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Some Good News

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We got good news in the mail Saturday. was awarded social security disability on the first try. I actually noticed a deposit in our bank account from them 1 1/2 weeks ago for the amount of the SSD - so they paid before they even notified us. He started receiving LTD payments effective the same date, after a six-month waiting period. Since his LTD is more than his SSD the SSD amount will be deducted from his LTD payment and we will have to send the insurance company the amount of the 1st SSD payment, then they will deduct that amount from

his future monthly LTD checks. We knew this would probably happen so we didn't spend the SSD $$. The sad thing is that when the LTD kicked in, the school district terminated his employment - which we knew would happen, however, the emotional reality of that is very difficult for . He IS a teacher and always will be, whether he is able to be in the classroom or not. continues fighting this disease and his symptoms continue to get worse while his blood tests remain in the high normal range, which keeps his MELD down. The doc says that REALLY needs a tx now but he never gets above an 11 MELD and he is not a candidate for living donor tx because of his Pancreas surgery.I am grateful for every good day that he has and although this is a very difficult trail that we are on, I am grateful for everything and everyone in our life.

As you know, there is no way that I can list them all - just know that I'm grateful for the love, support and knowledge that we receive from this group. Even though I don't post often, I am here "lurking" :-)LOVE & LIGHT, Barbara (Wife of , PSC'07, HE, Chronic Pancr, Osteo, Diabetes, Listed)


Barbara (Wife of , PSC'07, HE, Chronic Pancr, Osteo, Diabetes, Listed)

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when I called Social Security they said if you get

sick benefits of LTD or pension, it would not affect

your SSD payment....never thought about those other

payments being affected by SSD...but I guess companies

do what they can to minimize their payouts.

Cindy Baudoux-Northrup

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The LTD insurance company actually pays a company to complete all the forms and do all of the legwork and followup - send us the documents to sign - then they actually do everything else. It is very cost effective for them because when a person is awarded SSD it means less money the insurance company has to pay out.

Barbara (Wife of , PSC'07, HE, Chronic Pancr, Osteo, Diabetes, Listed)

From: Cindy Baudoux baudouxnorthrup@...

your SSD payment....never thought about those otherpayments being affected by SSD...but I guess companiesdo what they can to minimize their payouts.Cindy Baudoux-Northrup

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The LTD insurance company actually pays a company to complete all the forms and do all of the legwork and followup - send us the documents to sign - then they actually do everything else. It is very cost effective for them because when a person is awarded SSD it means less money the insurance company has to pay out.

Barbara (Wife of , PSC'07, HE, Chronic Pancr, Osteo, Diabetes, Listed)

From: Cindy Baudoux baudouxnorthrup@...

your SSD payment....never thought about those otherpayments being affected by SSD...but I guess companiesdo what they can to minimize their payouts.Cindy Baudoux-Northrup

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