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Adult die off sypmtoms

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I'm just wondering if this is normal. I am feeling spacy, fuzzy

headed. Kinda like I feel when I am really hungry but I'm not hungry.

I keep starting sentences and forgetting how to end them. I have a

terrible yeast rash too. My dr looked at it yesterday and said it is

like a big open sore (it is in a tough to see place).

DH on the other hand hasn't noticed any change at all including he

still feels bloated and uncomfortable after most meals. I feel much

" lighter " inside if that makes any sense.

DD is a little nuts today too, poor thing and I'm too spacy to be much


I'm glad we decided to all do this together but it is going to be a

rough go of it I'm sure. I'm just dying for my book to arrive to

explain stuff a little better.


DH and DD

2 days scd

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