacement)? God Bless you!

Hi Lori,

I have been relatively symptom free, I rarely suffer itching or RUQ pain and its mild when I do, my bilrubim has been normal since diagnosis and I don't get jaundiced, but I have had several DVTs am now pernimately on blood thinners (which has eliminated DVTs) my thyroid had to be killed off and I take thyroid replacement drugs (I don't believe its related to PSC).

1.) I don't have anything special I take other than my medicines.

2.) I don't eat turnips (because I don't like them) I don't eat pork or seafood (not because of PSC, but because of my own personal understanding of the old testement)(although God told peter not to consider anything unclean, I figure he had a reason for telling people not to eat those things in the old testement)

3.) I was taking fish oil and Vitamin D earlier this year, but it didn't seem to make any difference one way or the other so I only take them when I think of it

4.) I'm taking 750mg of URSO per day (its a low dose since I'm over 200lbs), 4mg of warafin per day (blood thinner), 200 IU of synthyroid per day (thyroid replacement) , and 5mg of Aricept (for calcium deposits on the brain).

5.) I don't drink excessive amounts of water, but I drink enough to stay well hydrated.

6.) I walk with my wife about twice a week about half an hour each time with the occasional longer walk (generally on level ground).

The only thing that appears to make a difference for me is URSO, when I tried stopping it me LFT #s went up right away. Beth Hunt's daughter has had amazing benifit by changing their diet and Hall's LFT #s went down after stopping URSO. Concusion: we are all different and we need to figure out what works for you (or your father). Sorry I don't have a miracal cure, I feel that I have just been blessed. I pray that your father will be too, (he is blessed to have such a caring daughter as you.


Hi Ian,

Just curious, I noticed in your reply you have been sympton free for 19 years. If you don't mind answering a few questions for me:

1) Are there certain foods you eat every or at least very often?

2) Are there certain foods or types of food you never eat?

3) Do you take vitamins or any type of suppliments? For how long?

4) Do you take URSO or any type of medicines for any other ailments or health problems?

5) Do you drink a lot of water? What drinks do you avoid or drink often?

6) Do you excercise on a regular basis, if so what type?


Lori A.

"Aggressively Pursuing Solutions To Your Real Estate Needs!"

First Weber Group


1507 E. Sunset Drive

Waukesha, WI 53189



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