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Interpretation please

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I have been home from Auckland, New Zealand for about two weeks now

after going there for an ERCP and to be stented as I have been

unsuccessful in the past. I eventually had two operations because

the first one was unsuccessful, apparently. Following is the notes

that I was given when I was discharged. I was hoping someone would

be able to explain it to me in plain English because I haven't seen

my gastro dr since I came back and I don't know when I will be

seeing her. I know that I don't have any stents in, they weren't


Week 1

Clinical Management: Richelle came forward for repeat ERCP under GA.

Bile duct cannulation via the major papilla was unsuccessful. Small

pancreatic sphincterotomy was performed. The pancreatic duct was

cannulated via the major papilla. A small amount of contrast entered

the lower CBD only, deep bililary cannulation was unsuccessful after

1 hour 20 minutes. The procedure was abandoned. Sphincterotomy

performed. There were no post-procedure complications. Plan to

readmit on Monday, for repeat ERCP under GA on Tuesday and/or MRCP

on Wednesday. Buggered if I know what any of that means.

Week 2 (this week)

Clinical Management: Richelle came forward for repeat ERCP under GA,

with IV antibiotic cover. ERCP performed on 14/10/2008 showed normal

extrahepatic ducts, no stricture and no stones. The intrahepatic

biliary tree had multiple strictures with severe pruning and very

little filling of the system, in keeping with intrahepatic PSC. A

6mm sphincterotomy and biliary brushings were undertaken. Post

procedure Richelle developed abdominal pain (pancreatitis, thought I

was dying) requiring IV analgesia. Amylase normal. Pain settled

overnight, eating and drinking but developed vomiting (projective,

not very nice) on Day 1 post ERCP requiring a further night as an

inpatient for IV fluids. She is for continued follow-up with Dr

Alison Ross in Christchurch. She will be seen in Liver Clinic in

early 2009 in Christchurch.

If someone could interpret it for me that would be great. Thanks.


Christchurch, New Zealand

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