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RE: To Fay and

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Hey, Sharon

Are you also in the BIA4KIDS group? You sound familiar. I'm praying for you

and your little guy to make significant progress on this diet. It has been

helpful for my son.


SHARON CRUIKSHANK mag5jas2@...> wrote:

It sounds like you are getting him off to a healthy start. I remember

once having heard of a diet that would induce ketosis in most people -

very high fat - but helps forms of epilepsy. Have you heard of this?


care, Fay

Fay, the ketogenic diet is the epilepsy treatment you are thinking of.

While it can be very effective, it also can have a lot of nasty side

effects and is not a " healthy " diet. That is why I am here, as I am

hoping that SCD will help and avoid going on the keto. I posted

about the SCD on the infantilespasms web group so that is why is

here. , given you are just starting to feed solids, I would try

following the guidelines for introducing SCD foods and avoid the

illegals - wheat, dairy, starch, soy and sugar. I've been feeding

SCD " Stage 1 " for a few days now with the exception of his bottle and

his poops have turned a lovely light green (no, I won't post pictures!),

but I believe this means that the " die off " phase is starting.

I met with the keto nurse yesterday. will likely start the Keto in

April, so I have 2 months to give SCD a try. The protocol they use for

starting the diet is to use RCF (Ross Carbohydrate Free) formula

(soy-based), microlipids and polycose for 2-3 months via g-tube - no

oral feeds. I'm not too keen on this as eats/drinks orally but she

said that they've had the most success with this protocol. After 2-3

months, assuming he is stable and the diet is working for him, we could

start with oral keto meals (about 80% fat, 10% protien, 10% carbs). In

the meantime, I need to fatten him up as he has dropped off the weight

chart, so I'm going to do 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein with

SCD-legal foods.

Wish me luck,


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Thanks Agape, yes I am on the BIA4KIDS group too. only had one

small cluster of seizures today vs. 3-4, so along with the poop, I am

very happy.

Re: To Fay and

Hey, Sharon

Are you also in the BIA4KIDS group? You sound familiar. I'm praying

for you and your little guy to make significant progress on this diet.

It has been helpful for my son.


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> I know there is a member from this list (may not be currently posting) who

> had her daughter on the keto diet for a severe seizure disorder. She had to

> stop because of the side effects and found that SCD was as, if not more,

> effective with seizure control. Maybe someone here can remember who it was?

> I don't know if they would be willing to share their experience but it might

> be helpful. :)


> Robbie


That was Pay Dubuvric and daughter Katera.

Carol F.

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> I know there is a member from this list (may not be currently posting) who

> had her daughter on the keto diet for a severe seizure disorder. She had to

> stop because of the side effects and found that SCD was as, if not more,

> effective with seizure control. Maybe someone here can remember who it was?

> I don't know if they would be willing to share their experience but it might

> be helpful. :)


> Robbie


That was Pay Dubuvric and daughter Katera.

Carol F.

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