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What Causes Ulcerative Colitis?

Theories about what causes ulcerative colitis abound, but none have been

proven. The most popular theory is that the body's immune system reacts to a

virus or a bacterium by causing ongoing inflammation in the intestinal

wall.People with ulcerative colitis have abnormalities of the immune system,

but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result

of the disease. Ulcerative colitis is not caused by emotional distress or

sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger

symptoms in some people.

What Are the Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody

diarrhea. Patients also may experience


Weight loss.

Loss of appetite.

Rectal bleeding.

Loss of body fluids and nutrients. About half of patients have mild symptoms.

Others suffer frequent fever, bloody diarrhea, nausea, and severe abdominal

cramps. Ulcerative colitis may also cause problems such as arthritis,

inflammation of the eye, liver disease (fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis,

and primary sclerosing cholangitis), osteoporosis, skin rashes, anemia, and

kidney stones. No one knows for sure why problems occur outside the colon.

Scientists think these complications may occur when the immune system

triggers inflammation in other parts of the body. These problems are usually

mild and go away when the colitis is treated.

How Is Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosed?

A thorough physical exam and a series of tests may be required to diagnose

ulcerative colitis.Blood tests may be done to check for anemia, which could

indicate bleeding in the colon or rectum. Blood tests may also uncover a high

white blood cell count, which is a sign of inflammation somewhere in the

body. By testing a stool sample, the doctor can tell if there is bleeding or

infection in the colon or rectum.The doctor may do a colonoscopy. For this

test, the doctor inserts an endoscope--a long, flexible, lighted tube

connected to a computer and TV monitor--into the anus to see the inside of

the colon and rectum. The doctor will be able to see any inflammation,

bleeding, or ulcers on the colon wall. During the exam, the doctor may do a

biopsy, which involves taking a sample of tissue from the lining of the colon

to view with a microscope. A barium enema x-ray of the colon may also be

required. This procedure involves filling the colon with barium, a chalky

white solution. The barium shows up white on x-ray film, allowing the doctor

a clear view of the colon, including any ulcers or other abnormalities that

might be there.

What Is the Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis?

Treatment for ulcerative colitis depends on the seriousness of the disease.

Most people are treated with medication. In severe cases, a patient may need

surgery to remove the diseased colon. Surgery is the only cure for ulcerative

colitis.Some people whose symptoms are triggered by certain foods are able to

control the symptoms by avoiding foods that upset their intestines, like

highly seasoned foods or milk sugar (lactose). Each person may experience

ulcerative colitis differently, so treatment is adjusted for each individual.

Emotional and psychological support is important. Some people have

remissions--periods when the symptoms go away--that last for months or even

years. However, most patients' symptoms eventually return. This changing

pattern of the disease means one cannot always tell when a treatment has

helped.Someone with ulcerative colitis may need medical care for some time,

with regular doctor visits to monitor the condition.

Drug Therapy

Most patients with mild or moderate disease are first treated with 5-ASA

agents, a combination of the drugs sulfonamide, sulfapyridine, and salicylate

that helps control inflammation. Sulfasalazine is the most commonly used of

these drugs. Sulfasalazine can be used for as long as needed and can be given

along with other drugs. Patients who do not do well on sulfasalazine may

respond to newer 5-ASA agents. Possible side effects of 5-ASA preparations

include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, and headache.People with

severe disease and those who do not respond to mesalamine preparations may be

treated with corticosteroids. Prednisone and hydrocortisone are two

corticosteroids used to reduce inflammation. They can be given orally,

intravenously, through an enema, or in a suppository, depending on the

location of the inflammation. Corticosteroids can cause side effects such as

weight gain, acne, facial hair, hypertension, mood swings, and increased risk

of infection, so doctors carefully watch patients taking these drugs. Other

drugs may be given to relax the patient or to relieve pain, diarrhea, or

infection.Occasionally, symptoms are severe enough that the person must be

hospitalized. For example, a person may have severe bleeding or severe

diarrhea that causes dehydration. In such cases the doctor will try to stop

diarrhea and loss of blood, fluids, and mineral salts. The patient may need a

special diet, feeding through a vein, medications, or sometimes surgery.


About 25 percent to 40 percent of ulcerative colitis patients must eventually

have their colons removed because of massive bleeding, severe illness,

rupture of the colon, or risk of cancer. Sometimes the doctor will recommend

removing the colon if medical treatment fails or if the side effects of

corticosteroids or other drugs threaten the patient's health. One of several

surgeries may be done. The most common surgery is a proctocolectomy with

ileostomy, which is done in two stages. In the proctocolectomy, the surgeon

removes the colon and rectum. In the ileostomy, the surgeon creates a small

opening in the abdomen, called a stoma, and attaches the end of the small

intestine, called the ileum, to it. This type of ileostomy is called a

ileostomy. Waste will travel through the small intestine and exit the body

through the stoma. The stoma is about the size of a quarter and is usually

located in the lower right part of the abdomen near the beltline. A pouch is

worn over the opening to collect waste, and the patient empties the pouch as

needed. An alternative to the ileostomy is the continent ileostomy. In

this operation, the surgeon uses the ileum to create a pouch inside the lower

abdomen. Waste empties into this pouch, and the patient drains the pouch by

inserting a tube into it through a small, leakproof opening in his or her

side. The patient must wear an external pouch for only the first few months

after the operation. Possible complications of the continent ileostomy

include malfunction of the leakproof opening, which requires surgical repair,

and inflammation of the pouch (pouchitis), which is treated with antibiotics.

An ileoanal anastomosis, or pull-through operation, allows the patient to

have normal bowel movements because it preserves part of the rectum. This

procedure is becoming increasingly common for ulcerative colitis. In this

operation, the surgeon removes the diseased part of the colon and the inside

of the rectum, leaving the outer muscles of the rectum. The surgeon then

attaches the ileum to the inside of the rectum and the anus, creating a

pouch. Waste is stored in the pouch and passed through the anus in the usual

manner. Bowel movements may be more frequent and watery than usual. Pouchitis

is a possible complication of this procedure.Not every operation is

appropriate for every person. Which surgery to have depends on the severity

of the disease and the patient's needs, expectations, and lifestyle. People

faced with this decision should get as much information as possible by

talking to their doctors, to nurses who work with colon surgery patients

(enterostomal therapists), and to other colon surgery patients. Patient

advocacy organizations can direct people to support groups and other

information resources. (See http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/digest/pubs/colitis/#resources " >Resources<\

/A> for the names of such organizations.)

Most people with ulcerative colitis will never need to have surgery. If

surgery ever does become necessary, however, some people find comfort in

knowing that after the surgery, the colitis is cured and most people go on to

live normal, active lives.


Researchers are always looking for new treatments for ulcerative colitis.

Several drugs are being tested to see whether they might be useful in

treating the disease:

Budesonide. A corticosteroid called budesonide may be nearly as effective as

prednisone in treating mild ulcerative colitis, and it has fewer side


Cyclosporine. Cyclosporine, a drug that suppresses the immune system, may be

a promising treatment for people who do not respond to 5-ASA preparations or


Nicotine. In an early study, symptoms improved in some patients who were

given nicotine through a patch or an enema. (Using nicotine as treatment is

still experimental--the findings do not mean that people should go out and

buy nicotine patches or start smoking.)

Heparin. Researchers overseas are examining whether the anticoagulant heparin

can help control colitis by preventing blood clots.

Is Colon Cancer a Concern?

About 5 percent of people with ulcerative colitis develop colon cancer. The

risk of cancer increases with the duration and the extent of involvement of

the colon. For example, if only the lower colon and rectum are involved, the

risk of cancer is not higher than normal. However, if the entire colon is

involved, the risk of cancer may be as great as 32 times the normal

rate.Sometimes precancerous changes occur in the cells lining the colon.

These changes are called " dysplasia. " People who have dysplasia are more

likely to develop cancer than those who do not. (Doctors look for signs of

dysplasia when doing a colonoscopy and when examining tissue removed during

the test.) According to 1997 guidelines on screening for colon cancer, people

who have had IBD throughout their colon for at least 8 years and those who

have had IBD in only the left colon for at least 15 years should have a

colonoscopy every 1 to 2 years to check for dysplasia. Such screening has not

been proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer, but it may help identify

cancer early should it develop. (These guidelines were produced by an

independent expert panel and endorsed by numerous organizations, including

the American Cancer Society, American College of Gastroenterology, American

Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, and the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of

America Inc., among others.)


Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America Inc.

386 Park Avenue South, 17th floor

New York, NY 10016-8804

Tel: or

E-mail: info@...info@...

Home page: http://www.ccfa.org/http://www.ccfa.orgPediatric

Crohn's & Colitis Association Inc.

P.O. Box 188

Newton, MA 02168

Tel: Reach Out for Youth with Ileitis and Colitis Inc.

15 Chemung Place

Jericho, NY 11753

Tel: United Ostomy Association, Inc.

19772 MacArthur Blvd.


Irvine, CA 92612-2405

Tel: or


E-mail: uoa@...uoa@...

Home page: http://www.uoa.org/http://www.uoa.org

National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse

> 2 Information Way

> Bethesda, MD 20892-3570

> E-mail: http://www.niddk.nih.gov/tools/mail_nddic.htm " >National

Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse

The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) is a

service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney

Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of Health

under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Established in 1980,

the clearinghouse provides information about digestive diseases to people

with digestive disorders and to their families, health care professionals,

and the public. NDDIC answers inquiries; develops, reviews, and distributes

publications; and works closely with professional and patient organizations

and Government agencies to coordinate resources about digestive

diseases.Publications produced by the clearinghouse are reviewed carefully

for scientific accuracy, content, and readability. This e-text is not

copyrighted. The clearinghouse encourages users of this e-pub to duplicate

and distribute as many copies as desired.

NIH Publication No. 95-1597

April 1992e-text last updated: April 2000





Pediatric Interstitial Lung Disease Society


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