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Re: Need Support (off topic a little)

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Hi Antoinette;

Hang in there - you're not alone! It's a sad reality that most parents with ASD

kids are in the same boat. We also re-mortgaged our home in order to pay for

treatments. And yes, I also feel lost and stressed.

You've got a great attitude about downsizing. A house IS just a house. What

makes it a home is the family inside, and your decision to dedicate your life to

healing that family is the best decision you could have made. Hang on to your

faith - you are on the right track!


Kim :-)

Pre SCD (3 yo ASD, 2 yo NT)

Need Support (off topic a little)

Hey guys,

Due to high medical expense since 2004 we are in a mortgage (due to

refinance to pay bills) that we can nolonger afford

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The Holy Trinity!

You're in my prayers for manifested wholeness and financial prosperity.


kikijabunce ajbunce@...> wrote:

Hey guys,

Due to high medical expense since 2004 we are in a mortgage (due to

refinance to pay bills) that we can nolonger afford due to loosing

bussiness. To make a long story short in 2000 we went bankrupt due to

medical bills (all related to undiagnosed damged intestestines/Celiac)

and can not go this route again....looking at a very disappointing

Foreclosure...and having to move closer to the big city, where by

husband can find better paying work. Feel lost...yet hopeful that we

will be returned to health....can't happen soon enough...I have a

entire house to pack and feel weak still...better on SCD but weak

still..husband has to work...or we can not afford groceries...make to

much money for government help. My husband and I are realizing

that " thing " like a nice house just don't matter in light of what has

happened to our entire family. I thank the lord above that Elaines

answer was brought to me, and that I was finnaly receptive enough to

here this solution....I have hope....and I am in faith on the right

track, but being only on day 25 we have a long ways to go! Feeling

blessed yet sad all the same. Need support, neighbors and old friends

and even family not getting it!

Does anybody have something that will help me to smile today!

Antoinette (Day 25 entire family/ family problems....Celiac, DH,

multiple sensitivity/allergies, ADHD, ADD, ASD, Cerebral

Palsy/Hyperekplexia, depression, anxiety....and other related problems

to having a damaged gut) YES MY PLATE IS FULL!

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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> >

> > Hey guys,

> >

> > Due to high medical expense since 2004 we are in a mortgage (due to

> > refinance to pay bills) that we can nolonger afford due to loosing

> > bussiness. To make a long story short in 2000 we went bankrupt

due to

> > medical bills (all related to undiagnosed damged


> > Need support, neighbors and old friends

> > and even family not getting it!

> >

> > Does anybody have something that will help me to smile today!

Someone else on the list had the same thing happen and has managed to

carry on but

under tremendous stress.


> Carol F.


well Carol, you did succeed in making ME laugh...

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> >

> > Hey guys,

> >

> > Due to high medical expense since 2004 we are in a mortgage (due to

> > refinance to pay bills) that we can nolonger afford due to loosing

> > bussiness. To make a long story short in 2000 we went bankrupt

due to

> > medical bills (all related to undiagnosed damged


> > Need support, neighbors and old friends

> > and even family not getting it!

> >

> > Does anybody have something that will help me to smile today!

Someone else on the list had the same thing happen and has managed to

carry on but

under tremendous stress.


> Carol F.


well Carol, you did succeed in making ME laugh...

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> > >

> > > Does anybody have something that will help me to smile today!


CAMBRIDGE -- The most popular course at Harvard this semester teaches happiness.

The final numbers came in this week: Positive Psychology, a class whose content

resembles that of many a self-help book but is grounded in serious psychological

research, has enrolled 855 students, beating out even Introductory Economics.

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 a.m., students crowd into Theatre to


about creating, as the course description puts it, ''a fulfilling and

flourishing life, " courtesy

of the booming new area of psychology that focuses on what makes people feel


rather than the pathologies that can make them feel miserable.

In the last several years, positive psychology classes have cropped up on more

than 100

campuses around the country, said Shane , an associate professor at the


of Kansas, who recently co-wrote a positive psychology textbook. But with such


enormous course enrollment, Tal D. Ben-Shahar, the lecturer who teaches


course, ''is the leader of the pack right now, " said

Happiness tips

# Give yourself permission to be human. When we accept emotions -- such as fear,

sadness, or anxiety -- as natural, we are more likely to overcome them.

Rejecting our

emotions, positive or negative, leads to frustration and unhappiness.

# Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at

work or at

home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant

and enjoyable.

When this is not feasible, make sure you have happiness boosters, moments


the week that provide you with both pleasure and meaning.

# Keep in mind that happiness is mostly dependent on our state of mind, not on


status or the state of our bank account. Barring extreme circumstances, our

level of well

being is determined by what we choose to focus on (the full or the empty part of

the glass)

and by our interpretation of external events. For example, do we view failure as

catastrophic, or do we see it as a learning opportunity?

# Simplify! We are, generally, too busy, trying to squeeze in more and more

activities into

less and less time. Quantity influences quality, and we compromise on our

happiness by

trying to do too much.

# Remember the mind-body connection. What we do -- or don't do -- with our


influences our mind. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits

lead to

both physical and mental health.

# Express gratitude, whenever possible. We too often take our lives for granted.

Learn to

appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life, from people to food, from

nature to a


SOURCE: Dr. Tal D. Ben-Shahar - Harvard University


Posted by Carol F.

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