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From Mick's husband

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I would like to give my perspective of Mick and her battle with

fibromyalgia/cfs. A typical day began with me hearing her wake up at two in the

morning. I would hear her softly cry from the living room but I would stay in

bed because there was no confort that I could give to her. I would be exhausted

because I had been up until way past midnight researching the information

regarding her syptoms. I would be exhausted because the day before I had gotten

the kids to school, cooked all the meals, done all the cleaning and worked my

job and Mick could barely walk to the bathroom alone. I had watched my children

as they tip toed through the house, hoping for the day they could act like

normal healthy noisy kids. I would see in their eyes how they had been forced

to block out this woman that lived on the sofa in our house. I would watch as

they tried to show her the drawing that they had done and the dissappointement

in their eyes when Mick did not have the strength to respond to their pictures.

I would worry about when the Dr. would try to stop her pain meds and each new

test result that came back showing almost normal ranges. I would watch as the

guilt ripped Mick apart from her lack of involvement in our lives and the fact

that she felt herself a drain upon our family. The bouts of depression that

were suicidal in nature were frightenning. The many many trips to the emergency

room and the ignorance of the doctors in their inability to find a cause for her

pain. The many tests that we were charged thousands and thousands of dollars

for that came back negative. Suicide seemed to MIck to be her only option and I

was constantly attempting to talk her out of it. One day MIck and I made a deal,

that included that if she would give me six months, and I had found no answers

for her and no relief, that I would assist in her suicide. This gave me six

months to find and answer and I spent hours in study of the syndromes she had

been diagnosed with.

I read every study done from guifenesen, to viral studies. From funded studies

posted in the journal of American Medicine, from Rhemetology Journals, Internal

Medicine, Neurologists, etc etc. My first big discovery was the ignorance of

Doctors and researchers regarding the cause. They posed theory after theory but

either the tests were not funded or the results were varied. Soon I noticed

that those studies that had some success had a common denominator. I got exited

and spent weeks verifiing my theory. Each and every success story shared on



my information to Mick and she responded the same way that many of you responed

to her. She did not equate diet and exercise with her symtoms nor did she want

to believe her doctors were wrong. She did not believe it would work at all and

she shot it down. | could not force her to accept the information and I was

devastated as I knew that she was choosing to stay in her world of pain.

Months passed and then one day Mick got a book from the library thinking it was

a gardening book entitled Back to Eden by Jethro Klaus. I am not selling this

book I am just telling it like it is. She saw in those pages the same thing

that I had been telling her and I was elated. Mick began with a totally fruit

diet, and immediately got diarea. She was still taking her pain medication and

sleep medication. After three days her brain fog began to lift. She slowly

began to add vegetables into her diet over the next week and began to follow a

program called SIT AND BE FIT that was designed for those who could not exercise

normally. She began slowely to begin walking. At first it was across the room.

Then out to the mail box. Then slowely and painfully out to the road. She

began to wean herself off her her medications and her bowel movements began to

improve dramatically. She no longer had any brain fog and the the pain began to

appear less and less. Her exercise program got more and more intense and soon

she could walk farther and faster than I could. The woman that I married had

returned to me. My children had their mother back. Yes there is an occasional

event or slip up on the diet but as long as she stays with her diet and

excercise she is now symptom free. The eighteen pressure points do not exist any

more. No brain fog. She sleeps each night. She no longer walks with a cane.

Mick can actually RU N!!!!!!

For those of you who discount Micks story I would submit the following:

Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue syndrom affects 7 percent of the population. It

began in the early 18 hundreds with the influx of food additives that are used

in our food. The doctors say that there is no cure and some even suggest that

it is non-existant. I submit that we have found the cure. I submit that Doctors

are ignorant as to any aspect of the syndrome. If you choose to follow the

advise of doctors who admit that they do not understand the syndrome you will

get worse. If you choose to be well you will try anything, no matter how simple.

What Mick has been trying to offer is the simplest yet hardest solutioin. It

requires that you completely altar your lifestyle. It costs little or nothing.

The only thing you need to give is three months of your time and willpower. If

you stick to the diet you will get better. If you do not you will not get

better. That you fight against the information that MIck is offering to you

free of charge, from a person who suffered more symptoms and pain than most of

you diagnosed with the syndromes, is the epitome of ridiculous. That you would

rather take the advise of those who do not nor ever have suffered and have never

recovered from the syndrom is nothing short of amazing. Mick has been there,

she spent six years living (or not living) through those moments that you all

know and had found a cure. That you discount her information, that you find it

simplistic, that you would rather spend a fortune on this medication and that

medication, on hospital visits and test after test is silly. That you would

rather keep your processed foods and lay on the couch not trying to get better

is crazy. It took years for you to aquire the syndrom and yet you will not

spend 3 months of discipline trying to cure it. I have my lovely, healthy wife

back. My children have their loving mother back. We are a family again. Is it

not worth three months to you? |Have you not yet come to that point where you

will do anything to get better. Would you rather spend your energies fighting

against what MIck is telling you?

It is your choice....



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