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natural yeast killers

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I would like some suggestions to those long-term yeast-fighting

veterans on this list. I had an antibiotic shot in December, which

ruined all of my work on this diet. (I''ve been on SCD for over 2

years.) I have Crohn's disease, and two weeks after the shot - and I

was consuming a lot of honey and SCD sweets, diarrhea began, along with

blood and mucus. I got tested for c.difficile, which luckily came back

negative, and started s.boulardii, which stopped the diarrhea, after 5

days. However, in the next few weeks, I learned any amount of honey or

fruit would bring me back to looser stools, or diarrhea, and

immediately after the antibiotic, my vagina and anus were red and

itchy, I have yeast in the cracks of my mouth, and probably an

overgrowth in my intestines. I am taking large amounts of probiotics,

as well as eating 3 cups of yogurt a day. I stuck with the intro for

several weeks, and am eating still easy-to digest foods, and need to

keep my fiber down.

I am still very delicate, and treading slowly. I started with GSE - 15

drops once a day, and that hasn't seemed to be doing anything. 3 days

ago, I started Candizyme, and on the first day, I noticed an increase

in gas, and did not have a bowel movement. (Which is extremely rare

for me.) The last 2 morning, my fecal output is WAY reduced, which I

remember happening when I first started SCD. I am also taking epsom

salt baths every night.

My question is, what has been the most successful strategy in

concurring yeast? My doctor will not prescribe a medication for it;

(though he was ready to prescribe Vancomyacin when I suggested I may

have c.difficile; I told him I'd rather wait for the test result!) so

I am stuck with the natural means. I've been trying to put coconut oil

mixed with tea tree oil on my anus and vagina; I also tried yogurt on

my vagina, but it is still itchy. I have read that a garlic vaginal

suppository may help.

I am most concerned with ridding my intestines of yeast. My CRP

(measure of inflammation in the body) just came back elevated; so

despite going from diarrhea to mostly solid bowel movements, I still

have inflammation. I bought some oil of oregeno the other day, but am

concerned about it causing diarrhea, and I also homeschool my two

girls, and cannot afford to go through bad die-off, as my husband has

just been forced to start commuting, so is no longer home during the


Any suggestions as to what worked the best is welcome. I miss my SCD

baked treats!

Oh, and I just found DCCC for the first time! I know one is supposed to

avoid cheese when fighting yeast; is DCCC included in this omission? I

tolerate cheese products fine, but am avoiding them until I can

overcome this imbalance.


SCD 2.5 years

CD 18 years

sulfasalazine, s.boulardii, probiotics, Candizyme (4 a day) lots of

coconut oil...

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