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I am curious how some of you do with fatique. The last biopsy I had

put me at stage 1 PSC, but that was 2 years ago and I may have

progressed since then. I am noticing more and more significantly

that I am more fatiqued now than I was even 2 years ago. At the

current time, i'm trying to determine if it is diet and excercise

related because both my diet and excersice routines have suffered -

but a couple weeks in to " getting on track " I haven't really noticed

an improvement.

I can still work a full 8 hour day and play with my daughter for

awhile when I get home, but feel like my arms and legs are " heavy "

and I really just want to relax. This did not used to be the case

for me as I used to be quite a bit more active.

When did some of you really start to experience fatique? Was there a

specific point in the progression of PSC that you noticed it? Was

that at stage 4/cirrhosis or was it before that? Could you tell

without doubt that your fatique was caused by PSC?

Thank you for any feedback here!


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Have you had your vitamin levels checked?? From everything that I have read and heard, you can feel really fatigued if you are low on some of the B-Vitamins especially B-12..that may be something that you want to check into..

Just my two cents

Beth Brandel Thornton,CO


Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ---Ghandi

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