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severe cfs symptoms

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hi. i am new to this group, and have been and am going through hell

with this illness. i cannot function at all. i am in pain, dizzy,

have severe burning of my feet and legs, feel exhausted and miserable

all the time, and cannot function in life. no one understands. i feel

all alone in this! i have no friends because i cannot do anything. i

cannot go anywhere because of the dizziness and have passed out on a

number of occasions. i've had this illness since my teens, was

finally diagnosed ten years ago with cfs. i read some people can

function somewhat well with this illness, but i am not one of them as

my symptoms are so severe. i fear for my future, hospitalization? a

nursing home? disabled housing? right now i live at home, but what

happens years down the road? i cannot drive due to the fatigue and

ability to concentrate. i can't work, even though my iq is very high.

i am so left out of life. it is passing me by. i have tried all meds

for cfs, with little relief. i read all these testomonials from

people with cfs on vitamin sites, did they really have cfids? it

cannot be anything like what i have. these symptoms will not go away

no matter what. because of the long time i have had cfs, and all the

meds and therapies i have tried, it looks there is no hope for these

symptoms to ever go away. in fact, they've gotton worse in time, not

better. i never had the severe burning of my feet where i can't walk

until just a year ago, had all the tests, and was told there's

nothing to be done. how do people live like this, so isolated from

the world, no friends, just spending all their energy dealing with

the symptoms? is there anyone in this group who has cfs this badly? i

can't be the only one who has it like this? please let me hear from

you if you are as disabled by cfids. thank you.

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