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When to graduate from SCD?

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Listmates: My 4-yr old son has been on an SCD & GFCFSF diet for over

a year. He essentially has some combination of organic chicken/meat,

vegetables, fruits & honey every day. He's doing great health-wise

(gained 5 pounds in last year, now above 50%ile in height & weight),

stools essentially normal with minor variations based on chelation &

minerals, and no longer diagnosed as being on the spectrum. We just

did a scope over the holiday break to look for inflammation in the

ileum (as Dr. Wakefield found in so many ASD kids), and generally

check the status of the GI tracts.

We got the results back today that his gut looks perfectly healthy.

No inflammation, although the GI (Dr. Hart, who just did a measles &

autistic enterocolitis study with Dr. Mumper & Dr. Wakefield) said

there's evidence of past minor inflammation (evidence of leaky gut

and/or viral infection) that has now fully healed. All enzymes,

biopsies, etc., were normal. I am now considering going off SCD

first, and then possibly off GFCFSF as well, but I'm definitely

scared to even consider it.

I recall that Elaine has said in her book that many people's guts

heal within 1-3 yrs and that they CAN go back to regular foods at

some point. Has anyone done this successfully (or know of ASD kids

who have done this successfully)? Mind you, I would likely stay 80-

90% scd/gfcfsf regardless, just because I think it's really healthy.

But it would be nice to have a little bit of flexibility and not feel

like I have to be paranoid about every single bite! On the other

hand, he doesn't enter kindergarten for another 1.7 years, so it

would be relatively easy to keep him on SCD for another year or two.

Thanks for any thoughts you might have. As you can probably tell,

I'm torn and confused and scared. I'm so happy about the results of

the scope, but unsure as to what to do (especially since our primary

DAN doctor consult is not for a few months).

Thanks again,


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I would probably consider this to be your time of " being symptom free "

and then go ahead and stay on SCD for one year from this point. Then

a year from now, do as was suggested-try something very healthy like a

yam or something and see how it goes.

It's an amazingly slippery slope once illegals are added in. You can

go from super-healthy to the SAD very quickly.

Since he is doing so well, I would probably stay with what you are

doing and allow his GI tract to not only be healed right now, but to

stay healed and get very strong.

I think it's great what was found on his scope. That's the best news.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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I would probably consider this to be your time of " being symptom free "

and then go ahead and stay on SCD for one year from this point. Then

a year from now, do as was suggested-try something very healthy like a

yam or something and see how it goes.

It's an amazingly slippery slope once illegals are added in. You can

go from super-healthy to the SAD very quickly.

Since he is doing so well, I would probably stay with what you are

doing and allow his GI tract to not only be healed right now, but to

stay healed and get very strong.

I think it's great what was found on his scope. That's the best news.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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