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Re: Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist

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> Hi,


> I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

> quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

> diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

> diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

> specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

> for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?


although we do have paid consultants available, I believe if you look on

the website

at the intro diet it is not complicated.

Have you read " Breaking the Vicious Cycle? " The important chapters are

" Introducing the

Diet and Chapter 10, The Specific Carbohyrdate Diet. Basically you will be


starch and refined sugar from the diet and finding that although dairy of a

certain type is

allowed, it is not mandatory. You will be using nuts and honey for baking and

will not be

asked to include any food that has provoked a dangerous allergic reaction in

your child.

If you have just attempted to start using this only support group, it is

intended to

accompany the book and websites. Your nutritionist may not be familiar with the

diet and

advise things that are not on it in which case it will not work. We usually

suggest a one

month trial

Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 6 years, SCD Cooking Classes

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Guest guest


> Hi,


> I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

> quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

> diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

> diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

> specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

> for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?


although we do have paid consultants available, I believe if you look on

the website

at the intro diet it is not complicated.

Have you read " Breaking the Vicious Cycle? " The important chapters are

" Introducing the

Diet and Chapter 10, The Specific Carbohyrdate Diet. Basically you will be


starch and refined sugar from the diet and finding that although dairy of a

certain type is

allowed, it is not mandatory. You will be using nuts and honey for baking and

will not be

asked to include any food that has provoked a dangerous allergic reaction in

your child.

If you have just attempted to start using this only support group, it is

intended to

accompany the book and websites. Your nutritionist may not be familiar with the

diet and

advise things that are not on it in which case it will not work. We usually

suggest a one

month trial

Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 6 years, SCD Cooking Classes

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Guest guest


> Hi,


> I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

> quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

> diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

> diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

> specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

> for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?


although we do have paid consultants available, I believe if you look on

the website

at the intro diet it is not complicated.

Have you read " Breaking the Vicious Cycle? " The important chapters are

" Introducing the

Diet and Chapter 10, The Specific Carbohyrdate Diet. Basically you will be


starch and refined sugar from the diet and finding that although dairy of a

certain type is

allowed, it is not mandatory. You will be using nuts and honey for baking and

will not be

asked to include any food that has provoked a dangerous allergic reaction in

your child.

If you have just attempted to start using this only support group, it is

intended to

accompany the book and websites. Your nutritionist may not be familiar with the

diet and

advise things that are not on it in which case it will not work. We usually

suggest a one

month trial

Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 6 years, SCD Cooking Classes

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Our nutritionist is Payne. He is in Richmond, VA, and is very familiar

with the SCD. He believes in the benefits of SCD and does his best to

accommodate it in his counsel with those who adhere to it. His number is

(877)224-3026. You can set up a phone consultation with him if he is not in

your area.

I understand your reservations about putting your baby on SCD. I have a baby on

SCD, and this was certainly nail-biting in the beginning. She is 17 months old,

and has been on this diet since December 1, 2005. We are seeing improvements in

her neurologically and physically, though. And while we still have a long ways

to go in improving her health, I know this has been a step in the right


Good luck!

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

mom to Elle, 17 mo. (leaky gut, traces of eczema, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD since 12/1/05

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

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attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Our nutritionist is Payne. He is in Richmond, VA, and is very familiar

with the SCD. He believes in the benefits of SCD and does his best to

accommodate it in his counsel with those who adhere to it. His number is

(877)224-3026. You can set up a phone consultation with him if he is not in

your area.

I understand your reservations about putting your baby on SCD. I have a baby on

SCD, and this was certainly nail-biting in the beginning. She is 17 months old,

and has been on this diet since December 1, 2005. We are seeing improvements in

her neurologically and physically, though. And while we still have a long ways

to go in improving her health, I know this has been a step in the right


Good luck!

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

mom to Elle, 17 mo. (leaky gut, traces of eczema, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD since 12/1/05

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

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attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Guest guest

Our nutritionist is Payne. He is in Richmond, VA, and is very familiar

with the SCD. He believes in the benefits of SCD and does his best to

accommodate it in his counsel with those who adhere to it. His number is

(877)224-3026. You can set up a phone consultation with him if he is not in

your area.

I understand your reservations about putting your baby on SCD. I have a baby on

SCD, and this was certainly nail-biting in the beginning. She is 17 months old,

and has been on this diet since December 1, 2005. We are seeing improvements in

her neurologically and physically, though. And while we still have a long ways

to go in improving her health, I know this has been a step in the right


Good luck!

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

mom to Elle, 17 mo. (leaky gut, traces of eczema, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD since 12/1/05

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

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attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Hi Jeni Lynn;

I too am nervous about putting my baby (23 months) on SCD. We are going to try

casein free SCD in the near future. I want to ensure my family is going to get

enough calcium. How much calcium do you supplement your baby? What brand do

you use?



Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

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attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Hi Jeni Lynn;

I too am nervous about putting my baby (23 months) on SCD. We are going to try

casein free SCD in the near future. I want to ensure my family is going to get

enough calcium. How much calcium do you supplement your baby? What brand do

you use?



Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

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attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Hi Kim,

We are casein free SCD here too. My guys make opiates out of it, so until we

have significant healing, there will be no dairy for us.

I shared your concern about calcium because we mainly got our calcium from

dairy. We haven't fully resolved this issue because we are still in the throws

of major transitions (fluctuating supplement protocol, constant lab tests,

chelation, and slowly progressing on SCD). Ya know, you have to introduce

things slowly to watch for reactions (yada, yada, yada, I am sure you know all

that). All of these transitions are taking a lot of time.

At our last appointment, when I voiced my concern about getting enough calcium,

Mike said we would reevaluate this when we had progressed further on SCD. We

haven't progressed terribly far (chelation presents some problems for us) . . .

we are beginning phase 2. My guess is that Mike thought we might progress

faster than we have and would derive our calcium from calcium-rich foods

(broccoli, spinach, etc.). Right now my kids can tolerate pureed spinach (which

they eat a few times a week), but that is it. Therefore, we will probably get a

calcium supplement after our next appointment, March 28.

They are getting a bit of calcium from some supplements. We use Mag Citrate

from Metagenics. This has 40 mg of calcium per tablet. Elle, my baby, also is

on Brain Child's Mega Minerals (illegal, I believe). This contains 50 mg of

Elemental Calcium from Kreb's Chelates at Elle's dose (which is 2 tsp.) and 33

1/3 mg of Calcium D-Glucarate at her dose. My other two (5 yr. and 3 yr.) get

some calcium (50 mg)from their multi-vitamin which is Lifeguard from Perque2.

I don't think this one is illegal; however, I am in the middle of reevaluating

all of their supplements for legality, and I haven't double-checked this one


I will try to remember to contact you after March 28 to relay our solution to

the calcium dilemna. But if you want to help me stay on the ball, you can

contact me about it at that point.

Sorry that I could not be more helpful. I, too, am figuring this out as we go


Best wishes!

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

mom to Elle, 17 months (leaky gut, eczema but not much, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD since 12/1/05

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

Confidentiality: The information contained in this e-mail, including

attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Guest guest

Hi Kim,

We are casein free SCD here too. My guys make opiates out of it, so until we

have significant healing, there will be no dairy for us.

I shared your concern about calcium because we mainly got our calcium from

dairy. We haven't fully resolved this issue because we are still in the throws

of major transitions (fluctuating supplement protocol, constant lab tests,

chelation, and slowly progressing on SCD). Ya know, you have to introduce

things slowly to watch for reactions (yada, yada, yada, I am sure you know all

that). All of these transitions are taking a lot of time.

At our last appointment, when I voiced my concern about getting enough calcium,

Mike said we would reevaluate this when we had progressed further on SCD. We

haven't progressed terribly far (chelation presents some problems for us) . . .

we are beginning phase 2. My guess is that Mike thought we might progress

faster than we have and would derive our calcium from calcium-rich foods

(broccoli, spinach, etc.). Right now my kids can tolerate pureed spinach (which

they eat a few times a week), but that is it. Therefore, we will probably get a

calcium supplement after our next appointment, March 28.

They are getting a bit of calcium from some supplements. We use Mag Citrate

from Metagenics. This has 40 mg of calcium per tablet. Elle, my baby, also is

on Brain Child's Mega Minerals (illegal, I believe). This contains 50 mg of

Elemental Calcium from Kreb's Chelates at Elle's dose (which is 2 tsp.) and 33

1/3 mg of Calcium D-Glucarate at her dose. My other two (5 yr. and 3 yr.) get

some calcium (50 mg)from their multi-vitamin which is Lifeguard from Perque2.

I don't think this one is illegal; however, I am in the middle of reevaluating

all of their supplements for legality, and I haven't double-checked this one


I will try to remember to contact you after March 28 to relay our solution to

the calcium dilemna. But if you want to help me stay on the ball, you can

contact me about it at that point.

Sorry that I could not be more helpful. I, too, am figuring this out as we go


Best wishes!

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

mom to Elle, 17 months (leaky gut, eczema but not much, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD since 12/1/05

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

Confidentiality: The information contained in this e-mail, including

attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Guest guest

Hi Kim,

We are casein free SCD here too. My guys make opiates out of it, so until we

have significant healing, there will be no dairy for us.

I shared your concern about calcium because we mainly got our calcium from

dairy. We haven't fully resolved this issue because we are still in the throws

of major transitions (fluctuating supplement protocol, constant lab tests,

chelation, and slowly progressing on SCD). Ya know, you have to introduce

things slowly to watch for reactions (yada, yada, yada, I am sure you know all

that). All of these transitions are taking a lot of time.

At our last appointment, when I voiced my concern about getting enough calcium,

Mike said we would reevaluate this when we had progressed further on SCD. We

haven't progressed terribly far (chelation presents some problems for us) . . .

we are beginning phase 2. My guess is that Mike thought we might progress

faster than we have and would derive our calcium from calcium-rich foods

(broccoli, spinach, etc.). Right now my kids can tolerate pureed spinach (which

they eat a few times a week), but that is it. Therefore, we will probably get a

calcium supplement after our next appointment, March 28.

They are getting a bit of calcium from some supplements. We use Mag Citrate

from Metagenics. This has 40 mg of calcium per tablet. Elle, my baby, also is

on Brain Child's Mega Minerals (illegal, I believe). This contains 50 mg of

Elemental Calcium from Kreb's Chelates at Elle's dose (which is 2 tsp.) and 33

1/3 mg of Calcium D-Glucarate at her dose. My other two (5 yr. and 3 yr.) get

some calcium (50 mg)from their multi-vitamin which is Lifeguard from Perque2.

I don't think this one is illegal; however, I am in the middle of reevaluating

all of their supplements for legality, and I haven't double-checked this one


I will try to remember to contact you after March 28 to relay our solution to

the calcium dilemna. But if you want to help me stay on the ball, you can

contact me about it at that point.

Sorry that I could not be more helpful. I, too, am figuring this out as we go


Best wishes!

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

mom to Elle, 17 months (leaky gut, eczema but not much, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD since 12/1/05

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

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attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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Jeni Lynn;

Thanks so much for the information. I'm always so nervous about making sure my

kids get adequate vitamins/minerals. So hard when they're picky eaters on top

of malabsorption issues!! But I guess SCD is intended to help the


Sure, please post calcium recommendations following your appointment. Good luck

with the SCD!

Kim :-)

Pre-SCD (3 yo ASD, 2 yo NT)

Starting Diet, looking for Nutritionist


I must admit that after reading messages over the last week, I'm

quite daunted by the amount of knowledge required to conduct this

diet properly! I do feel that I cannot proceed with starting the

diet on our baby, before consulting with a Nutritionist who

specializes in this diet. However, I have come up BLANK in my search

for one of these persons in our town! Any suggestions!?

Thanks so much,



Mother to Owen (dx w/Infantile Spasms on 10/14/05 @6mos., weaning off

Topomax, and started Vigabatrin on 1/24/05.)

Confidentiality: The information contained in this e-mail, including

attachments, is confidential and is intended for the recipient(s) use

alone. Unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution is prohibited.

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