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Poor Kid! I’m glad you are up and running and so is your computer. Goodness,

didn’t you just look for a new Dr? I don’t even want to see my Rheumy anymore

for awhile. I just need to go in and bum some free Celebrex and go. I had

blood work done and had my internist look at it. The only meds I’m on are the

free samples I get like Celebrex, Fosomax, and Lexpro. I pay for the Hydrocodone

and sleeping pills, thank God they don’t cost much. Since I can’t afford Aralen

anymore there is no reason to have my eyes checked or my blood looked at for

that. I am doing quite well considering. I am supposed to be on 2 meds for my

interstitial cystitis and can’t afford those either so no need for that blood

work. My bladder is bugging me more and more. At least I don’t have to rush

to the hospital like you and a lot of others, I am very grateful for that. My

rash on my left arm is clearing up and my right arm has started. Oops, gotta go.

From: Carey

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004

5:19 PM




Dear Friends

I have not been on line the last couple of days

.....first, I was Hospitalized overnight when My blood pressure went sky high on

Saturday morning...(.221/119) , and my potassium level was way down. I just

knew something was not right, and called 911 and was transported to the E.R.

After they did an EKG, chest exray, and blood work, it was decided to keep me

overnight to stablize me. They also put me on I.V. with steroids ,to get this nasty

rash under control. . I did not have the chance to notify anyone to

put me on " NO Mail " or do it myself.....so of course when I got home

Sunday afternoon, my Emails were bouncing, and Yahoo had cut off my account.

I finally got reinstated, then " Lamar "

(my computer) started having some problems. Then I lost my Instant



I'm back up and running now. ........I just called the Hospital and had them

fax a request for my Medical Records of my stay in the hospital this weekend to

my Apt. Managers fax machine , while I am at it I will get the Records of when

I fell and broke my Leg in 2/ 2000 ....I was taken to the same hospital at that


I also called my

Insurance Co. and asked them to send me a list of their providers , so I

can try to find a PCP closer to me, and who has hospital priveleges at a

Hospital closer to me. I need someone closer, and who will be able to take care

of me when I need to be hospitalized.....besides I am just not too happy with

my old PCP anymore.

So its a doctor search

all over again !! Hopefully, I can find a good one this time .....I have not

had much luck with doctors lately.

The Doctor on call and who took

care of me....added a new blood pressure medication to be taken along with the

5mg. of Norvasc I have been on. He prescribed 0.1mg. Clonidine HCL. to be taken

1 tablet twice a day. .........So now I get to see if I am going to have

an allergic reaction to THIS medication. The I.V. s of 70cc of Solu Medrol(sp)

every 6 hrs. has done wonders to clear up the rash that has been plagueing me

forever......Plus I was given a tube of hydrocortisone cream 1 % which is

helping too, and .....I'm taking 25mg. of Benedryl every 4 hrs.

I would like some

feedback on this new blood Pressure Medication, Clonidine HLC ....if any

of you have taken it and how well it has worked for you ,

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