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Uggg a turn for the worse again...

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Hi all,

Well I started running a fever again Wed night, feet and hands both

went completely numb - I literally could not even pick up a glass of

water - I got nervous because my hands go numb right before I have a

stroke. Was able to get a neighbor over whom took my temp. 105.2 she

stayed with me to keep an eye on me in case I needed to be rushed to

the hosp. Finally after 3 hours the temp broke and I started getting

feeling back in my hands and feet. Of course Mike was in Missouri and

going nuts about me. Well I finally went to bed and felt better. I

woke up Thursday morning with my neck, shoulders, and back hurting

real bad so I took some of my muscle relaxers throughout the day.

Last night I took them again and they had gotten stuck in my throat

and I had a hard time finally getting them down - I even tried to

throw up. Well I was online talking to Mukund and and just so

happy to be talking to Mukund cuz it had been so long... well he had

to go to work so I decided to call Mike and tell him I was going to

bed. I get all settled and all of a sudden the numbness started again

in my feet and hands, then I started vomitting profusly (thank god I

had a garbage can next to the bed) got myself to the bathroom and was

in there for a good half and hour. Then the chills kicked in, finally

got back to bed turned the heating blanket full blast took over an

hour just to get warm. During this time I kept taking temp and just

watched it climb. Finally I got warm and noticed that I was sweating

so turned the blanket off and laid there, watched temp drop it's

hovering at 101.4 at the moment but that's ok. Finally got up to get

some orange juice plus to cool off. Thought I would jump online while

I drink my juice and fill you all in. Call Mike and filled him in on

what took place. He is worried as usual. He is in Columbus, OH for

the night. Has to unload in Scranton, PA tomorrow afternoon and

doesn't expect to be home before 10pm tomorrow night. He wants me to

call the rhuemy in the morning and fill him in on the past 2 days.

Mike is wondering if this pnuemonia/bronchitis is coming back - Uggg

I just so want this to be over with so I can get back on my Cellcept

and methotrexate.... I feel like I have knots all throughout my

shoulder blades, neck, and lower back so Mike said when he got home

tomorrow night he would massage them for me - poor guy - he has

busted his butt all week and he is the one who needs the massaging.

So if you don't see me around the next few days just figure I am in

bed trying to get better... It's always a never-ending story with me

it seems - I am fed up with this and I know Mike sure is...

Okay all Im off to try to get some rest...

Have a pain free night everyone...



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