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Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

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How would someone go about getting disability for pancreatitis? When do you

know if it's severe enough? I've been off work almost 4 months this past year

due to being ill with pancreatitis. Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction to be exact.

I'm being treated at Mayo Clinic and my doctor has been great. My home doctor

is also very supportive. Does anyone have any answers. My last attack (which

I'm still off work for) caused my amylase to hit 1500 and my lipase was over

28000. The pain has been unrelenting, worse in the mornings after not taking

pain meds for several hours I can hardly get out of bed or even sit up. Does

anyone else have most of their pain located in their back? I've never submitted

anything to one of these sites before. I'm 39, a non drinker, but have high

triglycerides which they're treating. I guess that's all. Thanks for any help

you have to offer.

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> How would someone go about getting disability for pancreatitis?

You can apply for social security disability benefits anytime. Either

go to the social security website & download the application form or

get a form from your local social security office. Be sure you

answer all the questions. Don't be " macho " & minimize anything. Give

full details about how your life is affected by your condition. Your

doctors will be contacted; your medical records from doctors,

hospitals, etc. will be examined.

It sounds formidable, but it is very much worth the work to do the

best job possible in filling out the application. You must be

disabled for 5 full calandar months in a row before you are entitled

to benefits. For myself, the process went fairly easily. I had become

increasingly unable to work & by August, 2001, was working

approximately 2-5 hours per week, instead of the usual 32 hours. I

applied for disability in January, 2002. In April, 2002, I was

notified that I was elligible for benefits as of Jan., & started

receiving monthly benefits as well as a check for retroactive

benefits (Jan-March). They counted my being disabled as starting in

August, 2001.

>When do you know if it's severe enough?

If you can't work because of pain or nausea or because you're taking

pain-killers, its severe enough.

> Does anyone else have most of their pain located in their back?

Most of the time my flare-ups start as either nausea or as back pain,

just below where the bra strap lies.

Hope some of this is helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions

which may arise.


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> How would someone go about getting disability for pancreatitis?

You can apply for social security disability benefits anytime. Either

go to the social security website & download the application form or

get a form from your local social security office. Be sure you

answer all the questions. Don't be " macho " & minimize anything. Give

full details about how your life is affected by your condition. Your

doctors will be contacted; your medical records from doctors,

hospitals, etc. will be examined.

It sounds formidable, but it is very much worth the work to do the

best job possible in filling out the application. You must be

disabled for 5 full calandar months in a row before you are entitled

to benefits. For myself, the process went fairly easily. I had become

increasingly unable to work & by August, 2001, was working

approximately 2-5 hours per week, instead of the usual 32 hours. I

applied for disability in January, 2002. In April, 2002, I was

notified that I was elligible for benefits as of Jan., & started

receiving monthly benefits as well as a check for retroactive

benefits (Jan-March). They counted my being disabled as starting in

August, 2001.

>When do you know if it's severe enough?

If you can't work because of pain or nausea or because you're taking

pain-killers, its severe enough.

> Does anyone else have most of their pain located in their back?

Most of the time my flare-ups start as either nausea or as back pain,

just below where the bra strap lies.

Hope some of this is helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions

which may arise.


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