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Adult die off sypmtoms

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I'm just wondering if this is normal. I am feeling spacy, fuzzy

headed. Kinda like I feel when I am really hungry but I'm not hungry.

I keep starting sentences and forgetting how to end them. I have a

terrible yeast rash too. My dr looked at it yesterday and said it is

like a big open sore (it is in a tough to see place).

DH on the other hand hasn't noticed any change at all including he

still feels bloated and uncomfortable after most meals. I feel much

" lighter " inside if that makes any sense.

DD is a little nuts today too, poor thing and I'm too spacy to be much


I'm glad we decided to all do this together but it is going to be a

rough go of it I'm sure. I'm just dying for my book to arrive to

explain stuff a little better.


DH and DD

2 days scd

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Hi Patty,

> I'm just wondering if this is normal. I am feeling spacy, fuzzy

> headed. Kinda like I feel when I am really hungry but I'm not hungry.

> I keep starting sentences and forgetting how to end them.

Yes, these are often reported with die off. DH says that was how he

felt when he started the diet, he was also very lethargic.

See http://www.pecanbread.com/difficulties.html#initial



Sheila, SCD 60 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of and

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Hi Patty,

> I'm just wondering if this is normal. I am feeling spacy, fuzzy

> headed. Kinda like I feel when I am really hungry but I'm not hungry.

> I keep starting sentences and forgetting how to end them.

Yes, these are often reported with die off. DH says that was how he

felt when he started the diet, he was also very lethargic.

See http://www.pecanbread.com/difficulties.html#initial



Sheila, SCD 60 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of and

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Hi Patty,

> I'm just wondering if this is normal. I am feeling spacy, fuzzy

> headed. Kinda like I feel when I am really hungry but I'm not hungry.

> I keep starting sentences and forgetting how to end them.

Yes, these are often reported with die off. DH says that was how he

felt when he started the diet, he was also very lethargic.

See http://www.pecanbread.com/difficulties.html#initial



Sheila, SCD 60 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of and

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