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Yeah Vivi is doing better today/raw foods !!!

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Hi pecanbread family,

we are doing SCD

and now transitioning to raw stages of SCD

I posted this on a local discussion board in California


Date: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:14 pm

Subject: Yeah Vivi is doing better today/raw foods jzinius


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Hi folks

thanks for all your invaluable advice !!!!!!

My just turned 3 years old high functioning ASD kid

is doing so much better today!

I reeaaaaalllllly think that diet is a *** BIG *** piece in autism

especially with higher functioning kiddos

the results are so much faster

Vihren (Vivi) was vaccinated at 2 months old and 4 months old


his biggest issues are/were

-processing delays: took 3 minutes to answer a question

-rigidity, strange rituals

-gross motor, motor planning problems

-big pregnant tummy


-passive, no initiative

-staring, twirling sticks

-DROOPy eyelids, tired, rash on mouth

etc etc

thanks to Jackie " enema saved my child " McIntyre

we did enemas for my son's big pregnant tummy

and he pooooooped out a lot

and did s Aloe, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (since June 05),

young coconut kefir (Dr.Bradstreet told us to do)

etc etc

and another piece: RAW FOODS one whole day yesterday

and today, he is a frisky little lively bunny

(used to be spaced out, non responsive, frowning, rigid)

today he jumps with joy over the slightest happy thing

poops in the potty (first time on his own),

conversational, movements lite and airy like little kids should

be, answers questions immediately,


he is light and comfortable and happy and alive!

and sings and skips and so happy/lighthearted

he used to be echoing, rigid tantrums, strange rituals, frowning

all the time, crying, oh so serious for a 2 year old, etc



I read Nison's $10 book from Mother;s market

" Healing Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Cause and Cure of Crohn's

Disease and Ulcerative Colitis "

on how he recovers himself from IBD with raw foods diet


we have been SCD religiosly

and now introducing more raw foods

but since raw foods whole are hard to digest I imagine

so we did stuffs that are ***easy to digest***

eg Nison's blended salad:

in a blender, drop (all raw, organic)

half a bag of washed spinach

1 clove raw garlic

5 olives

pour a gob of olive oil

1 big avocado

some days, I would add some raw skinned zucchini

some raw cucumber


and blend it...

it tastes creamy, I call it avocado ice-cream (room temp)

yesterday my husband wanted us to do 1 whole day of raw foods

and suddenly my kids are calmer, happier, alert, lively

My husband thinks cooked foods are dead and enzymes are dead

harder to digest

fun photos of raw/cooked foods effect on people


my sister joked you are on Demi 's diet


Jzin Teng, mother of...

Dimiter, age 5, fully vaccinated, regressive autism, low

functioning: improving thanks to IVIg (Monday=7th time)

and maybe coconut kefir and raw foods?

Vivi, just turned 3, partially vaccinated, regressive

autism, I think its Aspergers: improving with enemas,

lots of liquid (coconut kefir?) and lots of pooping..a constipated

child is a rigid, tantrumy child

raw foods 1 day yielded a happy lively little elfin!

Elena, 15 months, gloriously unvaccinated

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> Hi pecanbread family,


> we are doing SCD

> and now transitioning to raw stages of SCD

Good for you Jzin.

I remember how tough it was for you at first. You had many questions and

concerns and

here you are at Stages Four and Five (raw fruits and veggies allowed) and with a



Just a reminder to the list that although Dr. Jeff Bradstreet (a very fine

doctor) suggested

green cocnut kefir, green coconut water is not suitable for SCD. Dr. B. may

approve of

SCD but has his own other protocols too. He was on a lecture bill with Elaine

here in

Toronto in July of 2004 and spoke highly of Elaine and her research.

My favorite raw drink is " Green Kick. "

It is a combination of pear, ginger, kale and dandelion greens and then has

some water


Carol F.

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> Hi pecanbread family,


> we are doing SCD

> and now transitioning to raw stages of SCD

Good for you Jzin.

I remember how tough it was for you at first. You had many questions and

concerns and

here you are at Stages Four and Five (raw fruits and veggies allowed) and with a



Just a reminder to the list that although Dr. Jeff Bradstreet (a very fine

doctor) suggested

green cocnut kefir, green coconut water is not suitable for SCD. Dr. B. may

approve of

SCD but has his own other protocols too. He was on a lecture bill with Elaine

here in

Toronto in July of 2004 and spoke highly of Elaine and her research.

My favorite raw drink is " Green Kick. "

It is a combination of pear, ginger, kale and dandelion greens and then has

some water


Carol F.

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