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7 Months on HNI - Sam's Experience

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Hi All

We have just reached the 7 month mark on HNI enzymes and OFF CFGF, and I just

wanted to post some improvements and confirm no sign of regressions, just

more improvements for those concerned re long term effects of coming off diet.

Sam has always responded slowly and just being able to be off the diet was

enough to start with. We saw increased hyperactivity for the first 3 months

(both formulations of Pep) along with improvements in eye contact and

receptive language. I beleive this was increased yeast die off due to the

synergistic effects of the HNI with Bio-Kult (a probiotic 10 Billion CFU's

per cap). During this period his eczema came and went weekly and his stools

remained normal - only just 'sorted' before we started enzymes.

We are still seeing improvements now, 'hanging' with his brothers, initiating

play with dad & brothers now as well as mum, following commands - only last

week spontaneously put rubbish in the bin (in a different room) in response

to 'tidy away' which previously meant he moved his rubbish from the floor to

counter top. He has stopped running off and holds hands nicely when out,

recently tried him out of trolley in supermarket, Saturday AM, it was

heaving, he behaved impeccably and only took one thing off the shelf and even

handed it to me - he favourite biscuit bar, not for eating but for bashing

the TV. This 'stim' has not stopped with enzymes, shame .... but hey look

what improvements we have got!

He has gone from being unable (unmotivated ?) to sort 2 blue blocks from 2

red ones to sorting reptiles from mammals! His teachers report having a hard

time keeping up. He has become very sensitive emotionally, massess of tears

and blue lips in response to being told 'no'. I see this as a plus, he has a

temper now - he stamped his feet!!! - I see this a plus too. He whinges when

the school bus comes - I see as a plus too. His cuddles are more 'real' and

spontaneous and he is imitating for the first time ever, buttering bread,

pouring own drink etc. Dh said today 'I love this - we have the terrible

two's!' Sam is 5 next week but I've read Dana saying the same.

Whilst we still don't have words, we have more word like noises and these are

no longer gutteral (sp?) 'meng' 'mung' with tongue low down in mouth - we now

have 'mum - meh' but not directed at me. (At 12 months he said Mama, Dada and

Baby) He seems frustrated with his PECS cards and prefers to use his highly

effective body language and gesturing. I strongly feel if he was angry enough

he'd talk, but it seems a pretty cruel way to try and elicit a word - or is


Sam was recently hospitalised with high temp 103 of 10 days duration, no

focus of infection found, resolved after 6 shots of penicillin on day 13.

Since then he has regained all the weight lost and seems brighter than ever.

I beleive he was having major detox.

We still limit sugar due to his yeast, no aspartame and no MSG - recent

challenge sent him tripping - seemed to be having a very good time! 36 hours

after back down again, so he can do without this. We have recently reduced

enzymes to half cap of each per tumbler of juice as slurpy, 6 to 9 cups per

day at home, as the dose seemed pretty excessive at up to 9 per day of each -

no problems noted. He has chocozyme at school with lunch, CF/GF biscuits at

break times without enzymes - maybe we should try half a chocozyme (each one

has 1 Pep, 1 Zyme and 2 Eye Q -EPA rich fish oils)

Next step chelation, can't say 'next year' anymore, its here! Very anxious

about this but he showed max reading on Lead also antimony & arsenic and by

counting rules, Mercury. We'll being chelating without medical help, I'm

following Dana and Patti's stories. I've stopped watching soaps and eargerly

await Dana's updates!

Mandi in Poole UK

Mum to Sam 4.11 47XYY & Autism, Joe 6 NT and Tom 7 NT

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