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Re: Need non- fruit, cooked, snack ideas

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Amber Eisler eislerfamily@...> wrote:

It's probably the yeast that is causing the night wakings- my son has had

night wakings for all of his 5 yr life- since we've started the prescription

anti-fungals, he is sleeping a lot better. He used to wake up EVERY night at

around 1 or 2 am and be awake the rest of the night- yes, he did that since

he was born, until just recently.


> Oops


> Patty, DH, DD (2 yo) 3.5 weeks scd (celiacs, candidia, diaper rash,

> night waking, other food intolerances and adult add!)




> >

> > So we are dealing with candidia. I made the connection finally

> > yeasterday that dd's bedtime may be hampered by the fruit she usually

> > gets with dinner/bedtime.

> >

> > She won't eat the yougart straight most of the time so that isn't a

> > great idea. I do think she needs something that will stick with her

> > better than just straight protein but I'm unsure what.

> >

> > Last night she ate 2.5 hard boiled eggs as her bedtime snack and just

> > meat and veggies with dinner. I think it went better than it has been

> > going, but she was also more tired than usual last night too. So I

> > need some more ideas. I made some muffins yesterday but she is

> > refusing to eat them for some reason. (she usually likes them). I

> > did cut back on the honey so that could be why.

> >

> > Anyhow, I need some interesting veggie ideas for us. We mostly eat,

> > zuccini, broccoli (her favorite), cauliflower, green beans, carrots,

> > spinnach, rainbow chard, winter squash. I usually just steam or boil

> > them and serve them with butter. Any interesting ideas??? Hmmm...

> > what about a wintersquash custard... Would that still have a lot of

> > sugars in it to feed the yeast??

> >









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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