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Re: what could the constipation

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Knopp jlknopp@...> wrote: The diet is definitely a step in the

right direction. Over time the bowels will become more regular. You can look

at Elaine's protocol for constipation. It helps one to retrain the bowel by

developing a regular bowel habit. "

He is not constipated on the diet. I think he actually likes that he is

pooping every day now.

" Also, it could also be related to something as simple as needing more fluids.

When my kids don't down enough water, I can guarantee you that they will not

pass a bowel that day. "

Yes, I've often thought this. Before the diet this is one of the ideas I have.

He still doesn't drink that much but he now poops. So maybe it wasn't a

dehydration issue after all. The thing is the constipation is one of the big

reasons we went on the diet. If he starts to have constipation on this diet I

think I would have to re-evaluate. The other thing I'm looking for is weight

gain. If I could get him up to even the 10th percentile, I think we would doing

good. Of course, I have no idea what he weighs right now!

" You might also want to look into the need for magnesium or vitamin C. "

We give a multi and vitamin C, but I've learned that it can be dangerous to

rely on these two things to relieve chronic constipation. The bowel becomes

sluggish with the overuse of magnesium. I know it's natural but....

I can't remember where I read that.

You state that you have GI troubles. Does this mean that they are quite mild

compared to others. I really need to hear from people who don't have

debilitating problems because mine isn't. I wonder what symptoms mean what and

what were your symptoms and how are they being relieved...like what does relief

look like to you.

thanks so much,

gwen pollara


scd 3 weeks

Jeni Lynn (gastrointestinal problems)

SCD 1 month

Re: Re: recommended tests

>Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:08:26 -0800 (PST)




> " Jody G. " momtobandj@...momtobandj@...>>


>There is a genetic screening for Celiac, but it is not 100% reliable.

>Even if it is positive, it doesn't " prove " that someone has Celaic

>disease. If it is negative, it doesn't completely rule out the



>I don't think that a doctor will give a definitive Celiac diagnosis

>without the biopsy.

>And to do that, I am pretty certain that the person will have to go

>back to eating a regular diet for an extended period of time (6 weeks

>I think). "


> Yes, this was what we learned. I'm really interested in what people

>think about the stool testing through some of the other labs like Entero or

>Great Plains? Have other celiac been diagnosed by a doc, by stool testing

>or by their own intuition?


> gwen



> scd 3 weeks



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Hi Gwen!

I am glad to hear that your son is not constipated on the diet. My children

were when we began. They had already struggled with this pre-SCD, but it

temporarily worsened. I think this was because it took us a while to introduce

enough carbohydrates, and it took me a while to catch on to the dehydration


You mentioned weight gain. I can't make any promises for your son, but I can

relay my experience. My son, who was " overweight " and constantly bloated

(lovingly teased for his pregnant appearance), slimmed down drastically. He is

a sturdy, tough little guy who currently has a very healthy stature. I look at

him everyday and am stunned by his radiant good-looks and healthy appearance.

On the other hand, my infant was born in the 95% and dropped below 50% pre-SCD.

She weighed approximately 17 lb. at 1 year old. After being on SCD, she gained

3 lbs in 1 month. My oldest also gained some more weight and is looking a

little more robust and healthy these days. My thought is that when you are

feeding your body the food that it needs, your body will approach its

appropriate weight (whether that be losing or gaining).

The beginning of the diet is a bit hairy since your body has to go through

significant changes; however, if you adhere to it and give any needed

supplements, you will probably find pleasant progress in your son's weight.

You are wise to be cautious about relying on supplements for chronic

constipation. I know that I am not personally knowledgable enough to jump into

supplement use without guidance. That is why I said " look into the need " rather

than " just do it. " If you are wary of specific supplementation, then do not do

it. Our family gets help in this area from a nutritionist who works with our

DAN. My children have deficiencies in these minerals and vitamins so we do have

a need for them; however, you don't want to just randomly start administering

these things. You are right, there could be consequences to such uninformed


When I state that I have GI troubles, I state it that way because they are

undiagnosed. I am not sure where my problems rank in comparison to others. We

don't have the finances to investigate my problems because all of our money is

going to the treatment of our kids.

I am not debilitated in the sense that my life is disrupted. It does, however,

drastically affect my emotions. My symptoms pre-SCD were very irregular and

somewhat foul bowels. They came about every 4th day. I was very constipated

with numerous hemrhoids (sp?). The colors were all over the map, and I

frequently passed undigested food.

I was very nasty to everyone on days that I didn't poop. I also would get

headaches (those were debilitating). My skin was horrible. I had terrible

acne. I frequently felt bloated.

I have only been SCD 1 month, but I pass a bowel almost everyday now. I also

pass it at almost the same time everyday. They are well-formed without being

impacted, and the only thing that I am not completely digesting at our stage in

the diet are the tiny pieces of almond in the almond flour that I grind for my

muffin (from Elaine's consitipation protocol). My favorite part is that I pass

these beautifully formed, correctly colored, stools with great ease. It is

practically the highlight of my day .

I can still get cranky on days when I don't poop, but that is not nearly as

frequent. Also, I am much more aware that I am cranky for that reason which

makes it easier for me to control it. I don't get headaches at all anymore

(except on occasion when it is due to my neck being out of alignment). My skin

is gradually improving. I still have some breakouts prior to menstration (sorry

to be so graphic), but they are not as severe. I am hoping that this will

continue to improve as my hormones come more into balance as a result of good

nutrition. And I am never bloated anymore. I have slimmed down so much that I

have the waist, hips, and thieghs of a fit teen-ager. Now if I could just get

back my pre-breastfeeding boobs that would really be something !

I hope you find this helpful. If you have more questions, I would be happy to


Jeni Lynn (gastrointestinal problems)

SCD 1 month

mom to Margeaux, 6 yr. (heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal problems, add)

, 3 yr. (heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal problems)

Elle, 18 mo. (heavy metal toxicity, leaky gut, eczema)

SCD 3 months

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Guest guest

Hi Gwen!

I am glad to hear that your son is not constipated on the diet. My children

were when we began. They had already struggled with this pre-SCD, but it

temporarily worsened. I think this was because it took us a while to introduce

enough carbohydrates, and it took me a while to catch on to the dehydration


You mentioned weight gain. I can't make any promises for your son, but I can

relay my experience. My son, who was " overweight " and constantly bloated

(lovingly teased for his pregnant appearance), slimmed down drastically. He is

a sturdy, tough little guy who currently has a very healthy stature. I look at

him everyday and am stunned by his radiant good-looks and healthy appearance.

On the other hand, my infant was born in the 95% and dropped below 50% pre-SCD.

She weighed approximately 17 lb. at 1 year old. After being on SCD, she gained

3 lbs in 1 month. My oldest also gained some more weight and is looking a

little more robust and healthy these days. My thought is that when you are

feeding your body the food that it needs, your body will approach its

appropriate weight (whether that be losing or gaining).

The beginning of the diet is a bit hairy since your body has to go through

significant changes; however, if you adhere to it and give any needed

supplements, you will probably find pleasant progress in your son's weight.

You are wise to be cautious about relying on supplements for chronic

constipation. I know that I am not personally knowledgable enough to jump into

supplement use without guidance. That is why I said " look into the need " rather

than " just do it. " If you are wary of specific supplementation, then do not do

it. Our family gets help in this area from a nutritionist who works with our

DAN. My children have deficiencies in these minerals and vitamins so we do have

a need for them; however, you don't want to just randomly start administering

these things. You are right, there could be consequences to such uninformed


When I state that I have GI troubles, I state it that way because they are

undiagnosed. I am not sure where my problems rank in comparison to others. We

don't have the finances to investigate my problems because all of our money is

going to the treatment of our kids.

I am not debilitated in the sense that my life is disrupted. It does, however,

drastically affect my emotions. My symptoms pre-SCD were very irregular and

somewhat foul bowels. They came about every 4th day. I was very constipated

with numerous hemrhoids (sp?). The colors were all over the map, and I

frequently passed undigested food.

I was very nasty to everyone on days that I didn't poop. I also would get

headaches (those were debilitating). My skin was horrible. I had terrible

acne. I frequently felt bloated.

I have only been SCD 1 month, but I pass a bowel almost everyday now. I also

pass it at almost the same time everyday. They are well-formed without being

impacted, and the only thing that I am not completely digesting at our stage in

the diet are the tiny pieces of almond in the almond flour that I grind for my

muffin (from Elaine's consitipation protocol). My favorite part is that I pass

these beautifully formed, correctly colored, stools with great ease. It is

practically the highlight of my day .

I can still get cranky on days when I don't poop, but that is not nearly as

frequent. Also, I am much more aware that I am cranky for that reason which

makes it easier for me to control it. I don't get headaches at all anymore

(except on occasion when it is due to my neck being out of alignment). My skin

is gradually improving. I still have some breakouts prior to menstration (sorry

to be so graphic), but they are not as severe. I am hoping that this will

continue to improve as my hormones come more into balance as a result of good

nutrition. And I am never bloated anymore. I have slimmed down so much that I

have the waist, hips, and thieghs of a fit teen-ager. Now if I could just get

back my pre-breastfeeding boobs that would really be something !

I hope you find this helpful. If you have more questions, I would be happy to


Jeni Lynn (gastrointestinal problems)

SCD 1 month

mom to Margeaux, 6 yr. (heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal problems, add)

, 3 yr. (heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal problems)

Elle, 18 mo. (heavy metal toxicity, leaky gut, eczema)

SCD 3 months

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Guest guest

Hi Gwen!

I am glad to hear that your son is not constipated on the diet. My children

were when we began. They had already struggled with this pre-SCD, but it

temporarily worsened. I think this was because it took us a while to introduce

enough carbohydrates, and it took me a while to catch on to the dehydration


You mentioned weight gain. I can't make any promises for your son, but I can

relay my experience. My son, who was " overweight " and constantly bloated

(lovingly teased for his pregnant appearance), slimmed down drastically. He is

a sturdy, tough little guy who currently has a very healthy stature. I look at

him everyday and am stunned by his radiant good-looks and healthy appearance.

On the other hand, my infant was born in the 95% and dropped below 50% pre-SCD.

She weighed approximately 17 lb. at 1 year old. After being on SCD, she gained

3 lbs in 1 month. My oldest also gained some more weight and is looking a

little more robust and healthy these days. My thought is that when you are

feeding your body the food that it needs, your body will approach its

appropriate weight (whether that be losing or gaining).

The beginning of the diet is a bit hairy since your body has to go through

significant changes; however, if you adhere to it and give any needed

supplements, you will probably find pleasant progress in your son's weight.

You are wise to be cautious about relying on supplements for chronic

constipation. I know that I am not personally knowledgable enough to jump into

supplement use without guidance. That is why I said " look into the need " rather

than " just do it. " If you are wary of specific supplementation, then do not do

it. Our family gets help in this area from a nutritionist who works with our

DAN. My children have deficiencies in these minerals and vitamins so we do have

a need for them; however, you don't want to just randomly start administering

these things. You are right, there could be consequences to such uninformed


When I state that I have GI troubles, I state it that way because they are

undiagnosed. I am not sure where my problems rank in comparison to others. We

don't have the finances to investigate my problems because all of our money is

going to the treatment of our kids.

I am not debilitated in the sense that my life is disrupted. It does, however,

drastically affect my emotions. My symptoms pre-SCD were very irregular and

somewhat foul bowels. They came about every 4th day. I was very constipated

with numerous hemrhoids (sp?). The colors were all over the map, and I

frequently passed undigested food.

I was very nasty to everyone on days that I didn't poop. I also would get

headaches (those were debilitating). My skin was horrible. I had terrible

acne. I frequently felt bloated.

I have only been SCD 1 month, but I pass a bowel almost everyday now. I also

pass it at almost the same time everyday. They are well-formed without being

impacted, and the only thing that I am not completely digesting at our stage in

the diet are the tiny pieces of almond in the almond flour that I grind for my

muffin (from Elaine's consitipation protocol). My favorite part is that I pass

these beautifully formed, correctly colored, stools with great ease. It is

practically the highlight of my day .

I can still get cranky on days when I don't poop, but that is not nearly as

frequent. Also, I am much more aware that I am cranky for that reason which

makes it easier for me to control it. I don't get headaches at all anymore

(except on occasion when it is due to my neck being out of alignment). My skin

is gradually improving. I still have some breakouts prior to menstration (sorry

to be so graphic), but they are not as severe. I am hoping that this will

continue to improve as my hormones come more into balance as a result of good

nutrition. And I am never bloated anymore. I have slimmed down so much that I

have the waist, hips, and thieghs of a fit teen-ager. Now if I could just get

back my pre-breastfeeding boobs that would really be something !

I hope you find this helpful. If you have more questions, I would be happy to


Jeni Lynn (gastrointestinal problems)

SCD 1 month

mom to Margeaux, 6 yr. (heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal problems, add)

, 3 yr. (heavy metal toxicity, gastrointestinal problems)

Elle, 18 mo. (heavy metal toxicity, leaky gut, eczema)

SCD 3 months

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